bad omens ;; termite


"I just don't understand. Dead cats actually visiting the living? Absolutely insane!" Fireflypaw is chattering away to Termitepaw, having been rambling the poor apprentice's ear off even though confusion was very evident in the other's body language. Part of him wished that Haku had given him more information, had told him who he was more than just his name. He wanted to get to know his namesake, not just meet him once! It wasn't fair!

"Life is so weird.. Don'tcha think, Termie?"
( 𓆣 ) Termitepaw blinks owl-like at Fireflypaw, expression one of pure bewilderment as he just... keeps going. And going. She's not complaining, it's not like she has anything better to be doing, but why her of all cats? Why has she been chosen as victim for Fireflypaw's tales of starlit dreams? His story is strange, too -- but she supposes that's par for the course, for a medicine cat. She doesn't know what she'd do, if a dead cat visited her. Run, maybe.

Termitepaw startles slightly when the conversation is turned to her, broken from her baffled reverie. Life is weird, yes, but... What is she even supposed to say to all that? She blinks at Fireflypaw for a few more heartbeats, otherwise unmoving. "Ye-es..." she settles on eventually. She tilts her head, considering. "I do-on't think I've ever, mm, dreamed of StarClan, before... I'd kno-ow, yes?" Omens, maybe. All dreams have some meaning to them, but she's never met the messenger personally.

Belatedly, the final word he spoke registers. Fully apart from their admittedly one-sided conversation, Termitepaw repeats in a dumbfounded murmur, "Termie...?"