camp bad reputation // intro.



pricklekit | 03 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #4f7942

Sometimes, she wonders if there's something.... wrong with her. If she's cursed. As she stares at her paw - blackened, like the hand of death. An oddity among her pale pelt - soft creams and blues mottled across her pelt like sunlight filtered through the trees. She thinks it'd be more apt had it been placed upon her chest - over her heart. She knows shes a broken thing after all - something twisted and bent and not quite right.

She loves her family - loves her clan. She loves them all so very dearly, and yet it never shows - not on the surface at least. She's simply not built for such things, try as she might. No, she is a creature of blood and death and power and it shows in her every move - muscled coiled and taught, she slinks about even now as though she is on the hunt, as though her clanmates are simply prey and she is on the hunt. She watches them with wary gaze, green eyes sharp and keen and just a bit too cold. Trust is not something that comes easy to her. It is something that has to be fought for, with tooth and nail, something that has to be earned.

She wonders, sometimes, if perhaps it isn't a curse at all - but a blessing. Her loved one's know her for what she is, and love her anyway. She shares secretive smiles with her siblings, simple quirks of the lips and the glitter of laughter in her gaze. They put up with her silly puns and morbid jokes and love her anyway. She she loves them back. It doesn't matter much to Pricklekit how the others view her - the odd child with to intelligent green eyes, the one who never smiles, never laughs. And that's okay.

She supposes she'll never know if her oddity was by starclans paw - curse or blessing, it doesn't matter. It simply is.

Turning her attentions and musings away from her paw as her grooming session is complete, the girl glances about - gaze lingering as she studies face after face. Her place against the edge of the nursery is the perfect view point - away from the hustle and bustle and yet close enough to observe. It's one of the things she likes best about being a kit. She's often overlooked - and it's much easier to people watch without being disturbed by every passerby.
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by the time she had awaken from a short nap, the nest was one body lighter. blue eyes peeled open to try and spot who was missing when she saw pricklekit sitting near the edge of the nursery. a small frown fell on the tortie's face. what was she doing so far away? it didn't really matter, because the other kit's silent watching was about to be obliterated.

"prrickleee" came the sing-song greeting of eve as she bounced over to the other kit. "why are you just watching, huh?" she asked, sitting next to them as she just stared. she tried to search for whatever her littermate could be eyeing, but found nothing interesting enough to hold her gaze. what on earth was she looking at! eve couldn't help but feel a bit left out. had she missed something?

"ok, this is like super boring. wanna do something fun?" she asked, a mischievous smile on her face. it's almost a rhetorical question. if she was going to do something risky, she needed someone else to take the fall for it. besides, if she said no, eve was just going to drag her sister along anyways. "i heard that there's a really tall tree somewhere in camp. like, so big that if you climb to the top you can touch a cloud," she added, not giving her sister any time to interject, or even think about it. she lowered her voice down to just above a whisper before adding, "and i was thinking, wouldn't it be so cool to touch a cloud? doesn't that sound totally awesome?" more fun than sitting around watching her clanmates.

her tail twitched excitedly. she would be the first kit in skyclan history to touch a cloud. they would be telling stories about her for ages. the perfect plan with the perfect outcome. the only thing that could stop her was either one of her parents. but that was exactly why she had whispered, duh. what they didn't know couldn't hurt them, so they just wouldn't find out. it was a foolproof plan.

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"Touch a cloud... and float away." With wispy breath and a tired yawn, the little black and white tom shakes himself free of his nap. Wavering vocals slither through the chilly air toward his sisters as the amber-eyed boy rises to greet them. They wanted to climb the big tree and touch the sky, but Stagkit wasn't sure that was such a good idea. How would they get down?

"Like feathers caught within the breeze. Float, float away, high above until you have nowhere else to go but... higher. Maybe you could reach the stars, or the sun." He goes on, his wide, owlish eyes flickering between the two siblings.

Life was stranger now than ever before, but Stagkit doesn't mind. The day Deersong had found him in the woods was little more than a hazy dream now, something to be forgotten, he thinks. The SkyClan deputy was just like a mama and so therefore she was. These kits that shared the nursery with him? They were siblings, youths who shared the same nest, the same future, the same loving parents. The hows and the whys didn't matter so much anymore.

"Floating only goes up, though." Stagkit adds on, his eyes settling with that uncanny and unblinking stare upon Eveningkit. "Never down. You would get stuck up there." Or maybe she'd grow wings and turn into a bird. Was that how birds were made? Kits who reached for clouds?
"Touching clouds sound boring, Pa touches cloud all the time, that's how he gets us birds!" Palekit found all of this airy talk and clouds and floating and feathers dreadfully dull. His odd mash of curls and spikes poofed up, his mind racing with things they could possibly do instead. "I want to get berries out of Dawnglare's den and mash 'em up and we can make ourselves red and blue!" How much more fun would their coats be if they weren't just mixtures of the same gray, cream, and whites? He had spied the types of things their medicine cat had hidden away, no reason why they couldn't be shared....

.... or taken by deft, curly paws.... "speech"
" hello my little stormcloud " he greets his brooding black-pawed child, a loud mind and a hushed tongue. Observant and reserved, they were alot like him at this age. While eveningkit, bright-eyed like her mother and painted with a whimsical grace despite her childish moon of age.

Stagkit and Palekit were speaking as Thistleback tuned in with a watchful glare spun around the edges of camp. A hawk over his nest as it were. His hackles sway as he swishes out his coat.

" tsk tsk- my devious scorpions " he chuckles.

" we are too heavy for the clouds right now, my son " Thistleback arches his spine in a stretch, eyeing his spawn with as soft a gaze as the razor of a cat could manage. A deeply rooted adoration veined behind his grey optics, talons work in crescent ready to bleed out anything that came near his family. " you must be taught to fly " he didn’t wish to instill fear of climbing, nor did he wish for his children to sneak their way into a canopy and plummet to their death.

Now herbs- Thistleback needed to thread the fear of god into. " Dawnglare has berries in there that can make your fur fall out. I doubt you wish to be a furless skin creature during these cold moons " he tries, his own devious smirk playing at his jaws.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) "There you are, little gemstones." A familiar and loving coo would settle down onto the family that had gathered just outside the nursery. Within pearly white fangs hung a thin squirrel, which the mother placed before her kittens before taking a seat beside her mate.

"I don't think Dawnglare will be super keen on you kits stealing his berries." Her half tail would sway behind her as she smiled at them all, "Your papa is right, who knows what all his herbs can do? Don't want any of you getting sick or worse." Her tone was as soft and calm as usual, but there was a tiny hint of firmness as her aqua gaze took in the sight of her brood.

"How about we have a race today instead?" She would use her paw to point to the stump in the camp that warriors used to sun themselves during the warmer moons, "Or we could play a treasure-hunting game? All of you against Papa and me?" She would offer Thistleback a smile of mischief before turning back to their children, "How about it?"

pricklekit | 03 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #4f7942

One after another, most of her family joins her. Even as her expression remains the same, green gaze softens and warms. Giving eveningkit a fond look, she gives the faintest twitch of her lips before speaking. "You can learn a lot by watching," she says softly, voice lilting. She knows her sisteri sn't much for sitting around doing nothing, and she's proven right mere moments later. "I don't think that's such a good idea. What if you fall?" she doesn't think to be worries about herself - while she's by no means perfect, she's learnt to trust her gut and her instincts - she's certain that with a bit of time and patience climbing would come as naturally to her as breathing. Or at least, she hopes it will, but she's confident and self-assured, not doubting it for even a moment.

Stagkit is next to arrive - the tom she's only ever known as a brother. She knows they aren't related of course, but they may as well be. Head tips to the side, inquisitively, consideringly, one brow raised as she listens. Heavy-lidded green gaze is contemplative as pale jaws part to speak, words drawled out languidly. "Might be nice - to touch the stars, see starclan with out own eyes." without dying is left unsaid - such thoughts are inappropriate after all, and she doesn't want to trouble her siblings with such dark musings (even though she finds it quite funny in a twisted sort of way.)

Palekits idea is less interesting, but more feasible. Green gaze quickly turns and flicks over her golden-hued brother, nose wrinkling. This time however, the scathing remark on the tip of her tongue never makes it past parted lips, as finally it seems, their parents have noticed the gossiping bunch. Gaze warm, she peers up at her father, the nickname that falls so softly from his lips causing her to sit up straighter - prideful. Another twitch of her lips is followed by a quiet snort of amusement, eyes glimmering "I think he'd look rather fetching without fur. Like a plucked sparrow," her words are well intentioned and playful, though the mental image it leaves is rather funny.

The thought of something worse possibly befalling him - or any of her siblings - has the humor leaving her. Worried gaze flits from one parent to the other, uncertain. Are there really so many dangers in the medicine den? Wasn't he supposed to heal - not harm? She doesn't voice her worrisome thoughts, but she can feel the spark of anxiety dance somewhere in her ribcage, sending a twitch down her spine. "I'd like to race." she says, her words soft and gentle despite her monotone delivery.