bada bing, bada boom || testing


♬ state your case, cause the lines are drawn~ ♬
Jul 23, 2023
hi pls don't mind me losing my mind! once i get these functioning,,, they will be f2u!

if you're looking for some f2u sprites and pixels for your templates (or where i got mine from) here is where i store the ones i've made! completely free to use, go hard! feel free to suggest any lol (don't have to be used in my templates alone, use 'em anywhere go hard. no need to credit)
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₊✧₊── i know saint peter won't call my name ──₊✧₊

a wall of well meaning roleplay text should spawn here soon ... good luck weary traveler.

₊✧₊── never an honest word but that's when i ruled the world ──₊✧₊
『 shadowclan warrior | | penned by teefleaf

[IMG align="CENTER"  width="210"]smallimgbannerspritehere[/IMG][CENTER][FONT=GEORGIA]
[SIZE=4][glow=#fff]₊✧₊── lyrics set one here ──₊✧₊[/SIZE][/CENTER][/glow][hr=3][/hr]
[CENTER][SIZE=5] a wall of well meaning roleplay text should spawn here soon ... good luck weary traveler.[/SIZE][/CENTER] [hr=3][/hr]
[glow=#fff][center][SIZE=4]₊✧₊──  lyrics set two here ──₊✧₊[/size][/glow][size=2]『 clan warrior | [b]♂/♀/⚥/☿[/b] | penned by [i]roleplayer[/i] 』[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[IMG align="CENTER"  width="210"]smallbannerspriteimagehere[/IMG][/box]
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[ are your eyes tired? you've been sleeping ... ]
your roleplay text will go here ..... now for a lorum impsum sponsorship!

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. morbi maximus ante et eros rhoncus, et porttitor dolor tempor. in vel eros tellus. fusce vitae tortor vulputate, tristique lectus eget, ultricies lorem. nunc sit amet augue erat. praesent aliquam, ex quis convallis eleifend, leo velit eleifend augue, sed cursus tortor lacus sit amet eros. sed gravida tempus augue, eget feugiat magna scelerisque vitae. nulla facilisi. praesent ut dolor non metus interdum auctor. curabitur ac hendrerit neque, a pretium ipsum. integer congue nunc ac nulla placerat dapibus.

in vitae ipsum luctus, posuere massa a, porta odio. donec luctus finibus enim quis aliquet. vestibulum vestibulum molestie risus vitae eleifend. fusce urna eros, fringilla eget elementum sed, faucibus at nulla. nunc ac pharetra nunc. aliquam at tincidunt neque. sed ornare rhoncus ipsum eu volutpat. nullam ultricies turpis nisl. vivamus id dignissim sem, sit amet aliquet dui.

etiam blandit convallis tellus eu tristique. etiam bibendum tincidunt eleifend. praesent bibendum porta ante nec rutrum. sed eleifend felis vitae facilisis sagittis. sed tristique odio vitae enim rhoncus, hendrerit iaculis est pulvinar. nulla molestie vel lacus nec lobortis. sed feugiat vehicula ultrices. fusce pharetra, turpis a accumsan posuere, arcu purus tincidunt dolor, eget varius arcu neque eget felis. nulla ut dolor volutpat, commodo tellus nec, fermentum magna. in gravida pharetra semper. ut eget aliquam erat, a aliquam mauris.

[ "Speech." | tags ]

[BOX=30%][IMG ALIGN="center"]ocimagehere[/IMG][/BOX]
[BOX=60%][LEFT][FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][glow=#fff][ small set of lyrics here  ][/glow][/font]
[JUSTIFY][FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][SIZE=4][COLOR=here]your roleplay text will go here ..... now for a lorum impsum sponsorship!
[RIGHT] [IMG]spriteorsmallimagehere[/IMG]
[FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][glow=#fff][ "[color=#colorcode]Speech.[/color]" | [abbr=Clan Rank - Gender or Sex - attack in colorcode]tags[/abbr] ][/glow][/FONT][/RIGHT][/BOX]


[ are your eyes tired? you've been sleeping ... ]
your roleplay text will go here ..... now for a lorum impsum sponsorship!

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. morbi maximus ante et eros rhoncus, et porttitor dolor tempor. in vel eros tellus. fusce vitae tortor vulputate, tristique lectus eget, ultricies lorem. nunc sit amet augue erat. praesent aliquam, ex quis convallis eleifend, leo velit eleifend augue, sed cursus tortor lacus sit amet eros. sed gravida tempus augue, eget feugiat magna scelerisque vitae. nulla facilisi. praesent ut dolor non metus interdum auctor.

etiam blandit convallis tellus eu tristique. etiam bibendum tincidunt eleifend. praesent bibendum porta ante nec rutrum. sed eleifend felis vitae facilisis sagittis. sed tristique odio vitae enim rhoncus, hendrerit iaculis est pulvinar. nulla molestie vel lacus nec lobortis. sed feugiat vehicula ultrices. fusce pharetra, turpis a accumsan posuere, arcu purus tincidunt dolor, eget varius arcu neque eget felis. nulla ut dolor volutpat, commodo tellus nec, fermentum magna. in gravida pharetra semper. ut eget aliquam erat, a aliquam mauris.
[ "Speech." | tags ]

[BOX=30%][IMG ALIGN="center"]ocimagehere[/IMG][/BOX]
[BOX=60%][LEFT][FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][glow=#fff][ short set of lyrics go here  ][/glow][/font]
[JUSTIFY][FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][SIZE=4][COLOR=here]your roleplay text will go here ..... now for a lorum impsum sponsorship!

[RIGHT][FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][glow=#fff][ "[color=colorcode]Speech.[/color]" | [abbr=Clan Rank - Gender or Sex - attack in colorcode]tags[/abbr] ][/glow][/FONT][/RIGHT]
Last edited:

your roleplay text will go here ..... now for a lorum impsum sponsorship!

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. morbi maximus ante et eros rhoncus, et porttitor dolor tempor. in vel eros tellus. fusce vitae tortor vulputate, tristique lectus eget, ultricies lorem. nunc sit amet augue erat. praesent aliquam, ex quis convallis eleifend, leo velit eleifend augue, sed cursus tortor lacus sit amet eros. sed gravida tempus augue, eget feugiat magna scelerisque vitae. nulla facilisi. praesent ut dolor non metus interdum auctor. curabitur ac hendrerit neque, a pretium ipsum. integer congue nunc ac nulla placerat dapibus.

in vitae ipsum luctus, posuere massa a, porta odio. donec luctus finibus enim quis aliquet. vestibulum vestibulum molestie risus vitae eleifend. fusce urna eros, fringilla eget elementum sed, faucibus at nulla. nunc ac pharetra nunc. aliquam at tincidunt neque. sed ornare rhoncus ipsum eu volutpat. nullam ultricies turpis nisl. vivamus id dignissim sem, sit amet aliquet dui.

etiam blandit convallis tellus eu tristique. etiam bibendum tincidunt eleifend. praesent bibendum porta ante nec rutrum. sed eleifend felis vitae facilisis sagittis. sed tristique odio vitae enim rhoncus, hendrerit iaculis est pulvinar. nulla molestie vel lacus nec lobortis. sed feugiat vehicula ultrices. fusce pharetra, turpis a accumsan posuere, arcu purus tincidunt dolor, eget varius arcu neque eget felis. nulla ut dolor volutpat, commodo tellus nec, fermentum magna. in gravida pharetra semper. ut eget aliquam erat, a aliquam mauris.

[ "Speech." | tags (hover) ]

[BOX=60%][IMG width="210px"]ocimgoraestheticimghere[/IMG]
[JUSTIFY][FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][SIZE=5][COLOR=here]put your roleplay text here[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/JUSTIFY]
[RIGHT][ "[color=speechcolorcode]Speech.[/color]" | [abbr=RANK of Clan - Gender or Sex - Pronouns - attack in #colorcode]tags (hover)[/abbr] ]

[ i keep swingin' my hand through a swarm of bees ]
your roleplay text will go here ..... now for a lorum impsum sponsorship!
[ 'cause i want honey on my table ]

[BOX=60%][LEFT][img][/img] [img][/img]
[FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][glow=#fff][ lyrics one go here ][/glow][/font]
[JUSTIFY][FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][SIZE=4][COLOR=here]your roleplay text will go here[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/JUSTIFY]
[RIGHT][FONT=TIMESNEWROMAN][glow=#fff][ 'lyrics two go here ][/glow][/FONT][/RIGHT]


[ i love that you tried so hard to change your way ☾☆゚. ]
your roleplay text will go here
[ 。゚ ☆☽ but the cloth is heavy, few can bear it's weight ]

[indent][FONT=georgia][glow=#fff][ lyrics one  ☾☆゚. ][/glow][/font][/indent]
[indent][indent][JUSTIFY][FONT=georgia][SIZE=4][COLOR=here]your roleplay text will go here[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/JUSTIFY][/indent][/indent]
[RIGHT][FONT=georgia][glow=#fff][ 。゚ ☆☽ lyrics two ][/glow][/FONT][/RIGHT]
[right][IMG][/IMG] [img][/img][/right][/BOX]
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  • NAME
    ◦━ current name here
    ◦━ future names // past names
    ◦━ nicknames + aliases or titles​

    ◦━ 00/00/0000 + birthplace
    ◦━ ages 00 of month​

    ◦━ birth-sex // gender // pronouns
    ◦━ sexuality // romantic attraction
    ◦━ 1/2 of shipname

    ◦━ clan
    ◦━ occupation [au/non-au]
    ◦━ rank < wants position rank in the future >
    ◦━ possibility to betray/stay loyal​

    ◦━ genetics
    ◦━ genetic mutations:
    ◦━ generation no. #
    ◦━ carrying [presenting/non-presenting]​

    ◦━ voiceclaim
    ◦━ faceclaim (for au purpose)​

    penned by @ your account

    who did the character grow up with? what was life like with their family, did anything happen in their family? any specific memories? was there any big events or plot points that shaped the character into who they are between childhood and now? etc

    ☾ ☼ ☽ answer here​

    this should be accumulated past plot points, explanations of the character's history. generic stuff such as how they came to be in what group, how they got certain names/titles/ranks etc

    ☾ ☼ ☽ answer here​

    was the character a recipient of formal education? if so, what was the education and how experienced are they in it? did they receive enough education to be eligible for promotions? etc (may include memories of their teachers/those they've taught)

    ☾ ☼ ☽ answer here​

    ◦━ past mentor? - name (status + closeness)
    ◦━ current mentor? - name (status + closeness)
    ◦━ past apprentices? - name, name, name
    ◦━ current apprentices? - name, name, name​

    everyone has regrets and skeletons in their closets, what does your character have? is there anything the character regrets "if only i could turn back time / if only i had known earlier / if only ..." etc. does anyone know their secrets or regrets? what would happen if others knew these secrets or regrets? etc

    ☾ ☼ ☽ answer here​

    type [the ...]
    jungian, villain, archetypes. [the JUNGIAN] [the VILLAIN] [% caregiver, % intellectual, % spiritual]
    ◦━ traits - here, here, here, here​

    these are things that would make the character more likeable by others, whether it be because of behavior, attitude or skills. do they have any skills related to their rank or occupation that makes them a step above the others? what virtues does your character have? how about their morals?

    ☽ ☼ ☾ answer here​

    nobody is perfect, flaws are real and they make the character believable, as they would anyone. look over their history and look for clues in their reactions to certain events; are there strong suits or weaknesses there? if so, what are they? these are negative traits that the character might not like about themself, or that others have pointed out to them. this could include fears, phobias, etc. study your character for flaws and weaknesses, these things help to make them who they are.

    ☽ ☼ ☾ answer here​

    does the character have any favored foods, colors, locations, people? etc. do they have anything that they dislike? if so what is it? do they have any hobbies or preferred activities?

    ☽ ☼ ☾ answer here​

    does the character have any specific dreams or goals in life? do any dreams come true/have come true? what are their ambitions in life?

    ☽ ☼ ☾ answer here​

  • PARENTS & GUARDIAN FIGURES this is the area to describe the relationship with certain figures (erase this once done)
    ◦ mother (close? distant?) life status
    ◦ father (close? distant?) life status
    ◦ guardians? (close? distant?) life status
    ◦ grandparents? (close? distant?) life status
    ◦ foster parents? (close? distant?) life status​

    SIBLINGS + ADJACENT same as parents (erase)
    ◦ younger siblings:
    ◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)​
    ◦ older siblings:
    ◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)​
    ◦ littermates:
    ◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)​

    ◦ cousins:
    ◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)​
    ◦ aunts & uncles etc:
    ◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)​
    ◦ nieces & nephews etc:
    ◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)​

    ◦ name + gender + life status + closeness
    ◦ name + gender + life status + closeness​

    SPOUSES, PARTNERS & CRUSHES - romantic, platonic etc.
    ◦ past partners? - name (reason for separation? + type of partnership)
    ◦ current partners - name (type of partnership)
    ◦ crushes - name (status + group)​

    FRIENDS & ENEMIES - are they best friends, close friends, acquaintances, are they passive enemies, aggressive enemies, mortal enemies? why are they enemies?
    ◦━ name - closeness
    ◦━ name - closeness

    ◦━ name - closeness - reason for animosity
    ◦━ name - closeness - reason for animosity​

    ◦━ height + weight - answer
    ◦━ general build/description of musculature - answer
    ◦━ health of body - answer​

    ◦━ pelt color + length - answer
    ◦━ eye color - answer
    ◦━ accessories - answer
    ◦━ scars - answer
    ◦━ unique marks - answer​


    drawn by thisartist

    drawn by thisartist

    has the character made any big accomplishments or received any awards? if these are in-character accomplishments, they could be relevant to the personality or plots related to the character. for ic/ooc promotions, list threads and a small description of the thread. this can be used as an important thread tracker for the character as well, including any guides or explanations of the character. this should be a place where important life events are explained and potential plots listed. etc
    ◦━ thread one - quick description here
    ◦━ thread two - quick description here
    ◦━ thread three - quick description here​

    Posting Code

[size=30px][ OC NAME HERE ][/size]
[indent]	◦━ current name here
	◦━ [i]future names[/i] // [u]past names[/u]
	◦━ nicknames + aliases or titles[/indent]

[indent]	◦━ [i]00/00/0000[/i] + birthplace
	◦━ ages 00 of month[/indent]

[indent]	◦━ birth-sex // [i]gender[/i] // [i][u]pronouns[/u][/i]
	◦━ sexuality // romantic attraction
	◦━ 1/2 of [b]shipname[/b][/indent]


[indent]	◦━ [i]clan[/i]
	◦━ occupation [au/non-au]
	◦━ [b]rank[/b] < wants [i]position[/i] rank in the future >
	◦━ possibility to betray/stay loyal[/indent]

[indent]	◦━ genetics
	◦━ genetic mutations: 
	◦━ generation no. [u]#[/u]
	◦━ carrying [presenting/non-presenting][/indent]

[indent]	◦━ voiceclaim
	◦━ faceclaim (for au purpose) [/indent]

penned by @ [i]your account[/i][/size][/font][/justify]
[justify][font=timesnewroman][size=13px][glow=#fff][b]CHILDHOOD/FAMILY LIFE[/b][/glow] - 
[indent]who did the character grow up with? what was life like with their family, did anything happen in their family? any specific memories? was there any big events or plot points that shaped the character into who they are between childhood and now? etc

☾ ☼ ☽ answer here[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]HISTORY[/b][/glow] - 
[indent]this should be accumulated past plot points, explanations of the character's history. generic stuff such as how they came to be in what group, how they got certain names/titles/ranks etc

☾ ☼ ☽ answer here[/indent]

[glow=#fff][B]EDUCATION[/B][/glow] - 
[indent]was the character a recipient of formal education? if so, what was the education and how experienced are they in it? did they receive enough education to be eligible for promotions? etc (may include memories of their teachers/those they've taught)

☾ ☼ ☽ answer here[/indent]

[indent][glow=#fff][b]EDUCATION TEAMS[/b][/glow]
	[indent]◦━ past mentor? - name (status + closeness)
	◦━ current mentor? - name (status + closeness)
	◦━ past apprentices? - name, name, name
	◦━ current apprentices? - name, name, name[/indent][/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]REGRETS & SECRETS[/b][/glow] - 
[indent]everyone has regrets and skeletons in their closets, what does your character have? is there anything the character regrets "if only i could turn back time / if only i had known earlier / if only ..." etc. does anyone know their secrets or regrets? what would happen if others knew these secrets or regrets? etc

☾ ☼ ☽ answer here[/indent][/size][/font][/justify]

[justify][font=timesnewroman][size=13px][glow=#fff][b]PERSONALITY TYPE[/b][/glow] - 
[indent][url=][i]type[/i][/url] [the ...]
[b]jungian, villain, archetypes.[/b] [[url=]the JUNGIAN[/url]] [[url=]the VILLAIN[/url]] [[url=]% caregiver, % intellectual, % spiritual[/url]]
	◦━ [i]traits [/i]- here, here, here, here[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]SKILLS & VIRTUES[/b][/glow] - 
[indent]these are things that would make the character more likeable by others, whether it be because of behavior, attitude or skills. do they have any skills related to their rank or occupation that makes them a step above the others? what virtues does your character have? how about their morals?

☽ ☼ ☾  answer here[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]FLAWS, FEARS & WEAKNESSES[/b][/glow] -
[indent]nobody is perfect, flaws are real and they make the character believable, as they would anyone. look over their history and look for clues in their reactions to certain events; are there strong suits or weaknesses there? if so, what are they? these are negative traits that the character might not like about themself, or that others have pointed out to them. this could include fears, phobias, etc. study your character for flaws and weaknesses, these things help to make them who they are.

☽ ☼ ☾  answer here[/indent]
[glow=#fff][b]LIKES & DISLIKES[/b][/glow] - 
[indent]does the character have any favored foods, colors, locations, people? etc. do they have anything that they dislike? if so what is it? do they have any hobbies or preferred activities?

☽ ☼ ☾  answer here[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]DREAMS, GOALS & AMBITIONS[/b][/glow] - 
[indent]does the character have any specific dreams or goals in life? do any dreams come true/have come true? what are their ambitions in life?

 ☽ ☼ ☾  answer here[/indent][/size][/font][/justify]
[Slide=Relationships + Bonds]
[justify][font=timesnewroman][size=13px][glow=#fff][B]PARENTS & GUARDIAN FIGURES[/B][/glow] this is the area to describe the relationship with certain figures (erase this once done)
[indent]◦ mother (close? distant?) life status
	◦ father (close? distant?) life status
	◦ guardians? (close? distant?) life status
	◦ grandparents? (close? distant?) life status
	◦ foster parents? (close? distant?) life status[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]SIBLINGS + ADJACENT[/b][/glow] same as parents (erase)
	[indent]◦ younger siblings:
		[indent]◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)[/indent][/indent]
	[indent]◦ older siblings:
		[indent]◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)[/indent][/indent]
	[indent]◦ littermates:
		[indent]◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)[/indent][/indent]

	[indent]◦ cousins:
		[indent]◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)[/indent][/indent]
	[indent]◦ aunts & uncles etc:
		[indent]◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)[/indent][/indent]
	[indent]◦ nieces & nephews etc:
		[indent]◦ name + gender + life status + closeness (on site? group?)[/indent][/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]OFFSPRING + FOSTER CHILDREN[/b][/glow]
	[indent]◦ name + gender + life status + closeness
	◦ name + gender + life status + closeness[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]SPOUSES, PARTNERS & CRUSHES[/b][/glow] - romantic, platonic etc.
[indent]	◦  past partners? - name (reason for separation? + [b]type of partnership[/b])
	◦ current partners - name ([b]type of partnership[/b])
	◦ crushes - name ([u]status[/u] + [i]group[/i])[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]FRIENDS & ENEMIES[/b][/glow] - are they best friends, close friends, acquaintances, are they passive enemies, aggressive enemies, mortal enemies? why are they enemies?
[indent]	[i]FRIENDS[/i]
		◦━ name - closeness
		◦━ name - closeness

		◦━ name - closeness - reason for animosity
		◦━ name - closeness - reason for animosity[/indent]
[justify][font=timesnewroman][size=13px][glow=#fff][b]BUILD OF BODY[/b][/glow]
[indent]	◦━ height + weight - answer
	◦━ general build/description of musculature - answer
	◦━ health of body - answer[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/b][/glow]
[indent]	◦━ pelt color + length - answer
	◦━ eye color - answer
	◦━ accessories - answer
	◦━ scars - answer
	◦━ unique marks - answer[/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]REFERENCE & PFPS[/b][/glow]
drawn by [url=ARTIST]thisartist[/url]

drawn by [url=ARTIST]thisartist[/url][/center]
[justify][font=timesnewroman][size=13px][glow=#fff][b]ACCOMPLISHMENTS & AWARDS[/b][/glow]
[indent]has the character made any big accomplishments or received any awards? if these are in-character accomplishments, they could be relevant to the personality or plots related to the character. for ic/ooc promotions, list threads and a small description of the thread. this can be used as an important thread tracker for the character as well, including any guides or explanations of the character. this should be a place where important life events are explained and potential plots listed. etc
 [indent]   ◦━ [url="HERE"]thread one[/url] - quick description here
    ◦━ [url= 'HERE']thread two[/url] - quick description here
    ◦━ [url= 'HERE']thread three[/url] - quick description here[/indent][/indent]

[glow=#fff][b]Posting Code[/b][/glow]
[center]insert your posting code here with the code commands aka [ code ] and [ / code ] without the spaces[/justify][/slide]

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「 ❝ FULL NAME ❞ 」

  • full name | alias | titles
    -- past names
    -- future names

    ✦ age (00/00/0000) | birth-place
    group | rank | occupation
    ✦ gender | orientation

  • ✦ quick genetics | moggy or purebred | health % | [ref]
    -- accessories - here
    -- scars - here
    -- eye color - here
    -- short physical description - here

    ✦ face claim: here | voice claim: here

  • ✦ parents | generation
    ✦ siblings
    ✦ children (other parent x oc)

    ✦ mentored by name | mentoring name
    ✦ 1/2 of shipname | relationship status
    -- current partners - name ( lovers, platonic etc)
    -- crushes - name (group)

    ✦ friends: name [closeness], name [closeness]
    ✦ enemies: name [reason], name [reason]

  • ✦ start fights | end fights | antagonize (will/won't)
    ✦ show mercy | kill | run away (will/won't)
    ✦ physically difficulty lvl | mentally difficultly lvl | overall difficultly lvl
    -- mention @ account when needed | attack in color

    important links:
    -- character guides etc | guide/info/storage
    -- art gallery | toyhouse

    item one
    -- description here
    -- how it was obtained:

    item two
    -- description here
    -- how it was obtained:

[box=45%][center][img]IMG_URL[/img] [img]IMG_URL[/img] [img]IMG_URL[/img][/center]
[center][font=georgia][size=20px][color=HERE]「 ❝ FULL NAME ❞ 」[/color][/size][/font][/center]
[slide=.01 - THE BASICS]
[font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE] ✦ [b]full name[/b] | alias | titles
 -- [u]past names[/u]
 -- [i]future names[/i]

 ✦ age ([i]00/00/0000[/i]) | birth-place
 ✦ [i]group [/i]| [b]rank [/b]| occupation
 ✦ gender | orientation[/color][/size][/font]

[slide=.02 - LOOKS]
[font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE] ✦ quick genetics | [i]moggy or purebred[/i] | [b]health %[/b] | [[url=http://here]ref[/url]]
 -- accessories - here
 -- scars - here
 -- eye color - here
 -- short physical description - here

 ✦ face claim: here | voice claim: here[/color][/size][/font]

[slide=.03 - RELATIONSHIPS]
[font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE] ✦ parents | [u]generation[/u]
 ✦ siblings
 ✦ children [u](other parent x oc)[/u]

 ✦ mentored by [u]name[/u] | mentoring [i][b]name[/b][/i]
 ✦ 1/2 of [b]shipname[/b] | [i]relationship status[/i]
        -- current partners - name [b]( lovers, platonic etc)[/b]
        -- crushes - name [i](group)[/i]

 ✦ friends: name [i][closeness][/i], name [i][closeness][/i]
 ✦ enemies: name [[b]reason[/b]], name [[b]reason[/b]][/color][/size][/font]

[slide=.04 - MISC]
[font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]  ✦ start fights | end fights | antagonize (will/won't)
 ✦ show mercy | kill | run away (will/won't)
 ✦ physically difficulty lvl | mentally difficultly lvl | overall difficultly lvl
 -- mention [i]@ account[/i] when needed | attack in [b]color[/b]

 ✦ [b]important links:[/b]
        -- character guides etc | [url=http://here]guide/info/storage[/url]
        -- art gallery | [url=http://here]toyhouse[/url]

[b]item one[/b]
[indent] -- description here
 [i]-- how it was obtained:[/i] [/indent]

[b]item two[/b]
[indent] -- description here
 [i]-- how it was obtained:[/i] [/indent]

ok self note it does work but i need to crop to size the images i wanna use ok bet

i'll play w lyrics later
Last edited:


    full name | alias | titles
    -- past names
    -- future names

    ✦ age (00/00/0000) | birth-place
    group | rank | occupation
    ✦ gender | orientation

    ✦ mentored by name | mentoring name
    ✦ 1/2 of shipname | relationship status

  • This oc is open to the following types of plots. I am in search of these types of plots:

    — here
    — here
    — here

    — here
    — here
    — here

  • This oc is closed to the following plots listed below. I, as the roleplayer, would possibly consider these plots but I am iffy on them.

    — here
    — here
    — here

    — here
    — here
    — here

  • This is for plots that have been decided upon for future, past, or current occurrence. The plots can be listed down in quick tag format or fully explained. This is more for the roleplayer's use so that they don't lost track of plots that they have agreed to etc. Feel free to copy and paste the format for however many plots you have planned. Name of plot can be ignored if desired.

    name of plot
    — info goes here about plot
    ^^ [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ] ^^
    [ important links to the plot ]
    1. name of thread
    2. name of thread

    name of plot
    — info goes here about plot
    ^^ [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ] ^^
    [ important links to the plot ]
    1. name of thread
    2. name of thread

  • Planned developmental plots can be found here, as well as past or current plots. This is a place for the roleplayer to organize their thoughts. Feel free to disregard the format here and do your own thing! Everyone has their own thought processes lol

    plot name or number
    — info goes here about plot
    planned timeline: answer here
    [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ]

    [ important links regarding this plot (in-sequence/planed/past) ]
    1. name of thread
    2. name of thread

    plot name or number
    — info goes here about plot
    planned timeline: answer here
    [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ]

    [ important links regarding this plot (in-sequence/planed/past) ]
    1. name of thread
    2. name of thread

  • you can put whatever you want here. maybe a heart chart???
    © teefleaf

[slide=. ✦ .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]BASIC INFO

 ✦ [b]full name[/b] | alias | titles
 -- [u]past names[/u]
 -- [i]future names[/i]

 ✦ age ([i]00/00/0000[/i]) | birth-place
 ✦ [i]group [/i]| [b]rank [/b]| occupation
 ✦ gender | orientation

 ✦ mentored by [u]name[/u] | mentoring [i][b]name[/b][/i]
 ✦ 1/2 of [b]shipname[/b] | [i]relationship status[/i]
[slide=. OPEN TO .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]This oc is open to the following types of plots. I am in search of these types of plots:

[b][i]IN SEARCH OF[/I][/B]
— here
— here
— here

[b]OPEN TO[/b]
— here
— here
— here
[slide=. CLOSED TO .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]This oc is closed to the following plots listed below. I, as the roleplayer, would possibly consider these plots but I am iffy on them.

[i][b]IFFY ABOUT[/b][/i]
— here
— here
— here

[b]CLOSED TO[/b]
— here
— here
— here
[slide=. SET-IN-STONE .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]This is for plots that have been decided upon for future, past, or current occurrence. The plots can be listed down in quick tag format or fully explained. This is more for the roleplayer's use so that they don't lost track of plots that they have agreed to etc. Feel free to copy and paste the format for however many plots you have planned. Name of plot can be ignored if desired.

[i][u]name of plot[/u][/i]
 — info goes here about plot
[i]^^ [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ] ^^[/i]
[b][ important links to the plot ][/b]
[url=here]1. name of thread[/url]
[url=here]2. name of thread[/url]

[i][u]name of plot[/u][/i]
 — info goes here about plot
[i]^^ [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ] ^^[/i]
[b][ important links to the plot ][/b]
[url=here]1. name of thread[/url]
[url=here]2. name of thread[/url]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]Planned developmental plots can be found here, as well as past or current plots. This is a place for the roleplayer to organize their thoughts. Feel free to disregard the format here and do your own thing! Everyone has their own thought processes lol

[u]plot name or number[/u]
 — info goes here about plot
[b]planned timeline:[/b] answer here
[i] [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ][/i]

[b][ important links regarding this plot (in-sequence/planed/past) ][/b]
[url=here]1. name of thread[/url]
[url=here]2. name of thread[/url]


[u]plot name or number[/u]
 — info goes here about plot
[b]planned timeline:[/b] answer here
[i] [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ][/i]

[b][ important links regarding this plot (in-sequence/planed/past) ][/b]
[url=here]1. name of thread[/url]
[url=here]2. name of thread[/url]
[slide=. ✦ .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]you can put whatever you want here. maybe a heart chart???[/color][/size][/font][/justify]
[/slide][color=transparent][size=2px]© teefleaf[/size][/color]



roleplay text here or i'll eat your dang knees (mmm yummy knees)

this template may be updated to use tabs in the future, we shall see.

[center][FONT=GEORGIA][COLOR=here][size=5]LYRICS GO HERE [I]![/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=fff]PRO/NOUNS | [abbr=penned by rper]CLAN RANK[/abbr] | "[color=speechcolor]Speech.[/color]"[/color]
[color=fff]roleplay text here or i'll eat your dang knees (mmm yummy knees)[/color][/font][/center][/box]
[slide=. ✦ .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]THREAD TRACKER

✦ FlowerCloud:

✦ MilkPaw:

[slide=. OPEN TO .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]This oc is open to the following types of plots. I am in search of these types of plots:

[b][i]IN SEARCH OF[/I][/B]
— here
— here
— here

[b]OPEN TO[/b]
— here
— here
— here
[slide=. CLOSED TO .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]This oc is closed to the following plots listed below. I, as the roleplayer, would possibly consider these plots but I am iffy on them.

[i][b]IFFY ABOUT[/b][/i]
— here
— here
— here

[b]CLOSED TO[/b]
— here
— here
— here
[slide=. SET-IN-STONE .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]This is for plots that have been decided upon for future, past, or current occurrence. The plots can be listed down in quick tag format or fully explained. This is more for the roleplayer's use so that they don't lost track of plots that they have agreed to etc. Feel free to copy and paste the format for however many plots you have planned. Name of plot can be ignored if desired.

[i][u]name of plot[/u][/i]
 — info goes here about plot
[i]^^ [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ] ^^[/i]
[b][ important links to the plot ][/b]
[url=here]1. name of thread[/url]
[url=here]2. name of thread[/url]

[i][u]name of plot[/u][/i]
 — info goes here about plot
[i]^^ [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ] ^^[/i]
[b][ important links to the plot ][/b]
[url=here]1. name of thread[/url]
[url=here]2. name of thread[/url]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]Planned developmental plots can be found here, as well as past or current plots. This is a place for the roleplayer to organize their thoughts. Feel free to disregard the format here and do your own thing! Everyone has their own thought processes lol

[u]plot name or number[/u]
 — info goes here about plot
[b]planned timeline:[/b] answer here
[i] [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ][/i]

[b][ important links regarding this plot (in-sequence/planed/past) ][/b]
[url=here]1. name of thread[/url]
[url=here]2. name of thread[/url]


[u]plot name or number[/u]
 — info goes here about plot
[b]planned timeline:[/b] answer here
[i] [ this plot involves: quick rundown, chars involved ][/i]

[b][ important links regarding this plot (in-sequence/planed/past) ][/b]
[url=here]1. name of thread[/url]
[url=here]2. name of thread[/url]
[slide=. ✦ .]
[justify][font=georgia][size=15px][color=HERE]you can put whatever you want here. maybe a heart chart???[/color][/size][/font][/justify]
[/slide][color=transparent][size=2px]© teefleaf[/size][/color]