camp bag of bones — open

Jul 16, 2022
The winter has descended upon SkyClan, bringing its biting cold with it and driving away prey. The clan is struggling already, and the fight with ThunderClan only further proves how difficult the winter will be. If tensions are rising even between SkyClan and ThunderClan, two of the most similar clans, then what will become of the rest of the clans? What will happen to Blazestar and Little Wolf, after the fight? How can the clans fix what’s been broken? Should he just give up on this nonsense, go back to his warm home where he doesn’t have to worry about such things as clan tensions and survival?

No. He shakes his head, as though he can physically toss the thought from his mind. He’s not going back to living as a kittypet—a half-alive sort of life, if it was one at all. He’s free now, even if the leather collar tucked beneath his nest occasionally tugs him back toward warm meals and fluffy blankets. His days as a house cat are firmly over.

Surely a house cat would never willingly brave the chill of winter, just to sit outdoors and chat with other cats. The orange tabby tom lounges near the meager pile of prey, chewing at a small mouse. He dips his head to every clanmate who passes by, occasionally sparking conversations with those willing to stop for a few moments. He likes SkyClan, cares for his clanmates. They’re his family in a way that his people could never have been.

He wonders if they miss him, his people. They’d cared for him before, but did they worry when he left? Do they still worry for him, calling his name after dark and hoping that someday he’ll return to them?

He won’t. And it’s too easy, really, the way that he’s managed to slip away from his people and never worry about seeing them again. They won’t come after him; they wouldn’t even know where to start. To them, surely, Stephen King is gone, dead, vanished. And he doesn’t regret it, no matter how much work he has to put in as a warrior.

To the cat settled beside him, he asks, "Have you ever thought about how easy it would be to disappear?" He doesn’t seem to realize how dark it may sound to anyone who isn’t himself, but his voice is rough from the cold. Harsh, jagged breaths while hunting and climbing have done a number on his chest, too—his lungs feel scraped raw, as though icicles have grown there too.
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The cold nipped at Twitchpaw's skin too, even under his masses of matted fur. He felt like frost might start creeping along the crooked branches of his pelt if he sat still for too long- he ended up pacing about incessantly as a result, walking and walking even when there was nothing to do. But- all that walking, all that warming- it made his legs ache. Made his paws hate him, and- and he needed to sit. And the best place to sit- technically, really, scientifically- was beside another cat, because it was warmer and their body would be warm and-

Beside the former daylight warrior he settled himself. It would only be for a moment, he promised internally. Only a moment, and then he'd be gone. He didn't want to be the bother that he always ended up being. And- with all the grief that hung in the air, aching solemnity that had rendered Blazestar a husk and many apprentices furious or fearful or something in between- he found often that there was nothing he could think to say. Then, though- then Snailheart piped up with a question that made his fur unabashedly bristle, brambles in mahogany and white.

"Are you- threatening me?" his voice wobbled a bit at the end, and he shuffled away. Clear distance- out of striking range. "I'll- I'll just move if you want me to- you don't have to- to- to..." He trailed off, mind spinning.
penned by pin ✧

She'd never had two-legs so perhaps she also didn't understand the line of thinking the orange tom was processing as he asked his strange question, but she certainly did consider it threatening in the way Twitchpaw did so when she passed by she took a swift and shuffling seat next to Snailheart where she was a barrier between him and the harried apprentice; both a joining of the conversation and deliberate act to ease the accidental tension-all without making a comment on it.
"Oh? To disappear so easily might be hard for me! UH-I have quite a lot of family who may come poking about for me and there's Morningbird, of course, and Mushroomkit here!" She muses how nice it was to be missed, how her presence was so new yet already familiar enough it would be missed. She imagined she felt this way about most her new clanmates and with a gentle slap of her tail she gestured quietly for Twitchpaw to sit back down if he so wished.
"I think it would-uh-be very hard to vanish in SkyClan-many cats will notice! I would certainly notice! N-not that I'm paying THAT much attention I'm just-uh-good with faces."
Which was not untrue but also a partial lie in that she DID pay that much attention because she was always nervous accidentally forgetting a cats name and face and calling them something else. Quite a few cats had very distinct appearances and were hard to forget but a few were similar colors or had the same sort body-shape that at a glance they could be mistaken for one another.

Out of all the cats currently present, Soil was perhaps the one who knew best what Snailheart was talking about. Or, at least what he was attempting to talk about. The long life of the former loner made for a lot of wandering - simply picking up and leaving whenever the urge for adventure struck had been his routine for many moons. Of course, he always tried to end things off with goodbyes and well-wishes, which he always hated (the former, not the latter), but sometimes circumstances were beyond the tomcat’s control.

As aging paws padded towards the trio, Soil pondered the question. Emerald eyes cast a comforting glance to Twitchpaw before the old man sat down with an appreciative groan. “It’s easy t’ disappear physically” he started. “Any of us could just pack up and leave, after all. But mentally…well I’d say that’s impossible.” A face filled with graying features cocked to the side slightly, as if he’d been bit by a mosquito. There was a long pause before the elder continued, eyes now rounding on Pumpkinsong. “Cats’ll remember you moons after you’ve gone physically. Your family, Morningbird, Mushroomkit, telling stories and the like…in that sense, you’ll never really disappear.” Soil shrugged, trying to alleviate some of the gloomy atmosphere his words had conjured up.

An invisible brow furrowed before the elder tacked on an extra answer to the gruff cat’s question. “I forget who told me this, but it goes something like, “you shouldn’t say goodbye. If you don’t, then you’re not really gone. You’re just not there right now.” I dunno…I always thought there was some truth to that.”
Have you ever thought about how easy it would be to disappear?

It's as if his own thoughts are voiced aloud, Fireflypaw's ear flicking when he hears those words. He finds no ceremonial need to comfort the tom, not like he usually did. He couldn't even answer that question himself. Luckily, someone else does. Soil speaks up, reminds him that cats will remember him even if he is physically gone. A bitter grunt leaves the tom's lips.

"Until you're no longer relevant anymore." He replied bitterly, biting his bottom lip with a grimace at his own words. His sister should be alive right now, but soon, she will fade into everyone else's memories as just another apprentice that died too young. Just a number, a statistic.

Alderfrost's paws twitched. The question was quite dark, and she did feel a little threatened. There was something deeper, of course, than just wanting to find an answer to every question, considering the cats she'd known in her life and the things she'd seen. "It could be easy, yes. I agree with Soil- any of us could leave, but we'll be in the memories of someone, and that's hard to disappear from." she paused, considering her words over again. Some cats deserved to be remembered forever, for their actions, and their bravery. But some just didn't. "But I think it depends on who you are." Eventually, every ordinary cat's story would be lost to time, just a name to be told in an elder's tale. A missing cat's one too. It was just hard to think that you would someday be forgotten.

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