BAILA PARA MI | sunlitpaw

The morn came out clear, newleaf's own verdant skin pulsing through whatever ruin had wracked the world of the moors before. This was the young molly's first springtide, enraptured by the way the snowmelt retreated into the ground, as the terrible beast of winter soon rotted and left naught even ivory bone nor hollow impression. She did not mourn leaf-bare - merely, embraced the new season as it did to the earth.

Celandine, golden pelt as limpid as the very sun that hung above her, nudged Sunlitpaw with one soft shove of the shoulder. The poor apprentice had been asked to show the former barn cat around Windclan - but where one might have seen an obligation, Celandine saw a sparkling and impassable opportunity. This was her chance to meet a cat her age! "Thanks for offering to show me 'round your home! It's so... uh, spacious!" Chirps, like the forenoon songbird and herald of cloudless days, fluttered from her maw. Her face had been molded by soft and childlike hands, an easy smile rounding her features. Vibrant eyes glanced outwards to the extending fields, like a serene sea of sky, an expanse of vast path and endless adventures. Maybe I'll find a hare's den or, like, a horse or something. Did Windclan even have horses out here?
