BANANA IN MY OATMEAL // group training session


With the threat of twoleg traps joint training sessions had become popular in the clan. They found strength in numbers and more eyes meant the more likely they’d spot a trap before accidentally stumbling into it. Today they were touching up on basic hunting techniques and the tabby was relieved they’d be remaining on the forest floor. Many preferred to take to the trees, especially now with the recent dangers lurking, but Figpaw was stuck down below. Sometimes it was difficult not to feel left out, but today she was just as part of the group as any other cat!

An apprentice seems to be struggling with their balance while crouching and Figpaw cannot help but point it out. ”Your tail tip is against the floor, so is some of your belly… You don’t want to do that because it’ll make noise and your prey will hear you coming. Especially the mice, they can feel the vibrations y’know.” The girl overly explains with the intent of being helpful, but many may find her exertion to help irritating. All knew the girl was close to being a warrior, but no one liked an apprentice acting mentor.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

SkyClan was far more fast-paced than Sparrowpaw was used to, and they sometimes found it difficult to keep up. Often times it left them feeling tired and sore, but with the encouragement from Auburnflame and their fellow apprentices, they could bite back on their complaints and keep at it. They would get it eventually.

The tabby wasn't sure where the suggestion came from, but one thing led to another, and now they were out practicing their hunting stance in the forest along with other apprentices. They had caught a mouse once before, a memory burned into their mind along with the excitement that had come with it. It was luck on their end. They didn't know how to hunt. As such, they had yet to... actually catch anything.

It brought guilt and envy twinging at Sparrowpaw's heart (along with a mixture of intrigue, disgust, and even horror), to watch other cats deposit prey on the prey pile. While some of them had caught prey before, their family was largely taken care of by handouts and such- not many had truly needed to learn to hunt, such as themself.

They were working on it, though, as best they could. Again and again, over and over, until eventually they would truly catch something with their own paws.

Figpaw in particular had been helping them with their stance since the group had been gathered together by their mentors, and while they appreciated the help, Sparrowpaw could feel the beginnings of ire starting to tug their mouth of a frown. The advice was starting to feel nitpicky. Dutifully they adjusted their stance, again, feeling the strain in their legs from maintaining such a pose.

"Like-? I know," they cut themself off to answer the molly's trivia hastily. Mice could feel their movement. It was one of the first things they had been told. "Like this?" If they kept it up any longer they were near certain they would drop, evident in their light tremor.

// obligatory @Auburnflame ping weeheehee


Brought along within a joint training session, Auburnflame followed the small patrol out with Sparrowpaw in tow, making idle conversation with everyone whilst also keeping a keen eye out for any suspicious activity. The scent of that Two-Leg was forever ingrained into his nose, the stench of musk and whatever else he could not place. He had instructed for his apprentice to show him their best hunters crouch, watching them preform with a neutral expression upon patterned features. Sparrowpaw had somewhat of an idea, but as Figpaw had pointed out—their tail and belly brushed against the floor. He had wanted Sparrowpaw to begin their climbing, but with the golden apprentice within the patrol—he was mindful. The warrior could only guess on how she was feeling, unable to climb trees like her fellow clanmates now. "Figpaw is right, Sparrowpaw." He chimed in, mismatched ears flicking at their tone and a subtle frown pulls at their lips.
Auburnflame couldn't help but to softly chuckle, moving towards the pair and aimed to run his tail under Sparrowpaw's own, adjusting it till it was just above the ground. He takes note of their trembling, the posture clearly unfamiliar for them. "Better. You want to shift your weight off your paws as you are stalking, distributing it into your other three for balance. It will take some getting used to, but you will grow used to it." He drops beside her into a crouch, tucking his hind legs under him and lowering his chest till it hovered just above the dry nettle below him. His tail remained straight out behind him, kept eerily still as he kept his position. "Watch me." He murmurs to her, slowly placing paws carefully along the forest floor—his steps near ghost-like. His eyes were trained on a leaf a bit ahead of him, watching it flicker in the soft breeze. In a swift moment, he shifts his weight onto powerful hind legs and leaps through the air. Fore paws land squarely upon the leaf, ivory claws hooking into it to show them. "See? You and Figpaw try together this time."



Figpaw’s eyes widen, certain the apprentice was going to give under their own weight and fall to the floor any minute now. There were still some minute details that could be tweaked for perfection… but she nods approvingly so the tabby can stand up and relax their muscles. Auburnflame steps in however and adjusts Sparrowpaw’s tail a tad… yes, that looked lIke a much better crouch to her!

”Yeah that’s great. Now you don’t look like a lopsided badger.” Figpaw teases in a light-hearted manner, flashing a smile to her friend before allowing the warrior to execute a better demonstration. She’s taken aback when asked to execute the technique herself as if she was a mentor, not an apprentice. Quickly she remembers her place and lowers herself into a perfected crouch. The only flaws visible were where her injured leg was, despite her own joke to Sparrowpaw she was a bit lopsided. She tries to fix it by putting light weight on the leg, but it doesn’t do much good.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.