private BANANA PANCAKES — butterflytuft


Mar 3, 2024
Ah, a rainy day. Lionkit had never really minded them much, but lately, being confined to the nursery was rather... uncomfortable. He and his littermates had outgrown the small space that was meant for nursing queens and their small babies. They were ready to be apprentices, to graduate onto the roomier den where they would have their own nests. Lionkit would miss curling up next to Bobbie and falling asleep in the presence of her comforting scent, but he was also looking forward to a space that was less crowded.

The torbie point stares outside as raindrops pelt the earth, blue hues observing quietly as the sounds of mischief and play battle commence from behind him. Other kits had taken to occupying their time with games, but Lionkit didn't feel like wrestling right now. He just wanted to sit and watch the rain.

A single droplet invades the maw of the den, landing square on Lionkit's paw and drawing their attention to the wet spot. Their eyes cast downward at their tabby and spotted limbs, which eventually transform into a brighter cream hue toward their belly. Long wisps of fur protrude from their chest; they are growing into themselves, it seems. Lionkit wonders how big and hairy Blazestar really was. He's always heard that he was one of the fluffiest cats ever to live in the forest.

He snaps back into reality, turning his head and glancing over his shoulder to see the form of Butterflytuft overseeing playtime. Someone had once told Lionkit that Butterflytuft had been his father's apprentice, which he found hard to believe. Then again, he had only known Butterflytuft as a queen; he had never seen her hunt or fight or anything like that. Lionkit wonders if he had taught her a lot. He wonders what it would have been like to train under him. "Butterflytuft?" The torbie point mewed gently, turning away from the rainstorm outside to approach the tortoiseshell she-cat.

Lionkit doesn't get invadingly close, but he's more comfortable around the other nursery resident than many other clanmates. Not one day has gone by without being in her presence. Blazestar hadn't any siblings, nor had Bobbie, so... perhaps she was the closest cat that Lionkit had to an aunt. "Was it hard being my Papa's apprentice?" Was that why she had opted to stay in the nursery even after her kits had become apprentices? Maybe "Did he teach you anything cool?" Rounded eyes bore into those of the queen, expecting Butterflytuft to tell him some sort of secret. Maybe she would confide in him about an exclusive fighting or hunting move that only Blazestar knew, and then Lionkit could use it in his apprenticeship to impress his mentor! They waited in anticipation, though not visibly antsy or pushy toward the she-cat in the fashion that perhaps his siblings would be.

  • @butterflytuft and Lionkit
    ... are both stuck in the nursery on a rainy day. Recalling being informed Butterflytuft was Blazestar’s apprentice, Lionkit asks the queen to share stories of what it was like being his father’s apprentice. Does Lionkit feel a connection to his late father through Butterflytuft, knowing that she is a product of his teachings? Does Butterflytuft see signs of her late mentor in Lionkit?
  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png
  • 79110682_4AHaCt43N8s9eS5.png
    he/they; kit of skyclan
    longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​
Once upon a time, she hated rain. Storms would always scare her, and she remembers all too well how Daisyflight would shield her from the thunder, letting her snuggle into her fur. She still doesn’t love storms…of course they’re still a little scary. But now, it’s her turn to be the shield, and as she hunches over in the nursery to watch the kits play, she knows she’ll be there for anyone who’s just a bit scared.

When her name is spoken, she turns her head on her shoulders to see Lionkit, who already rivals her in size, approaching. She blinks gently, expectantly, at him. They ask her if it was hard to be Blazestar’s apprentice and she pricks her ears in surprise, her fluffy tail swishing behind her.

She gives him a sweet smile and shakes her head. “Apprenticeship was hard for me, but it wasn’t because of your father. He was very kind and patient; I’m sure any other mentor would have given up on me. You see, I wasn’t very good at hunting or fighting like the other apprentices. But he never shamed me, or made me feel bad. He helped me to grow into the cat I am today. I like to think he gave me what I needed to be here now…looking after you and the others.” She blinks, bittersweet feelings bubbling in her chest. “You know, I bet Coyotecrest could show you something cool. He also trained him! I could ask for you sometime, if you’d like…?”
〕Lionkit readily absorbs Butterflytuft's story about her apprenticeship journey, about how Blazestar never gave up on her despite her not learning as quickly as other apprentices. That sounded just about right for Papa; Bobbie always made it a point to tell her children how wonderful their father was, even if talking about him made her look a bit sad. It was interesting hearing the perspective of a cat who was not his kin, however.

When Butterflytuft mentions his big sister's mate, Lionkit's eyes widen with genuine surprise. "Really?" How many other cats did Blazestar train? Hearing this only made the boy more disappointed that Blazestar couldn't be around to train him himself. It seemed that most of the clan had the honor of knowing who Blazestar was... all except for him and his littermates. However, getting to learn from Coyotecrest would be the closest thing Lionkit would get to training under Blazestar, so Lionkit offers Butterflytuft a grin and nods, "Y... Yeah. I'd like that."

The chocolate torbie point had heard Butterflytuft say before that her purpose was to help take care of all of the kits in the nursery. Warriorhood had not been meant for her. But... didn't it get boring having to stay in this den all day? "Do you miss being a warrior?" Lionkit mews. Maybe not the hunting and fighting part, since she said she wasn't very good at those things, but... what about daily patrols and having an apprentice to teach? What about going to gatherings?

  • ooc.
  • LIONPAW —— apprentice of skyclan , mentored by crowsight ✦ penned by beatles
    trans male / he/they pronouns / 6 moons & ages every 9th
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / won't start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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    a longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes. a silky, cream-colored pelt is adorned with chocolate points. his points are splashed with ginger spots. tabby patterns also stripe around their dark limbs and face.

Butterflytuft smiles gently at Lionkit and shakes her head. Her heart can’t help but be warmed by his curiosity - he’s so cute! "I don't miss being a warrior," She mews softly, sincerely. There is no grief or mourning in her voice; it’s simply not a path she was ever meant to walk. "Patrols and battles and hunting never felt quite right for me." She pauses as she looks around the den, blinking slowly as she takes it all in. "My heart has found its place here, caring for little ones like you. I get so much joy in nurturing and watching you grow, you know. Every story I share and every moment we spend together reminds me that this is where I belong." Purring, she touches her nose delicately to their ear, her tail-tip twitching with contentment.

When she leans back and looks at Lionkit, she can see so much of his father in him it’s uncanny. The queen’s heart squeezes in a bittersweet way as she adds, "You have a bright future ahead. I know you’ll be a brave, kind warrior, just as Blazestar was.” You will make him so proud.