BARBED WIRE ☽; ThunderClan Patrol

Wolfwind pads along the river - made border, noticeably less upbeat than she typically was. If anyone asked, she'd blame it on the early morning.

She was merciful enough to let Sparkpaw sleep today, so her crew was essentially just a warrior and half, not including her. Hopefully today was not the day that RiverClan would suddenly ambush them like fish from the unseen depths below. Though the thought is kinda funny. These guys holding their breath underwater until a ThunderClan patrol walks by. Maybe you could even spot their maws breaching the surface for air when they couldnt take it anymore.

" Y'think they teach their kits to swim in puddles after it rains? " she theorizes, mostly to Badgerstrike. It was half - meant as a joke at first, but the picture of little paws churning in rainwater is kind of adorable. Weird, but adorable. Nevermind that that kit would swim better than Wolfwind ever would. " Think they play tag with the fishies? "

[ ooc: with patrol members @Sunnyday & @Badgerstrike ! ]
( tags ) "Puddles aren't really good for swimming, the kits do like to jump in them and roll around in the mud though," he answers. Perhaps the Thunderclanners would be annoyed that he butted himself in before anyone could answer. He didn't really know what the other clans thought of Riverclan. Well... Most of what they thought. What he knew was that the other clans liked to point out their fish breathes and how much they stunk for some reason. Nevertheless he would add onto Wolfwind's inquiry, "The kits swim in the river." I mean, if they want to. We don't really force them or throw them in the river next to the nursery, but most queens teach them to swim or at least get used to being wet. Being wet can be uncomfortable even for grown cats that never thought of plunging into water. Especially if you got long fur. Maybe the Thunderclanners were surprised at the fact that Riverclan would make their kits swim in the river, or maybe they knew that fact? They were Riverclan. A clan that excelled at swimming. It would make sense that Riverclanners learned how to swim when young.

He is unsure though if the question of Riverclan cats playing tag with fishies is a serious one. He couldn't say it was common because fish naturally out sped them. It was simply better to wait and strike the fish than try to chase them in the river. They knew how to dive but he wouldn't say diving meant they were trying to play tag with fish. He can't help but let out a hum, "Can't say we ever try that. Playing tag with your friends is better after all!" With that said he glances at each of the cats. They don't seem to be up to any trouble, perhaps marking their borders? Whatever the case, they are staying on their side of the territory, so he is not rattled by their presence. He does decide to stick around not to unnerve them but because he was spending this time to unwind from stressors.
Cloudsplash kneads their toes into the riverbank's plush grass, tail swishing slowly behind them. If it seemed like they were looking for fish to catch, they weren't─rather, it was the clouds that they would catch. If they could be caught at all. They stare intently into the water, blue gaze drifting along with the current that carried the reflections of clouds, who seem to slip atop the surface like clumps of foam. Curiously, they lay a paw into the water, letting their pads rest just on the running surface. A smile plays at their muzzle. How fun─to walk upon water like the little bugs with the sprawling legs, to watch ThunderClanners stride gaily over the river without fear of the plunge.

Voices prick her ears, which pull the rest of her head along up with them. She saunters over to the talking duo, catching just the last snippet of words from Wolfwind. Pikesplash is soon to put his two teeth in, chippering something about friends and tag. "I wager we do play tag with the fishies!" they chime, winding their way up to stand besides their fellow RiverClanner. "We tag 'em but they can't ever tag us back. That's how we eat!" Cloudsplash shrugs, a grin splayed incautiously over her cheeks. It's a bit unfair to be playing tag with those who don't even know they're playing tag, but they're just fishies. Better them than RiverClan.​

Stuck on a patrol with Wolfwind... it wasn't his idea of fun, but it had to be done. Ultimately he kept his head down and trailed behind the other warriors at a short distance; close enough for safety and to heed instruction, but far enough away to avoid agitating the lead warrior. He hoped. When the chatter with the RiverClanners began he simply offered a brief friendly smile their way before he shied away entirely in favour of committing himself to the duty of laying down scent markers on a few stones and clumps of reeds.

It was nice to see both sides of the patrols acting cordially with one another. There was still plenty of bad blood between both clans and Lilybloom herself was still a little wary of them after losing her eye to a ThunderClan warrior, but it was nice for a moment to see both clans engaging in polite conversation. "I imagine any game of tag we played with the fish would be won by them," Lilybloom laughed, joining in with her clanmates' humourous response to Wolfwind's theory. "Have you seen how fast they swim?"

When the laughter faded, Lilybloom's green eye landed on Wolfwind in particular. "How fares ThunderClan?" She asked, inclining her head as she spoke. And with her question was a silent question asked in her expression to the ThunderClan cat - How fares your family?
She didn't really expect them to hear her, so she perks when she hears voices calling across the river. Sunset eyes narrow critically for a moment, kinda expecting the fish - eaters to try somethin', but looks like they'd rather argue over the semantics of RiverClan curriculum and whatnot. Sunnyday is being mopey little guy in the corner, which like: good! He should be! Wolfwind gives the RiverClanners her best flabbergasted look at the revelation. " Ehhh? How d'ya keep them from gettin' swept away! Bet they'd slip right through your own paws with their fur all glossy - like. Or are you not born shiny? " Now that she asks, she's kinda curious. And now that she thinks about it... Lakemoon had once been a mud - soaked rat along with the rest of their kin. Just what was in the water that made them all beautiful?

No fish tag. Super lame. Wait– scratch that. There's anarchy, because no one can agree if fish tag is an actual thing or not! She snorts at the comment from a pale warrior, pelt weaving in different shades of grey in and out. She supposes that's fair enough! To a tortoiseshell across the way– vaguely, Wolfwind thinks she should know her– she gives a lopsided smile. " Sure I have, which is why I don't have the slightest clue how you guys stay fed. Fine, keep your magic tricks, " she jokes, fake - scoffing as if this greatly offended her. She perks at what follows though. Somethin' that sounds like your usual pleasantries, though Wolfwind feels like they're lookin' a lil' too intently at her for that to be all. " ThunderClan uh... fares well, " she offers, somewhat cautiously.

She wonders if this is some roundabout way to talk about Sunningrocks, but maybe it moreso has to do with feelin' like she should know this cat somehow. She offers her a smile. " Real well. "
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