camp bare ground 𖀓 introduction


( wait for me oh, i am here. )
May 17, 2024
speaking color is #BBE8EF

𖀓 ✟ β€”β€” some more here, some more there… fluff it up a little more here… "hm..." the tomcat takes a moment to reflect on his work in front of him, quite proud of the size of the dent in it that he had made. earlier this morning he'd been assigned the oh so dreaded task of cleaning out a pawful of the dirty nests. naturally kitepaw was eager to help out and had agreed without complaint and promptly got to work. a little while later now he was finally almost done, just putting the finishing touches on it all. this one seems flat… he observes the spot, so he gently fluffs it back up into shape. ah! now that looks much better! despite being almost done with his chore, there was no denying that kitepaw should have been done a pretty good while ago, even if he was taking some extra time to be thorough with a fine tip comb, persay. after all, it wasn't that many nests that he'd been assigned to clean up and change, just the ones that really needed a touch up. on top of that, it would not be like him to slack off, especially without any sort of reason, so one could wonder what the big hold up was.

at last, kitepaw, satisfied with his work, brushes off a tuft of dirty bedding that stuck to the fur on his chest and sweeps it into the dirty pile. a pile that seemed unusually large for only a select pawfil of nests. the answer to that problem now, and also to the one prior, was that kitepaw had decided to go above and beyond. not because he wanted to, but because that other nest had looked a little rough as well by his standards… and so did that other one closer to the corner… so why not handle them while he was at it? except now that those two were clean as well, this other one over here, albeit cleaner than the last two, seemed filthy in comparison sandwiched between them, so he might as well clean it out as well. this led to a domino affect that had led kitepaw into a cleaning fit, scooping out and rebuilding nest after nest after nest until he was satisfied with their state. the sun was high in the sky by the time that he finally finished up the task and started carrying the dirty bedding away.

  • quick little intro post for kitepaw! he's not really looking for kudos or good jobs or anything, he just got pretty into the zone… even though that technically wasn’t what he was supposed to do in his orders, even if he thinks he's doing a good thing ^^ feel free to have your character sway either way. they could get upset at him for messing up their nest or smth like that idk! really looking forwards to writing w yall here! ^^ <3

  • KITEPAW ✩ he/him, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, 7.5 moons old
    average sized tomcat with light cream tabby markings. he has a white chest and half face. his fur is a medium length and he has large whiskers. his eyes are a light blue.
    β­ƒ highly religious, stubborn and hard-working, kindhearted and charismatic, honest, diligent, foolish and impulsive when frustrated, will speak out when something feels unjust.
    β­ƒ open to minor and minor powerplay / / underline and tag when attacking β‡Œ see his bio here
    β­ƒ penned by @DOFFERZ! β‡Œ doffloppa on discord, feel free to dm for plots. template credit to vayle.


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It would be an impressive display of dedication if it were not a waste of energy... The careful movement of paws to weave together a pile of moss and gorse creating a painstakingly delicate bed. It would be ruined within that same night, no doubt... so it hardly mattered how much tender loving care was put into it. Gracklestep eyes this apprentice with a look of unamused fixation... it is a bit entrancing, in a sense, to watch such monotony as the hours tick by carelessly. If it were him... he would've sped through this chore quite readily and been off to do something far more productive... and less boring.

Kitepaw is already set on gathering up the remains of his careful work, ready to discard it with a triumphant toss of his head when the cormorant-like tom stands to follow. His gaze is scrutinizing and anything but congratulatory of the hard work put forth- "How you haven't fallen asleep is beyond me," he mews with a churlish grin, "Your mentor decide to keep you busy with that mind-numbing task, huh?"

It would be generous, to offer to help with getting rid of the useless scraps but he had no intent of offering his assistance. This was a child's simple duty, not befitting a warrior. "You know, it is a task that can be accomplished before sun-high."
✞ Returning from the tunnels and stepping into WindClan’s camp, Blizzardpaw shakes the dirt from her pelt as well as she can. She’s exhausted, and all she wants to do now is to take a nap in her comfy nest. She needs to remake it, probably, because it’s all gross and crunchy from the dirt and mud that clings to her fur. But when she approaches her nest, Blizzardpaw blinks harshly in shock. Her nest is… clean. It’s a pleasant surprise, though, and Blizzardpaw turns to look around for who could have done such a thing. Her gaze settles on a bicolored apprentice who seems to be collecting dirty moss and moving it away. "Hey!" The pale apprentice calls out to Kitepaw, her pink eyes wide as she begins to make her way over to the tom.

"You fixed my nest… thank you," she offers with a small smile, albino tail flickering behind her. Gracklestep doesn’t seem as happy about it, but Blizzardpaw thinks maybe that’s just how Gracklestep is. The older tom doesn’t offer to help, and so she does. "I can help… if you want?" She waves a white paw toward the dirty bedding, uncaring whether she will get dirty in the process. Her snowy fur is practically brown with dirt, as though she has begun to morph into a hare or a mole. It doesn’t matter if she’ll get dirty, because she already is dirty all the time.

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    BLIZZARDPAW ❯❯ any pronouns, windclan tunneler apprentice
    β­ƒ tiny albino with pale, near-colorless pink eyes. friendly and cheerful, yet strange and a bit morbid.
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    β­ƒ penned by foxlore
speaking color is #BBE8EF

𖀓 ✟ β€”β€” as the apprentice begins the last leg of his chore, he cannot tune out the familiar voice of gracklestep fast enough. as soon as he realizes that the dark tom was addressing him, kitepaw was prepared for the sharp remarks that inevitably came from his mouth. of course he has something to say about his hard work. it’s not like kitepaw expected a hearty thanks and pat on the back for a job well done, but a small bit of appreciation would go a long ways towards not being a prick. but kitepaw knows that is not how the older tom works, and despite his wishful thoughts, he is not offended by the comments and so he disregards them like water off a ducks back. "remind me, which bed is yours, gracklestep? it'll help me get done faster in the future when i avoid it." kitepaw says pointedly around the mouthful of dirty bedding that he carries, shrugging his shoulders as he disposes of it. he returns back to grab another mouthful only to realize that blizzardpaw had shown up and seems rather pleased by his hard work… unlike someone else here.

he flashes the other apprentice a thankful smile and his tail flicks with a greeting. "it's nothing, really." kitepaw says lightly. for a moment, seeing her so covered in dirt was scary within itself; he’d like to at least fully see his task to the end before watching one of the nests get dirty so suddenly, but his worry melts away into appreciation when the tunneler offers to help. he briefly casts another glance back towards gracklestep. at least some cats were appreciative. "it's only because of cats like you that couldn’t be bothered to keep them clean yourself that it takes so long in the first place." the thought runs across his tongue, though kitepaw swallows the lot of them back. had blizzardpaw still been tunneling, kitepaw would have undoubtly picked further at the warrior, but he doesn't want to start anything now that the other apprentice has offered him help.

"you'd do that? thank you," he says genuinely, grateful for the help. he didn't expect nor want to ask for any sort of repayment as he was simply just doing a task assigned to him, but who was he to turn down a set of helping paws? and so kitepaw works on compressing and rolling up a second bundle of dirty bedding so that he could carry it away. "you know, i bet he'd finally appreciate a clean nest after laying down on a branch full of brambles. i've half a mind to weave some in there for him." he comments this in a joking tone, lowering his voice so that blizzardpaw would hear, but gracklestep hopefully should not catch more than than an offhand snippet.

  • KITEPAW ✩ he/him, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, 7.5 moons old
    average sized tomcat with light cream tabby markings. he has a white chest and half face. his fur is a medium length and he has large whiskers. his eyes are a light blue.
    β­ƒ highly religious, stubborn and hard-working, kindhearted and charismatic, honest, diligent, foolish and impulsive when frustrated, will speak out when something feels unjust.
    β­ƒ open to minor and minor powerplay / / underline and tag when attacking β‡Œ see his bio here
    β­ƒ penned by @DOFFERZ! β‡Œ doffloppa on discord, feel free to dm for plots. template credit to vayle.



By now, most cats knew that Bluepool took particular pride in her nest. It was an art form, creating the perfect place for her and her mate to sleep at night. Wool woven into the softest moss, heather, and tufts of rabbit fur she could find, made complete in new leaf by the fragrance of flower petals that she added to the mixture. It was something that she is certain could not be replicated by any other. The pain-staking detail that went into her weekly craft was something that no apprentice would ever be able to do when they rushed through the process. No. They were always in such a huge rush and for what? So they could laze about in the sun before their mentors caught them and assigned them a different task.

"I find building nests to be... cathartic" she comments to Gracklestep as she walks over, golden eyes darting anxiously to her bed and relief flooding her very being when she sees it is untouched by grubby apprentice paws. "I have some extra wool you two can use as long as you promise to stay far away from my nest" she says with a huff.

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    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    ✦ Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn’t above using dirty tricks in order to win