There were a great many things that Softpaw knew she lacked extensive training in, not at all the fault of her mentor but rather simply a consequence of her age and experience. She'd have plenty of time to learn everything she needed to become a proper warrior. Still, she knew that she could put in the effort now to see results sooner, and that's what she was going to do - the only thing was, she would need someone that was willing to bestow some of their knowledge unto her.

Her first thought hadn't been to go to another apprentice - really, she hadn't even considered that her peers could or would be willing to help her out, even though in retrospect, why wouldn't they? Especially her seniors - they had gone through everything that she was going through at a similar age, so after deciding not to bother the warriors, Softpaw made her way back into the apprentices' den to see who was still in camp. Her pink eyes landed on a golden pelt, and she took a deep breath, summoning all the courage she'd need to ask for the help she wanted.

"Hello," Softpaw greeted, managing to keep her voice from shaking with nerves. "I'm Softpaw. I was wondering if you could impart some wisdom about being an apprentice."
As always, Marigoldpaw is by his lonesome. It’s nothing new, though he does regret that he hasn’t made more meaningful relationships before he graduates in a few moons. Well, either way, he continues to do his best to learn. His entire apprenticeship has been spotty, and soon it will get even spottier, but he still does everything he can to help out around the clan and train himself to fight. It’s not exactly the same when it’s not direct interaction, but it’s something.

As one of the newer apprentices approaches him, he stops moving. His first instinct is to scowl, but he stops himself prematurely. Marigoldpaw recognizes her as one of Whitelion and Spiderlily’s kits, and his soft spot for his deceased mentor and those he cared about makes him take the younger cat more seriously. It seems she’s mostly curious about what apprenticeship is like, anyways. It’s not something that personal.

“Hello, Softpaw. I’m Marigoldpaw. And as for wisdom… what to say?” He tilts his head as he thinks of what kinds of things he could impart on her. It’s not like he’s had a normal time, with one dying and one about to kit. “My experience so far has been rocky, unfortunately. But I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that your relationship with your mentor is essential. You might not like them at first, but you need to work together. Things will eventually fall in place.”
There was a brief instant where Softpaw doubted herself, thought herself imposing herself upon this tom, but she felt her worries dry up when he responded to her positively. A good relationship with her mentor... Softpaw considered the words carefully. She'd been under the care of Honeydapple when she'd first been apprenticed, but had been handed off to another warrior - had that put a stain on her record already? Was there still a way for Softpaw to create a bond with her new mentor?

"How often would you say that apprentices have their mentors changed?" Softpaw asked after a moment of thought, studying Marigoldpaw's face as she spoke. "Who are you apprenticed to?" She added in, hoping to balance out any strangeness of her first question with the second.
Normally, he would have snapped at whoever dared ask about his life. But this time, his gaze is distant as he’s forced to think about his mentors. He might have been the one to bring it up, but even so. And has her parents told her anything about the life lost to that damned owl? Well, it would probably be brought up sooner or later. And brushing her off would likely just lead to more irritation on his part.

He looks down on the ground in sadness for a moment, before returning his gaze with a bitter smile. “Well, it was Oakfang. He’s dead now. I didn’t even like him that much, but it’s not like I would have wanted him dead. Now it’s too late.” It comes out a little more aggressive than Marigoldpaw meant, but he just shakes it off. “It was changed to Moonwhisper, but soon she’ll be trapped in the nursery, so I’ll need a third to finish up. It’s not that unusual for your mentor to change, but hopefully it won’t be as many times as I will.” At this point, he’s just gonna have to try and be the best warrior he can be, even with the lack of structure he’s had to grown used to.​
"Oh," is all that Softpaw could manage for a moment after Marigoldpaw confessed to his own mentor situation. She hadn't meant to cause excitement, and though Marigoldpaw was doing very well to keep his cool, Softpaw could tell that there was a certain emotion behind his words that indicated he'd rather not talk about such things.

At the very least, Softpaw found some comfort in knowing that Marigoldpaw had had multiple mentors during his time as an apprentice - even if he said it himself that his situation was unorthodox, it was comforting to hear that at least one other cat knew what she was going through.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She said after another heartbeat, and glanced down at her paws. "Even if you weren't close. Seeing someone day after day for training still builds some kind of a bond." She nodded, and looked back up at Marigoldpaw curiously. "Marigoldpaw, what do you prefer the most in training? What's your favorite thing to learn or practice?"