camp bask in the glow・❥・intro, sunbathing


to fall is to learn one way
Sep 25, 2024
Leaf-Fall. When the days and nights would get colder and the leaves in the surrounding forests grew all sorts of pretty colors before falling to the ground, providing crunchy piles that Shalestorm was sure kits must love to play in. That wasn't very common in ShadowClan's territory, though, considering that most of their forest consisted of tall pines that stayed green no matter the season - sure, they had the random oak or birch tree, but those were few and far between so their kits didn't have much opportunity to do any leaf related activities.

Today, there's a nice beam of sunlight shining down in the middle of camp, peering through the pine needles and gracing the dark camp with welcome warmth. It's perhaps one of the last warm-ish days they'd get for moons, and Shalestorm was intent to soak in as much of it as she could before there was none of it left. She was also intent to force anyone else into enjoying the sun rays while they were here. Other duties could wait for the time being, there would be plenty more hours in the day to go hunting or patrol the borders or reinforce dens and camp walls later.... besides, isn't that what apprentices are for?

"Man, this nice warm sun sure is going to waste over here," she announces, loudly and dramatically, clearly trying to get someone to come lay with her. "Would be such a shame if I were the only one enjoying the last warm sun rays of the year... such a shame..." Shalestorm sighs theatrically, a paw covering her eyes in a 'woe-is-me' gesture, though she moves it up ever so slightly and grins as someone actually does come over to her.

"Well! Glad you could join me! C'mon, sit, sit! Tell me about your day!" Blue eyes dance with mirth as she immediately settles in for story time.

  • ooc - any cat can be who she's talking to !!

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 25 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots

Unfortunately, as fate would have it, Salamandersnap was the closest cat to poor Shalestorm. Her bitter attitude did not seem to be any more pleasant than normal today, leaving the molly feeling rather annoyed with having her peaceful sunbathing nap disturbed. A solitary, soft amber eye blinks open as she looks over at the lighter furred woman, her "signature" frown plastered on her maw. "Do I look like I made any effort to join you? Some of us aren't being dramatic about sunbathing you know." Her nose wrinkles with distaste as she watches the dramatic display put on by Shalestorm, wondering what exactly she was witnessing. "My day? I did everything we were supposed to do. I patrolled, I hunted to feed the clan. I helped reinforce the camp." Her tail flops softly up and down from the sky to the earth, stirring up grains of dirt and sand beneath her tail.

  • ooc. — i apologize for the rude bitter lady <3 ​
  • IMG_3773.jpg
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede

[ ༻❄༺ ] With colder weather coming in, Snowlark couldn't help but soak up any last rays of the sun, even when it came to patrols, luckily today the tom had finish all the things he needed to do when he heard Shalestorm's dramatics and Salamandersnap's grumbling before approaching with a slight chuckle coming from his lips before settling a spot next to the other pale warrior as he tucked his paws underneath his chest while he looked over towards salamandersnap with a calm look in his yellow eyes. "Come now, Salamandersnap. This is the last time we will enjoy any warmth from the sun before Leaf-bare is here" he stated coolly. Before the snow blankets the ground before them, Snowlark would have more advantage in hunting than his darker clan-mates.

"We all appreciate the work you do around here as well... and Shalestorm how has your day been?" he said coolly, trying to push aside the snappy ways of one of his older clanmates, and to hope and ease the moment back into the serenity it had once held before Salamandersnap decided to be...well, snippish. Boy did Shadowclan's warriors names all fit them eerily well.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, warrior of Shadowclan, 13 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Salamandersnap's words are as biting as her name, but that's pretty normal for the warrior with the brittle attitude, so Shalestorm would have been worried if she hadn't snapped. That would've been weird for SURE. But, the snappish warrior still tells Shalestorm about her day, so she's considering this interaction a win already. Her day was boring, though, all she did were her regular duties! Which, okay, maybe that was also most of what Shalestorm had done, BUT SHE'D ALSO LOOKED FOR FUN TRINKETS WHILE SHE WAS OUT SO BOOOOO HER DAY WAS BETTER!!!

Just when she's getting ready to boast, Snowlark settles in, and Shale gives him a grin. What a perfect segue he's given her!!

"My day's been great, thank you for asking!" Always start off by being polite, her mother would've told her. "I went hunting, and brought back some stuff for everyone doing den repairs for Leaf-Bare, but!! I also went out looking for neat trinkets for my nest!! Didn't find much, though, just a weird looking pinecone that was waaayyy to sappy to bring back," she sticks out her tongue, and makes a disappointed pbbbbt sound. "What about you, Snowlark?"

  • #e36f90

  • (img) Shalestorm * she/her* 25 moons
    blue point/blue chimera w/ low white; blue eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots
Shadepaw's first leaf-fall had been spent curled at Ferndance's side. The days were slowly growing shorter, the leaves of the brambles browning slightly, and it was all new to Shadepaw. They weren't sure that they liked it. Experiencing something new would be fun, sure, but they had been quite fond of the hot weather and abundant prey of the last season. They would take any chance to relax in the last rays of strong sun, before they were snatched away and replaced with an icy bite in the air. Shalestorm didn't need to make her announcement twice for Shadepaw, but they were busy bringing in a mouse from their latest patrol. Once it was dropped off in the freshkill pile, they turned and pattered over. A break after a patrol wouldn't hurt.

She noted the chatter of her clanmates as she settled down in a beam of light, soaking it up. Salamandersnap provided the icy bite in the air preemptively, while Snowlark and Shalestorm tried to warm the conversation back up. Funny. She remembered when Snowlark had been more like... that, a snip to their voice sometimes. The pale cat had changed a lot since early apprenticehood. Shadepaw wasn't sure if the same could be said for her. "Weird-looking pinecone? What'd it look like?" She interjected, unable to stop her curiosity from bubbling over. She was thinking maybe one shaped like a bird, or with strangely sharp edges, perhaps. "If you go out trinket-searching again, can you tell me? I wanna get some, too." Warriorhood was around the corner. Soon, she would be sleeping in the same den as Ferndance. If she didn't acquire more knickknacks, Shadepaw knew that she would be spending every day just staring jealously at her mother's treasure trove of a nest.​

The last warm rays of the season glinted upon the ginger tones in Leafcrackle's calico pelt as her ears swiveled, listening to the mingling voices of ShadowClanners. There was always a hint of apprehension hanging in the air as leaf-bare drew closer. As of now a pelt laden with stinging frost was a distant memory, but not for long. The air grew crisper in the mornings; a reminder that dropping temperatures were on their way. This would be her first leaf-bare as a warrior, and she knew she should feel nervous about that but it just hadn't sunk in yet. She still felt like a 'paw deep down having not yet had enough grizzling experiences to toughen her, a lingering naivete within her aura. The coming leaf-bare would surely be a transformative experience for the freshly made warrior.


leafcrackle - she/her - shadowclan - warrior - 12 moons - dilute tortoiseshell with white - penned by koi_no_yokan