BAT OUT OF HELL // costume


Sep 24, 2022
) It came from the twolegplace, lumbering from beneath the fences like a shifting shadow. It loomed over all the forest creatures it passed as it meandered between the trees. It's wings stretched out and cast a greater shadow, promising malice and death to any mice that didn't run or hide. The beast continued on its path, heading ever closer to SkyClan's camp. Breaching past the entranceway it came to stand before the cats within, capturing them in states of shock and awe. It bore it's teeth and let forth an ominous, mournful groan.

"I can't believe my twoleg did this to me! I look ridiculous!" Totoro howled as he used a paw to tug at the new black bandana with a shiny silver cobweb pattern on it that sat around his neck. It itched, but it wasn't the worst thing that he had on. No, that would be the kitty jumper with big bat wings attached that he had on. He just couldn't get it off, not with how it was pulled tight around his bulky form. Still, it did keep him warm so it wasn't all bad given the dropping temperatures as of late.​
  • Haha
Reactions: watson
It’s a catastrophe of monumental proportions as well as spherical. A shadow casts long across camp, a jagged winged bird swollen against the grass and climbing higher. An omen of death spotted from his perched form in the branches.

Silver eyes track it until it materializes, eyes widening as a large disformed bird treks across the camp entrance. Hackles dancing, Thistleback slithers from the branch and thumps to the ground- tail bushed out ready to face this intruding demon. The head of a cat and shielded pelt with its large strange wings.

Two blinks later, Thistleback doubles over with an explosive laugh. It’s Totoro, and it appears his twoleg has strapped him in their cloth skins. " Oh- Oh dear! I think-…. I'd prefer they shoot me " he jests, throwing back his chin now to laugh harder.

" mate haha mate you look like a proper winged mess " he’s got tears in his eyes now, has to dig his claws into the ground to keep from falling over in fits of giggles. " Like a damn stung raven " he bellows out a few more laughs.

  • — Thistleback | thirty moons | cis-male
    — daylight warrior of Skyclan
    — bisexual | fallen for Deersong 9.29.22
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. Wears a purple collar with brass clasp.
  • bVBPWus.png

) A low growl rumbled in the depths of the large tom's chest as the laughter rolled in and he couldn't stop himself from lashing his tail back and forth in irritation. "Bah! Laugh it up, scruffball! Get it all outta your system." Totoro flared his nostrils before he attempted to cuff Thistleback over the ear with a paw with sheathed claws. He didn't want to cause the guy any real harm, but he did want to make his annoyance clear. "Now if you're quite finished how about you give me a rundown of the daily jobs that need doing."

"Dude, is that a bat?"
He had heard of the strange creatures, apparently they swooped like birds through the sky but only at night; at first he had suspected that birds simply became bats when the sun set but that didn't seem right because weren't owls a kind of bird? Owls were sort of built different though he suspected. The dappled tom approached cautiously, squinting as the 'bat' began to talk and then assault Thistleback and it only then occurred to him that maybe he was stupid because this was Totoro looking like a bat...for some reason. Was this a kittypet thing? Was this a new SkyClan thing? Was he going to have to sprout wings? He imagined that would be really cool, flying had an appeal to it that he much prefered over walking around.
" you're not, but imagine if we were? I think I would like being a bat. Sleep all day, fly all night, eat bugs..."

wait around, i'll smile again

A laugh comes muffled by a paw out of left field only to come bursting through because the beans just can't hold it back. Watson looks momentarily mortified at blowing his cover but the mirth takes it away as he tries to speak, "Ahahah! A bat indeed! Oh, I'm so sorry but, but you look like an upwalker kit! You could join their ritual procession and no one would be the wiser!" Watson hasn't belly laughed in a long while, even before his upwalker passed, and it feels rather nice he must admit. Shame it comes at the lad's expense but Watson secretly understands. He too has had to suffer through one of those miserable strange getups. Always a strange hat, fake suit, and plushie cane tied to his arm. A prison of clothes. "Er, this is crass but, how does your twoleg expect you to... ah, answer nature's call?" He can't think of a politer way to put it, especially since he's quite begrudged himself not to have his litter box anymore.
𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

"Oh Totoro, you poor thing." A sympathetic coo would flow into the air as Deersong made her way forward not long after Watson. Though she was clearly feeling pity for her clanmate, her half-lidded eyes still sparkled with amusement at the sight. She would smile towards her mate and her apprentice as she circled the costumed daylight warrior and she hummed thoughtfully, "I don't really know if you can go hunting with such a get-up."

Stopping to stop beside Thistleback, she tilts her head in her whimsical way as Watsons' question makes her think as well, "Hmmm that would be pretty difficult, wouldn't it? You might end up needing some help."

) "I'm not so sure I'd be keen on flying. I much prefer to have my paws on the ground." Totoro didn't even fancy the idea of climbing, which at times made him stick out among the other SkyClanners who traversed the trees with ease. It wasn't like the branches would even hold a cat of his weight...

Watson asked him a bit of a personal question and it earned a huff from the tom. "Fortunately it's partly open at the back, so I can still do my business. With care, that is." If he could he'd rather just hold it in until he could free himself from his spooky getup. The temptation to get the other SkyClanners to help pull off the costume sat on his mind, but so did his concern of disappointing his owner if he went home without it. He didn't want to upset his twoleg. "Right... no hunting. So, what about border patrol? Or would you rather avoid having the neighbours see me like this?" Just what would the clan cats do if confronted by a bat-cat? "Maybe I could go bedding hunting? You guys like moss, yeah?"