pafp bathe in your light ♡♥ sunbathing

What newleaf brought was not simply prey and an end to the cold, melted snow and an end to their struggling but also warmth. It was the warmth she loved the most, the way the sun would filter down through bowed vine ladden trees and dapple across the loamy earth of the territory; the light catching every puddle and sending a bright burst of reflective life scattering across the swamp.
The return of the sun was what she was most happy to see, the tint of orange and faint streaks of pink that pooled in the sky across an endless expanse of blue. So brightly colored it felt almost unatural to see a normal sky set against the background of their territory, almost as if it didn't belong there with its pop of color and infinite light. In the shadows of overhanging trees their land stretched out in an endless shadow but she so enjoyed the light.

The rockpile at the edge of the camp had been a struggle to keep clean and uncovered by snow during the winter season, not that much light spilled over them when the skies were awash with gray and heavy white clouds; the world was so dark then that the mere thought of sunbathing was comical. But now she was free to indulge the simple pleasure of a warm spot, on a warm stone, back warmed and heart warmed; head resting atop the dark striped fur of their new deputy's neck. Say what you will of his work ethic, he made a rather fetching and comfortable place to rest and that was plenty enough for her. Her back arched in a faint stretch, hindlegs extending out before tucking back up to her side where she gave a quiet huff of satisfaction.
Hunting had gone well that day for her own little group, plenty of frogs springing back from the earth to be claimed for the pile, the occasional vole and someone (she did not know who) had even brought in a marsh hare and it reminded her of the one she'd shared with Smogmaw in what felt like a lifetime ago before the cold of leafbare and the fight for survival.

"Can I bribe you not to put me on dawn patrol, can you play favorites a little bit~? I won't tell anyone." This was a lie, she was going to tell everyone and brag about it and rub it in their faces without an ounce of shame or hesitation. Halfshade would continue to live her life unapologetically herself.

-PAFP @smogmaw
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Tantalising words elicit an approving purr from the reclined deputy. "Mmkay," he assents, tone seeping with crude bliss. "Stay on the rocks with me, and you won't have to do anything."

There's no downplaying the contentment and ease he felt in this moment. Whilst the sun shone down and collected in the dark colourations along his side, so too was he enveloped by the warmth of the other's touch. Her company abolishes the typical deadpan expression that infested his face—in its stead is a pair of dozing eyes, accompanied by the makings of a smile which wouldn't fool anybody. Smogmaw was in love, and it's come to the point where outward displays of affection were no longer beneath him.

The purr drawls on. Not a lone complaint festers within his skull, let alone the swathes of them which frequently stormed about his mind. It's so quiet for once. He does not wish death upon the birds which sang, nor harm upon the clanmates who often received his ire. His world overcome by a peculiar gentleness, one he's become rather comfortable with since courting this molly. Yet, knowing he shall now spend the rest of his days in her company, he finds even greater pleasure in the tenderness.

"Wait, bribe me with what, exactly?" probes the tabby, latching on to her ditzy remark. There isn't much that Halfshade could give him anymore; their bond has grown more intense than ever, and already has she treated him far better than the usual dullards in his life. However, if she's offering... well, he wouldn't say no to a kiss. "And with you, gorgeous," he says, chuckling softly, "I'm always playing favourites."

Doesn't matter if it's not fair. He's the deputy now, and he gets to make decisions like that.

❪ TAGS ❫ — There are two sights that Roosterstrut would never like to witness again with his naked eyes — his father's mangled and bloodied corpse, and Smogmaw being romantic with anyone. He would have never left the warriors den if he knew that he'd stumble across Halfshade and the newly-named deputy being way too comfortable with one another. Roosterstrut had heard rumors of the torbie she-cat and the mackerel tabby tom being involved, and unfortunately, today he was witnessing their public displays of affection for himself.

"And with you, gorgeous, I'm always playing favourites." The orange-hued male overhears Smogmaw coo, which makes the tip of his tail twitch irritably. That no-good, snake-hearted, mange-ridden... Roosterstrut is so bitter that he can't even complete his train of thought. While he doesn't believe that he himself would have made for a better deputy, he feels that anyone else would have been a smarter choice! Even Ferndance looked pretty promising compared to him (which was saying something).

If he were a more outspoken cat, perhaps Roosterstrut would have said something. He knows that it's likely just playful flirtatious banter between the two, but Roosterstrut still does not wholly trust Smogmaw to be a fair and just deputy. He doubts he ever will, considering their latest private interaction hadn't gone so well. If Roosterstrut were to say anything about playing favorites with Halfshade, would Smogmaw tell him to grow a spine because life wasn't fair? Probably.

So, he doesn't stick around, dipping out of camp as swiftly as he could. Roosterstrut didn't want to intrude on anything private between the two lovebirds. Besides, if Smogmaw indeed began to abuse his newfound power then surely the others would take notice as well. The warrior would be keeping an eye on the deputy for that alone with an olive-hued scathing gaze, watching and waiting for a slip-up so he could have a proper excuse to tell Chilledstar that he wasn't fit for his rank.

Call that uncharacteristic of the upbeat, friendly tom, but seeing Smogmaw suffer from the consequences of his actions might ease Roosterstrut's heartache if only a little bit.

chilledstar couldn't even blame smogmaw for being so head over heels. chilledstar used to think that they were incapable of love and to some capacity, they were. they put that a in aromantic... but geckoscreech somehow put the romantic in it. it made chilledstar a bit irrational sometimes, but who cared? it wasn't as if chilledstar and geckoscreech were actually together... yet. the older molly consumed their thoughts more than they ever wanted to admit, and anyone with eyes could see how much more affectionate they were with her. so yeah. had geckoscreech asked anything of chilledstar, they'd of done the same thing that smogmaw does with halfshade. they'd do it, because they just were that smitten.

with a flick of their tail, they gently lay, watching roosterstrut. roosterstrut had been through a lot... and with everything going on, they hadn't had a chance to relay his father's words. they moved to lay down, rolling over on to their back, stretching out to get the sun rays all over their belly, eyes closing. they peeled one open to look at roosterstrut, humming quietly.

"his fur is gonna fall right off."

it's not hard to see he doesn't like smogmaw. it wasn't as if smogmaw was a clan favorite but chilledstar made their decision. it was done. and despite what others might have thought, it was a good one. he leaves, and they only huff, returning to their sunbathing.
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geckoscreech is approaching the entrance of camp with a fresh snipe hanging from ivory jaws when she temporarily crosses paths with roosterstrut who escapes camp wearing a bitter expression that seems so out of place for a friendly tom like himself. no words or greetings are exchanged between them during this passing as the orange tabby is quick to vanish from sight leaving the lead warrior to stare after with a curious gaze. she can only assume something or rather someone has gotten under his pelt to make him act this way. geckoscreech eventually shrugs her shoulders and slips through the thorny barrier where she is welcomed by the usual sights of clanmates scattered about chatting or lazing about soaking up some much needed sunshine which honestly sounded nice.

after putting her snipe atop of the freshkill pile she makes her towards the group currently sunbathing which consists of smogmaw, halfshade and chilledstar. an aqua gaze would linger only for a few seconds on the torbie and mackerel tabby snuggling close while adoration is written clear across their faces. it's a little weird seeing smogmaw so smitten. "feels like i missed something." geckoscreech says this to no one in particular before easing herself into a gentle flop against chilledstar with a relaxed sigh.

Though he longed to remain with his head nestled in her chest, blissfully blind to the going-ons in the surrounding world, Smogmaw was disturbed from his serene state by movement nearby. Unenthusiastically, the deputy lifts his head from Halfshade's comfort and surveys the environment around him. Roosterstrut's ginger hindquarters exist as the only object of note, and they hurtle beyond the bounds of camp on fleet feet. Smogmaw grumbles aimlessly, incoherently, something along the lines of the young warrior being a jittery wreck. If his recent actions are anything to go off, he likely ran into the greater marsh to have a pity party all on his lonesome.

Rasp-spoken words disrupt the ambiance, seizing Smogmaw's focus and causing his head to veer ever-so-slightly. His cagey eyes latch onto his leader's form, which reclines in a manner similar to his own. Chilledstar's observance earns another grunt from the ashen tom, this time in approval, ahead of a quiet chortle as he imagines the mental image they'd instilled. Roosterstrut, stripped of his noble pelt like one of those freakish kittypets, and wearing a yarn-crafted garb in its stead. That'd be quite a look on him, and admittedly a better one.

When Geckoscreech draws near and opts to participate in the sunbathing, the deputy sighs, then yawns, and ultimately submits himself to the warmth of his mate's chest tufts once again. The soft strands press up against his rugged mug, soothing him back to his state of calm.

His thoughts wander all willy-nilly for but a brief moment, before converging on the words which hung in the air. Perhaps the Lead Warrior referred to Roosterstrut's abrupt departure, but the remark infuses him with a realisation. His and Halfshade's relationship, to this point has been an easygoing affair, indifferent to the smalltalk and rumours amongst their clanmates which stemmed from it. In light of a recent, rather major development, however, the tom registers that it may be valuable to set some things straight, to kill off any unanswered questions that lingered in prying minds.

"We're mates," he says, though his words prove muffled by his lover's pelt. "Me 'n Halfshade, we're mates." Putting it out there, officially, provides him with a sense of bliss even greater than provided by Halfshade's company. In a clan where being at one another's throats is an unofficial pastime, he has someone.

The declaration intensifies his purring, and he loosens himself further into her touch.

The skinny tortoiseshell watched idly from not too far away. Nothing of real value was being done here—he had decided that long ago. He found that he did not care if Halfshade would be exempted from patrols. It would only mean Dogfur would get more chances to go. In his eyes, this was a win. He could not fathom why Roosterstrut looked so upset. Ignoring the two groups of duos, Dogfur focused his sulphuric gaze on the ginger tabby, watching him leave. He would not be so naive to believe that Roosterstrut felt the similar lack of desire and romance that Dogfur experienced. There seemed to be something much deeper.

Dogfur decided to stick around, edging closer to the rocks to see if he could sneak a place there—even with his ticks and fleas. Then, he heard Smogmaw's muffled declaration, a stupid lovesick purr rumbling in his throat. Dogfur twisted his head unnaturally at the two of them, ignoring Chilledstar and Geckoscreech. What? So they hadn't before?

The tortoiseshell simply yawned, deciding then that he was uninterested in this monumental step in Smogmaw's life. "Well, I'm off to wherever he is." He pointed his snout in the direction Roosterstrut went off to and the scraggy tortoiseshell disappeared just as so.


A low purr rolled in her throat at the reply, amused at the sincerity and knowing it was all just cute flattery and nothing else. He'd probably just stick her on patrols with him in the end which was perfectly fine with Halfshade. Smogmaw suddenly announcing it has her lift her head briefly in surprise, while she was not ashamed at all and not exactly hiding it she had expected he was more interested in just enjoying the subtly of it rather than make it public knowledge but she was proven swiftly wrong much to her delight. The torbie beamed at him, that he'd decided it was something worth boldly declaring ellicited a smile across her maw up until Dogfur was ambling along unimpressed and disinterested and she rolled her eyes.
"You lot are so much fun. It's a wonder anyone stays here~"
Would it kill a few cats to lighten up and just accept the world could be brighter, cats could be happier, or was just the idea of another indulging in happiness far too much for some? It was all she could assume really. Roosterstrut's strange regard for Smogmaw was not something she was aware and the way the clan just whispered about and scuttled around was unbecoming and a little embarrassing. Stars forbid anyone be happy here. It was as though some cats just wanted everyone to be miserable like themselves but frankly she wasn't interested in any of that. Halfshade settled her head back down with a content hum, "Someone ought to go check on Roosterstrut, he must be allergic to something." Like joy, perhaps. Or romance.
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