pafp BATTLE OF THE AGES ☽; competition

" There's something you and I both have in common with nature, " Wolfwind begins. Her chest is full, voice emboldened and sunken into a 100% natural baritone. Wolfwind wasn't really the poetic sort, but her grandest of ideas deserved equally grand setups. When you spoke like this, how could anyone refuse you? Much worse, reply with the dreaded 'what?' She needs a laugh anyways. A reason to be stupid and not think about ThunderClan's boar problem. " That, my friend, is the wind. "

She does a full 180, facing the molly in question (Yes, she'd been talking to her with her back turned up until now.) In an increadibly on topic way, she feels like she nearly loses her balance and starts tumbling toward the elders den as she does so, but she regains her footing. She's... fine. " The winds rage on! And why is this? Of course, because of the untapped potential between us both. Us 'winds', " Of course, she was referring to the last halves of their names they both shared. " The throne remains unclaimed! Therefore... Uh, therefore... We gotta claim it. " Kay, she's ran out of fancy words, but she can totally tell that she has Redwind hooked, by now. " But there can only be one! I say: we fight for it. "

Wolfwind sizes her up– down? No, up. Probably. Point is, Redwind's bigger than her, which means Wolfwind could totally use this wind to her advantage. " I'm... not trying to crash into a tree racing right now actually, so uh. WHOEVER CAN JUMP THE FARTHEST! " She pauses, swinging her head around camp to catch the eye of any potential onlookers. " In fact, I deem that any other cat who beats me can take my suffix! " She doesn't know how she comes up with her on strokes of genius, really.

[ ooc: please wait for @Redwind >:) dice roll competition any1 :3?]

Redwind followed Wolfwind close behind, listening to her talk with an amused smirk and perked ears.

There's something you and I both have in common with nature. That, my friend, is wind.

"Oh how fun!~" she chirped, amber gaze glinting as her smile then reached both of her cheeks. She wondered what the fellow she-cat had in mind, watching her enthusiasm and listening to her poetic words like they were songs of the morning birds. Surely, she had something planned if she was invited to follow her and started a poetic speech. She could already tell it was a challenge, something fun to get their mind off the dangers placed upon their territory.

Redwind's eyes fluttered in suprise as her clanmate suddenly whipped around, stopping and leaning back on her legs to brace herself from toppling into her. She blinked more as she watch her tumble towards the elders den, gaze following their form in concern. She wanted to race towards the other to help them up, however, she had to stay still to brace the wind so she could prevent crashing into her lighter clanmate. "Are you-?" Then she got regained footing, she couldn't help but release a hearty laugh when Wolfwind went on like nothing happened.

A throne unclaimed for the fellow winds, she rolled her eyes playfully and tipped her head to the side, "Oh I see now, there can only be one..! May the most windy clanmate win." She meowed dramatically, lifting her paw near her chest to add a taste to her theatrics.

An amused purr rumbled throughout her body at the note of tree climbing. She remembered back on how well she had conquered such skill, mostly due to her size she was able to balance with raging winds. Redwind nearly chuckled at the thought of Woldwind flying off with the winds, although she held it back to be respectful. She didn't want her to get hurt, so it was better to not try dangerous competitions as such. "Challenge excepted, my dear Wolfwind. I'm ready when you are!~" She meowed in a sing song way, getting into a steady position.

//Oof! Lunch break post but I'm up for a dice roll! :)
"I WANNA JOIN TOO!" Never one to be subtle or particularly quiet, Chickadeepaw appears with a wail and a want. "If I win, that means I get to be a warrior NOW and then you have to listen to ME because you'll be an apprentice!" Chickadeewind... the name doesn't really roll off the tongue, nor does the fluffy little she-cat think it particularly suits her, but the chips have been thrown and the game has been set. There isn't really anything left to do but jump.

She winds herself up, falling into an awful facsimile of a hunting crouch (it is rather obvious that poor Whitelion's teachings have gone over her head quite spectacularly) before waggling her little butt and leaping. She pushes off the ground as hard as she can manage, she goes up and up, mocha-dipped paws reaching out and -

A mouthful of dirt is what Chickadeepaw is rewarded with. She tumbles, tail over face, scooting about a foot away from her starting point. It is a foot that was cleared with bravado, however, and she will gladly take her bruised butt as a battle scar of this epic brawl (no matter how much it hurt.) She swallows down the little whimper of owie that lingers on the top of her tongue and puts on a wide smile. "LET ME SEE YOU BEAT THAT!" She yells at the adults, quite convinced in her own naive victory.
Marigoldkit comes out of the nursery after he hears Woldwind's dramatics, bored out of his mind. The wind was a bother, but he was fussing about feeling super cramped and was tired of being a bother, so he just risks it and watches the commotion unfold.

Marigoldwind...that name sounds okay, but definitely not the suffix he would pick for himself, if he could choose his own. He's too tiny to really have a chance to win anyways, but that doesn't mean he couldn't watch, or maybe compete with an apprentice.

The kit bounces around as Chickadeepaw tries to jump, and laughs as she fumbles the landing. It's not because he's trying to make fun of her...for the most part. "Yeah! Beat that!" He parrots smugly. Hopefully they don't force him to try...
He had the coolest mentor in the world. And now, Wolfwind has declared a battle for supremacy with Redwind to take the title of....Windiest cat? Windiest cat. He bounced on the sidelines, excited to watch the contest. He wouldn't take part, this was not his battle. No, his battle would be something else. He didnt know what exactly, but he would have one some day.

This was Wolfwind's moment. He had complete faith in his mentor to be the COOLEST Wind in the clan. Redwind was cool too, but he was biased towards his mentor

"YEAH!! YOU CAN DO IT WOLFWIND!!!" He shouted.

He wondered....If she lost her suffix, would she just be Wolf? Or would she be Wolfpaw again??? This required too much thought, and thinking was hard.​
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A small uproar from the other side of camp caused Batwing to crack his eye open. Seriously, does this guy do any work, or does he lounge all the time? Who knew. He picked his head up, squinting as he forced his eyes to adjust and focus on what was going on.. and a hot breath of air left him, amusement in the huff. He pushed to his paws, groaning to himself as he stretch his smooth furred body out. Muscles rippled as he slowly padded over, neatly sitting near the edge of the competition.

At the cheer from the chaotic apprentice, a snicker left Batwing, his tail swaying behind him. "Kind of ironic that you're battling over a name by.. jumping." Another grin, toothy and chaotic followed from this statement. "I'm not sure I'd even want that name.. too close to what I have now. What's the point in changing it?" Besides, Batwing likes his name. He's a better climber then he is a runner- his build just wasn't made for it. His ears twitched, amused smile on his face as he looked on at the clanmates fighting over the title- a small chuckle at the kit and apprentice. ​
Clearly, her fantastical theatric skills are what convinced Redwind to take up her noble battle offer, and its totally enough to distract her from Wolfwind nearly being swept off her feet, Redwind's just laughing because she remembered a really funny joke someone (probably Wolfwind) told her yesterday. There can only be one...! " PRECISESLY, my dear, " Wolfwind bellows, letting the wind blow her fur cooly and awesomely. " May the most windy clanmate win, indeed, " she says in a completely real and alluring baritone, followed by a low, evil but heroic and courageous laugh.

It quickly becomes known that she has several challengers in fact. Chickadeepaw comes running, proclaiming that they wish to partake in the battle of the ages. The explanation of her desire is uh... well, Wolfwind probably would've thought something similar at her age.

Wolfwind laughs again, her totally real life, " Battle me if you dare! Your defeat will be swift, indeed! " Chickadeepaw promptly launches herself forward, and it's spectacular. Like, she's never seen someone eat so much dirt, except for maybe Rabbitnose, and that guy probably did it on purpose. It's not like Chickadeepaw doesn't make good distance, though. It's respectable, and Marigoldkit seems to think so as well. In the same way that he cheers on the apprentice, Wolfwind's apprentice cheers her on as well. " My fans, " she says to the approaching batwing. " They love me. "

" We ain't jumpin', we're harnessing the wind, ack-chually, " Wolfwind would match his grin. " Everyone wants this name. Berryheart actually talked to StarClan for me, and they sent a prophecy saying ' As the wolf howls and hawk cries from above, those who harness the wind are fuckin' awesome,' " She kinda gave up at the end. It's fine.

" Anyways! " Wolfwind takes to the sky. It was supposed to be a sick moment where she flies like one billion fox-lengths after regarding someone in such a cool way, but the wind apparently chooses that exact moment to start blowing in the opposite direction, and she gets smacked in the face by the force. (Also. Leaves!) Her landing is not graceful. It's not as tragic as Chickadeepaw's, but that was a drastically low bar. She beats Chickadeepaw at least, paws grasping at the dirt. " Err. Yeah. " Somewhat apprehensively, she'd glance back at Redwind.

[ ooc: APOLOGIES for the late reply! rolled a 9 + 1 for her size. then a -2 from the wind == 8! ]

Redwind watched Chickadeepaw take the honor of going first, alight with interest and entertainment at her enthusiasm. "Yes, your highness.." she playfully went along with her proposal with a chuckle. Chickadeepaw went for the kill, leaping- yet tumbling and she almost turned away as she cringed at the pain the younger feline must of had to endure and the humiliation she must feel. However, it all turned back to cheer as the apprentice kept her enthusiasm and confidence. Marigoldkit cheered on her supposed friend, chuckling at the sweet interaction.

Sparkpaw now cheered on his mentor loudly with pride, almost making her turn against herself at the belief the two had for their teams. Redwind wasn't at all sour she didn't have one cheering for her, merely sweetened at the excitement they had for each other.

Batwing announced the oddity of the competition, he wasn't at all wrong and she gave a hearty laugh at his words, "Come on, dear, just don't want to join the competition, yes?" She playfully teased, wrinkling her nose, "Hm, if I lose this shall I go for just Red? That's quite odd. Hmm.. how about Redsong? Ah well, guess I'll leave that up to the victor!"

She watched as Wolfwind responded to her clanmates, grinning and chuckling every once in awhile. Then there was the tell of a prophecy and her ears perked intently, tipping her head to the side in interest. Another hearty laugh released from her lungs at the realization of false tell, shaking her head. "You're too charismatic my friend, I almost believed you." The character of her fellow wind suffixed clanmate was entertaining to her, amusing. She drew her in and didn't fail to keep her attention drawn like a bird on a low branch.

Wolfwind then prepared for her turn, watching to see if they lived up to their ambition of winning the competition.

Leaves smacked her face but she had landed, Redwind almost cringed at the expectation of her clanmate falling to the same doom as chickadeepaw. Although, she had actually caught herself and she trilled in a way to congratule.

It was now her turn. The tortiseshell squared up her shoulders and timed the wind. Then she leapt. The wind hit her body hard and she felt herself in a way be boosted but she had not gone that far. She felt the familiar spark of pain in her hips, making her leap weakened. Redwind nearly stumbled at the start of her landing but caught herself with the help of balance from her tail. She had gotten as far as Chickadeepaw and she glanced over to the apprentice to see her reaction of their tie. Redwind then turned her head back to Wolfwind, "Well, my friend, you've earned the name. What shall you call me since you won this title?" She smoothly purred, whiskers twitching in amusement.

[Rolled a 2 + 3 for wind boost! Total 5 ] ​