pafp battle scars — scars


the eyes of a soldier 07/5/23
Apr 25, 2023
.something's made your ———


——— eyes grow cold.
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THE SEAL SEPIA SHUFFLED FORWARD, SCARRED MUZZEL SCRUNCHING in annoyance as he neared the nursery, joints protesting with the short journey. “Damn, getting old sucks.” He muttered, tail twitching in agitation.

Drawing near, he dropped the plump bird near the opening with a choked huff. Sharp yellow optics narrowed, shuffling back to sit on his haunches, sighing in relief. Damn bones. “Brought a bird.” His voice was gruff, lacking emotion as he stared at the opening with a quirk of his nose.

Head cocking, Hades observed whoever slithered out with a critical eye. “The fuck are you lookin’ at?” His tone was deadpan. Yellow optics scrunching up in tandem with the marred flesh of his muzzle.


thoughts speech
SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
Bobbie's head lifted from where she'd been slumped in her thrown-together nest in the rear of the nursery, slinking out of the milk-scented depths of the den towards the smell of an unfamiliar cat and prey. The lilac tabby's fur was a touch unkempt and her wide eyes heavy with sleep; still, she settled herself in front of the bird with a grateful smile to the cat who had brought it. Bobbie had to be honest, the first thing she noticed about the cat was the many scars streaking his pelt, especially his face; she tried to place his name and failed. The little failure stung Bobbie more than it should've, and she searched for a conversational topic to pull herself out of the foggy landscape of her own head.

The fuck are you lookin' at? The brusque tone and vulgar wording certainly yanked Bobbie to full attention; she herself refrained from profanity to the best of her ability, and the oft-crass demeanour of the Clan cats took some getting used to. The queen lapped awkwardly at a tangle in her soft fur; she was torn between being honest that she'd been looking at the cat's many scars, not unlike her own, and telling a harmless lie about it—then again, this cat seemed determined to be obstinate regardless of what she said. It might be nice to talk to another cat about the healed injuries; plenty of the warriors had scars, but Bobbie still felt raw and ugly about hers—after all, she hadn't earned them in courageous battle, rather cowardly lack of skill. The lilac cat stirred from her thoughts, prompted by the cat's shrewd yellow gaze, and stammered sweetly, "Thanks for the bird. And, um, I just noticed you have a lo-lot of scars ... that's all?" She mewed tentatively; after all, what was the worst that could result from the innocent thought?

[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?
An amused smile grazes over black scarred lips, the language licked into the air angrily. Elders always held Thistleback’s highest regard and love. No matter how cranky and irascible some often were. A queen seemed on the end of his ill temper today, staring for too long it would seem. Thistleback’s pawsteps gravitate toward the entrance of the den he and his mate reared their children. He dismisses his apprentices with a flick of his tail, and stops by the prey pile himself.

" you should eat as well, old boy- leave this work to the apprentices. " Thistleback offered with a scratched but kind tone. Dropping a shrew next to the bird the elder brought for the queens. " madam " he greets the woman kindly, tipping his chin.

His eyes peer past them both to the nest he and Deersong shared when their little ones hadn’t even opened their eyes. A guilt rips through his gut, he had been working more than he had been watching them play. He leans his tensed muscled shoulder to the foliage of the nursery wall. Content with listening them share about scars. It’s nice to hear others speak, especially when your mind is loud.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
Bobbie is waiting rather nervously for the profane elder's reply when another cat strolls up, one the queen finds equally if not more intimidating. A cat who was actually not that tall, but to Bobbie appeared hulking and rather terrifying. Whispers of the black-and-white cat's vicious demeanour and exploits have trickled down to Bobbie's ears, and although she does her best not to pre-judge, she still feels intimidated. It doesn't help that the cat in question is part of the Clan hierarchy which continues to confuse her to a degree. She fishes in her foggy head for his name—seizes on it, one equally as intimidating as his appearance. Thistleback's scarred face, knotted muzzle, and the flashes of fangs and silver-coin eyes send a flash of fear through the queen, one she quickly tamps down. Don't be so judgemental, Bobbie.

And clearly she shouldn't have been, because when the cat opens his fang-studded maw, it's a gravelly but kind tone that wafts out to the crabby elder, offering prey to him. Then again, Bobbie thinks, she's the last one to be judging anyone about teeth especially—the queen awkwardly paws the bird over to herself; while she usually prefers to eat alone, her stomach is nagging her, probably because she's eating for two minimum and who knows how many maximum. Bobbie takes a bite, pink lips curled as far over her long snaggle-teeth as she can, and glances up with a flash of fangs; the courteous greeting surprises her, perhaps more so in contrast with the elder's curse-studded one. "Madam." It's silly, but the little snatch of decorum is nice; Bobbie keeps her own manners carefully, but not all of the Clan cats seem to, and she'd be lying if she said it wasn't a bit of a tough adjustment. The intimidating cat seems content to lean against the nursery wall, listen to Bobbie converse with the elder (a terrifying prospect), and stare menacingly into the distance, so Bobbie turns her gaze nervously back to the scar-studded senior cat.
[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?
.something's made your ———


——— eyes grow cold.
———————— ————————
NOSE SCRUNCHING UP IN ANNOYANCE, WHISKERS TWITCHING the elder huffed, optics rolling. “And not my good looks?” He remarked sarcastically, leaning further back into his haunches.

His gaze shifted to the other, huffing in annoyance. Who the hell are you calling old boy? He thought, tsking. “Got nothin’ better to do. Wastin’ away the longer I sit in that damn den.” He grumbled. Yellow optics twitched.

Hades gravitated towards the queen, brow raised. “What about my scars?” He quipped. Better than sittin’ in the den. He thought with an annoyed huff. “Got somethin’ to ask?” He leaned forward, gaze narrowing. “Scary isn’t it?” He snorted, leaning back with a flick of his tail.

thoughts speech