
Viperstrike has not missed the turning of the seasons—and sure as ever, his bones remind him in case he’s forgotten. Always achin’ when he gets up every morn, always creakin’ when he moves too quickly for his tired joints to keep up. But he still enjoys seeing the territory, especially now that the leaves’re all changing color for the year.

He’s settled just beside the camp entrance, gnawing on a twig, gnashing his teeth against the thin layer of bark. "You," he calls as a cat passes by. They turn to look at him, an eyebrow raised. "Yes, you. Won’t you take an ol’ geezer fer a walk?" The younger cat rolls their eyes and stalks off, leaving the elder to sit by himself once again.

"Blasted youths," the old tomcat mutters, dragging a claw through the dirt. "Got no respect for their damned elders, that’s the problem with kids these days." He shakes his head, tutting to himself. It’s not that he deserves to be respected—he’s taken a life, what kind of respect does that beget? None, that’s what—but it would certainly be nice if the apprentices would stop comin’ by nearly every day to slather his nicely mussed fur with disgust in’ bile. The least they could do it take him on a walk to make up for it.

It’s not that he doesn’t feel secure going on a wander of the territory by his lonesome. Really, he fought and killed in the great battle not too many moons ago. He can take care of himself, knows how to keep himself safe. But it does get a bit lonely, he supposes, always goin’ it alone. He misses his rat of a sister. "I oughta just go on a walk by myself, then." He glances around one last time, casting his gaze around for anyone who may yet join him.
( ) Sitting across the camp, Flamewhisker watched as Viperstrike emerged from his den, and settled down near the camp's entrance. She drew a tongue over her shoulder, cleaning her pelt from the debris it had gathered during her patrol earlier. She hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but it was so hard not to here. So much was constantly going on...that was the one thing she missed from her life as a loner. Quietness.

Her pelt twitched irritatedly as she watched the younger cat roll their eyes, and ignore the elder. Although she hadn't been around when the elder's were in their former glory, she still respected them for the service they had provided. Who knows, if they hadn't of fought in the Great Battle, would she be here in Thunderclan? Would her new home even exist?

With a quiet grunt, the fiery tabby rose to her paws. They still ached from training Jaypaw and doing patrols, but a walk wouldn't hurt anything. As she approached the older tom, she flicked her tail in greeting. "Nonsense, I'd love to tag along. A nice quiet walk sounds nice."

Nearby, a conversation buzzed... or an argument, he could not tell. No word of the clamour nearby seized his attention for more than a moment, no interesting words daring to grace his attention. It was only at the spit of youths that his vision lifted slightly, olivine eyes finding the perpetrator... there, an older tom, icecap in hue with splotches of chestnut. Hooded eyes fastened in place, ears slightly swivelled forward- though he remained relaxed, chin resting upon white toed paws, to the observant his seized attention would be noticeable. A grumble spilled from the tom's maw only moments before Sunset made her approach.

Idly, Berryheart wondered why one would not want to take a walk through the territory... it seemed akin to taking their land for granted if they refrained. By far they called home the most beautiful territory, adorned with flowers and foliage, without water or mud or whipping winds, free from the clogging scent of Twoleg. Oh, how he wished all who lived here had such a perspective.

Heaving himself to a trio of paws, Berryheart made his ambling way over, a yawn splitting his snowy muzzle before he made his intention clear. "If you'll have another," simply spoken, it was there to refuse if Chestnut rather it be an outing of a duo.

Honestly, Jaypaw is a little wary of going around the elder members after having to pick ticks from Heronbelly but maybe they don't always want something gross. Talk of just going for a stroll sounds nice but then again, it could just a ploy to trick him into doing some chore and he eyes Viperstrike with an air of distrust. Old people can be sneaky. He learned that from his mom and even though she really wasn't so old, everyone is old to a kid his age. In fact, they probably just want to talk about adult stuff while they walk and he'd just be an annoyance, something to have to censor around. Plus, it probably wouldn't be as quiet as Flamewhisker might have hoped with him around. His doubt tries to muscle in that maybe she's even tired of him by now , but he pushes it away firmly. His mom wouldn't want him to think about himself like that. Jay slinks over between Berry and Flame's paws, looking up at the trio with his baby blues. "Can I come? I'll be quiet, I promise." That's probably a fib but he doesn't know that.
Unlike older youths of the clan, Fireflykit spends lots of time with the Elders. He enjoys listening to their stories, hearing them talk about their adventures making him that much more curious. His mother kept him sheltered from a lot of things, but he wasn't invulnerable in his young age. Fireflykit understood that he was different than most, certainly so- others could see quite well, but the Elders never judged him. Their vision was going out too, with age- he was just sensitive to light.

The sound of Viperstrike asking an apprentice to go for a walk with him causes him to leap from his place in the shade, rushing over with a big grin on his face despite shut eyelids. "Can I come, Viperstrike? I'll protect you!" He chirps out, tail waving behind him in excitement. He couldn't wait to be an apprentice, so he could run alongside the warriors and see outside of the camp. Despite all of the opportunities he had, he didn't like staying stationary.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Fireflykit." An annoyed grumble would come from behind the slowly growing group. Leafshade stalked over with his usually arrogant air as if something in the air had put the tom in a foul mood. Though should any of the cats look past his slim frame, they would see the very apprentice who had ignored Viperstrike appearing quite humbled and heading towards the elders' den as if they had just been heavily scolded.

Leafshade would look down at his leader's son and narrow his gaze softly, "You're mother will be very worried if you just leave camp. Go ask her first and if she says yes then you can come." His gaze would flicker over to Viperstrike and Flamewhisker then dipping his head curtly, "If you want any more joiners of course. I can always take Jaypaw and the kit a different way."


While she has been learning the way of camp she has yet to figure out the territory. It's vast as far as she has come to understand it and that makes it a daunting task for her personally. Still she wants to press forward in this unexpected and unpredictable new life that she has to deal with. And an opportunity arises that makes her move towards the elder. Others also approach and she finds herself just standing there. Scents blend together but she picks them out effortlessly as she waves her blooming tail in greeting. Her eyes are half open and the pale creature gives a small smile. "Um, if you don't mind one more I'd like to come as well. I want to get my paws familiar with this place."

A larger crowd than he’s used to is forming ‘round him, every familiar face asking to join him on his once-lonesome walk. First is Flamewhisker, who—the sweet girl, he likes ‘er. "Ah, I’d love for ya to come along, Flamewhisker." To both Jaypaw and Berryheart, he nods, donning a charming grin. They’re always welcome—these cats are kind, and he thinks he’ll enjoy their company on a wander around the territory. "Y’all are both welcome as well. An’ ya don’t gotta be quiet, either."

He’s quick to recognize one o’ the new kits ‘round the clan, Fireflykit, when the tan scrap o’ fur approaches. A cute one, he thinks, though a bit odd at the same time. Kits’re like that. "I trust you to protect me, kiddo. Gotta have a protection squad for this ol’ man." He tilts his head in amusement, olivine eyes crinkled at the corners.

And Leafshade, the hardass, sends the youngster who’d spurned him off to do stars-knows-what, lookin’ thoroughly abashed. Viperstrike thinks that’s a bit rough, but he’ll have that conversation with the warrior later. "Ah, let the young’uns come, Leafshade. Nothin’ll happen to ’em, either, not with this buncha cats." He attempts to reassure Leafshade, not wanting Fireflykit to be left out. They’re an adventurous child, they shouldn’t be made to stay in camp while the older cats go out on a stroll.

The pale-furred one who steps next up to him smiles, asking to join him in an unusual way. Acquainting her paws with the territory—he recalls then that she isn’t the best with eyesight, and doesn’t bother nodding to her. "Oh, ‘f course you can join us. It’d be an honor t’go on a stroll with ya." A warm tone takes the rough edge out of his voice, smile on his face as he stands and shakes out his pelt. "So, shall we go? Who’ll lead the way?"