camp BBIBBI ⊹₊° recovery!

❀‿ That morning, Fireflypaw had given her a mouse for breakfast and told her she was well enough to leave the medicine den. Naturally, in response to that she promptly got to work on making herself presentable enough to be seen by the general public of Skyclan camp. She worked diligently on grooming out the unkempt tangles within her long pelt, nearly a moon of messiness provided her with an arduous task indeed. It was nearing closer to sun-high by the time the apprentice finally padded out of the den—it would have been longer, but the looming threat of their more... volatile healer catching her linger longer than her welcome had her cutting her grooming time short.

Still, she hoped she didn't look too awful, weeks-worn of sickness and imperfect grooming aside. Lupinepaw settled in a sunnier corner of camp to finally eat, the return of her appetite was a welcome feeling. She enjoyed the subtle warmth upon her pelt that she had missed for almost a moon, though she didn't remember it being this weak last moon. "It's gotten chillier.." she said, mostly to herself, eyes trained on the cloud-crowded sky above.

  • OOC:
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 5mo apprentice of skyclan
    — ??? ; single
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy

XXXXXHe’s still shaking the remnants of yellowcough off of his own pelt. Though it had been death that had stripped the illness away from his body and not the sacred lungwort, Blazestar recognizes the fatigue he sees pooling in Lupinepaw’s green gaze. Blazestar feels immense relief wash over him at the sight of her—though she’s clearly still tired and overly-thin from the disease, Lupinepaw is alive, and her eyes are bright and clear, free from fever or delirium.

XXXXXIt is,” Blazestar confirms, padding closer to the small black smoke. “Leaf-fall is here.” Her first leaf-fall, and she’s spending it, regrettably, away from the mother who journeys leagues away. The Ragdoll feels a pang when he meets Lupinepaw’s eyes—they are the color of sage leaves, so similar to Bobbie’s that it hurts. In his feverish dreams, he’d seen her at a distance, too far for his grasping paws to catch. He can only imagine how her children must worry for her safety now. “How are you feeling?

"I'm sure your presence in camp and bright smile will help warm up everyone though!" Storm remarks in a happy and innocent tone, though one could say his words come across as somewhat flirty... like the creepy old man type of flirty who would tell you to stick your finger in his cup of coffee to sweeten it up for him. Not the apprentice's intentions to come across that way and he hopes no one reads too much into it - he's simply trying to make friends and fit in.

The black and white tom seats himself near Blazestar and Lupinepaw, plush tail wrapping around his front paws as he offers the duo and smile and awaits to hear Lupinepaw's response to the ragdoll's question. This yellowcough illness was no joke and Storm was pleased whenever someone recovered from it.

The disease- yellowcough, he reminded himself- clung to every facet of life now. If you had it you were stuck, and if you didn't have it you were avoiding it. The closest it had gotten to touching Twitchbolt himself thus far had been when it had settled under Quillstrike's pelt- otherwise, he'd done an alright job of avoiding it so far. Still, watching Clanmates falter day by day was taking more out of the patchwork tom than he'd thought it might. Despite his paranoia he liked to think himself pretty hardy, but... though he wasn't afflicted with delirium, the emotional strain was a weight of which he was very conscious.

Therefore, when he saw Lupinepaw emerge from the medicine den with eyes full of clarity, warmly greeted by Blazestar and Storm... he was struck by a relief that was as bright and ferocious as a strike of lightning. It was an odd feeling, but a pleasant one- she wasn't his kit, so why should he be so relieved? But Bobbie's litter was one he had greeted not long after they had been born. And... after seeing Centipedepaw's specked blood on the pine-forest floor, after finding Spiderpaw's cold form curled on the dirt, after watching Snowpath slowly fade from the crushing pressure on his ribs... he was glad that whatever fickle forces there were had not stolen away another future. "It's- it's good to see you back, Lupinepaw," Twitchbolt murmured to her- earnestly, warmly.
penned by pin ✧