Be Brave Little bird || o. Startled, prompt

Sep 19, 2022

Squeak Squeak

Once more Mothpaw had found herself straying further away from the hunting patrol, having always been one bad at hunting or startling easily the girl figured she would be best if no one saw her, or...frighten any chance of prey away from the others not wanting to be the reason they had no success in a hunt today. To the girl the world was big and everything seemed to loom ready to jump at her, and unfortunately for her, today was one of the more bad days, it had been too loud and too busy in camp and even now with the high winds the girl felt more anxious than normal.

Lifting her head the girl drank in the smells around her before pinpointing that of a mouse, and quickly the girl dived into a hunting crouch as she slowly followed the scent, her tail tip rise up slightly so not to disturbed the ground below her, light paws steps as she slowly made her way forward. She continued to inch forward, spotting the grey furs of the small creature who had head to noticed her, ears perked the girl was focused in was the loud rustling of some bush that startled the girl so much that she jumped up and scrambled to hide, scaring off the prey she had been hunting. Her heart fluttered in her chest as wide-eyes scanned the clearing only to realize that it had been the wind.

Embarrassed the girl shrink a bit, it had been nothing, the girl had been startled by some wind and now she had lost her pray. A frown played on her maw, some warrior she'd make to be as she shook her head and let a soft huff out as her tail lashed slightly looking around wondering if anyone had saw her get startled by something so silly that made her lost her own prey. Mothpaw would have to make up for it later on now wouldn't she?

Prompt: Mothpaw is sort of jumpy and skittish. She hears something that stirs an alarm within her. What does she hear? Is it something simple that she blow out of proportion, or is it something she should be afraid of?