camp Be calm ✶ casual chat [pafp]


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

There were many things that Owlpaw valued herself being, relaxed was not one of them. She wanted to be, it must be nice to not be micromanaging yourself. Unfortunately that had not been in the cards that had been dealt to her. At first she thought maybe when she becomes a warrior that would change but she had started to realise that this won't change the fundamentals of her personality. Especially after Ashenclaw… She had realised that she wanted to learn to be calmer in her life, learn to let herself relax and take things slower than she currently does.

Usually when struggling with something there was some kind of way to fix it. Some kind of training to go through, no one was exactly advertising any teachings of these qualities though. Maybe she could speak with someone, she wasn't sure who at first. That was when she noticed Oddpaw, the first thing she thought of when she thought of Oddpaw was how relaxed he is. Usually annoyingly so, maybe he would be the best teacher? Was Oddpaw even up for teaching?

Owlpaw didn't waste time trying to overthink this, after all that was what she was trying to unlearn. Before she could talk herself out of it the tabby moved towards them, staring at him at first. “Oddpaw, you're… usually relaxed… how do you do it?” she sighed, asking for help or advice was like pulling teeth but she wanted to try.

Oddpaw was lounging just outside the apprentice's den, sliver and cream fur disturbed by his tongue. He flicked an ear hearing pawsteps come toward him, he opens an eyelid glancing up at Owlpaw. He hasn't really interacted with the older apprentice, he's seen her in passing but never out right talking to the red tabby.

He pauses his grooming, setting his pale and sliver splashed forelimb across his other forelimb. He watches the Skyclanner stammer out words, talking on how to be relaxed? Uh.. Truly, no other apprentice ever comes toward him about advice. This feels so..weird He sets a bored expression on his face, as he taps the ground next to him with his tail. "First off, don't be so uh...." He trails off, before waving a paw at the tabby apprentice with a slight head tilt. "So headstrong Owlpaw, think about non-stressed out stuff. Like, taking nice long walks or y'know collect flowers you like. Just calming things, I guess." He finishes his sorry excuse of teaching on how to be relaxed with a shrug. The calico apprentice really doesn't get it, on how can no one be relaxed naturally?! It's such.. bull personally. He lays his head on his paws, waiting for a response from the other.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( really? that's it? seriously.. ) ODDPAW : apprentice of skyclan
    — cismale ; HE / THEY ; currently 9 moons
    ♡ bi-pan / single / not actively looking / open to flirting & puppy-crushes
    — a medium-furred sliver and cream calico tom with copper eyes
    action , thoughts , "Speech, ac7d88"
    — smells of caramel frappe & chilled stone

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone


" You can also pick the most punchable tree you can find and just release all of your negative energy on it. Afterwards you will feel much better and relaxed." Fieryheart would point out as he approched the two apprentice after overhearing their conversation. Fieryheart believed himself to be pretty calm, right?. Whenever someone decided to not piss him off that was. Punching trees left and right were actually quite helpful, like a healthy way to deal with his inner demons. Blinking his eyes Fieryheart realized it not had been him Owlpaw had been asking advice from so his input might be unpopular. In fact he should probably not have interrupted these two conversations at all. " Oh, my bad Oddpaw didn't mean to uhm, - " take the spotlight from you?. No that was an awful way to put it. Maybe disturb?. No...there had to be a better word for it. " interrupt you." Eh, it was good enough.


Owlpaw was dedicated to committing to her memory every mannerism or expression that Oddpaw made, just in case the answer was actually hidden in there rather than his words. She sat down in front of him, trying to get her body to not be so tense, this was meant to be a casual conversation, she should relax. That was the core of the issue though wasn’t it? Her tail lashed out against the ground as she listened to his words, headstrong? Was she headstrong? A small frown formed as she thought about the advice, it sounded fine in concept. The issue was that she didn’t know what non-stressed out things could be. “Do you actually think about that stuff? I don’t know how to think about those things instead of non-calming stuff” she couldn’t see herself being a flower collector, walks could be a possibility though.

She was so focused on listening to Oddpaw that she had forgotten about the world around her for just a moment. Feiryheart’s words were like a gunshot, shattering said focus, her body that had slowly started to let itself relax was swiftly brought back to tension as she jumped at his words. Letting out a small sigh of relief as she realised that she wasn’t in any danger she turned her head to look at him “wouldn’t that hurt if you did that every time you needed to relax? Do you do anything that… doesn’t hurt instead?” It seemed more likely for her to do compared to collecting flowers but it wasn’t ideal. She considered Feiryheart to be rather intense though so she thought it made sense for him, despite her hesitance to take that advice she still made a mental note to consider this in the future if she ever saw a punchable tree.