pafp be gay, do crime ✧ stealing a rock

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Her paws still felt like they hardly touched the ground, the way the sand grit between excited claws dug in with each step. It hadn't been a lie that the gift felt a little dumb in comparison to the emotional outburst she'd been given... but still... the time spent on it mattered to Lichentail. It hadn't been at the forefront of her thoughts when they'd finally returned to RiverClan but it had been a priority the night they'd been made to flee... she'd been smart enough to grab it, to tuck it away where rogues might be less likely to find it. Ravensong's sour demeanor that night had been... upsetting, if only because she felt wounded by his implication she was a coward first and a RiverClanner second.

Do I really seem so slimy... ? To run at the first sign of danger?

Trying to shake the upset out of her bones, the blue point takes a cautious glance around the camp before poking her head just inside the floral-scented den. Already it seemed better in there.. the atmosphere less weighted by sickness. Maybe... no one would notice the weird intrusion if she was quick enough. Crouching down with her rump barely protruding from the den, an idle flicking tail harbors all the concentration in the world as she scrounges around in the shadows for the small pebble.

"I swear if it got moved..." The lead grumbles, sniffing at the dirt for many frustrated moments. This was already taking too long... Maybe it was really lost. A despaired sigh escaped her, knowing it to be impossible to find the berries and flora she'd needed to dye it before leaf-bare had wiped them all out.

ੈ♡˳ . ° ✦ There’s a rump blocking his entrance to the den.

Darkwhisker stares down at the bottom half protruding from the medicine cat’s den. The kink in the twitching blue tail is easily recognizable, even before Lichentail’s muffled voice grumbles over something being moved… Brows drawing together, he casts his gaze around the rest of the camp— has anyone else noticed that their lead warrior is nosing around Ravensong’s den? What could she possibly be looking for in there? And does Ravensong know?

Lich’n’ail?”” Darkwhisker blurts, forgetting momentarily that he’s carrying a minnow for his father until his voice comes out muddled by it. The minnow is set at his paws. He tilts his head, trying to get a better look at what Lichentail’s doing…

He doesn’t like to accuse his clanmates of wrongdoings. Sure, what Lichentail is doing seems suspicious, but as a lead warrior she must have a good reason for rummaging through the medicine cat’s den… And she must've gotten Ravensong’s permission, too, right? A lead warrior wouldn’t dare to disrespect someone as deserving of reverence as a medicine cat. They certainly wouldn’t steal from a medicine cat.

Because, if they did, Smokethroat would need to seriously reconsider his council members.

…What are you looking for?” Darkwhisker keeps his voice friendly, despite his internal struggles to justify what Lichentail’s doing.

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  • 70853174_jzBF6DKXUD78oQw.png
    tall, lithe dusky brown tom with splashes of white. a cheerful tom who tries to put a smile on the face of everyone he talks to, darkwhisker's life is devoted to spreading positivity in a world full of negativity. though his words may be fanciful— and coated in the sugar of white lies, at times— he is a well-intentioned, albeit overly idealistic, young warrior.
Iciclefang isn’t far from Darkwhisker—she’d caught the dark figure of her littermate headed toward Ravensong’s den and had assumed he’d been going to visit Mudpelt. She has given her apprentice camp chores for the moment so she can spend a short while with her recovering father, and is surprised to see a blue-gray rump just barely protruding from the medicine cat’s den. Darkwhisker asks Lichentail what they’re doing, and Iciclefang’s brow furrows just slightly.

Did you lose something?” Like her brother, she finds it… odd, that the lead warrior would be searching for something in every nook and cranny Ravensong has, but she hardly cares as much. She’s sure whatever it is has a reasonable explanation; surely a cat of Lichentail’s rank wouldn’t intrude into the den to do something less-than-honorable.

, ”
"If you're looking for something that smells funny, you're certainly in the right place!" Stoneskip chimed in, giving his two cents. Still dripping with water from his recent fishing trip, he left a plump fish on the pile for his efforts.

The big blue tabby strides over to the three cats and sits, watching Lichentail look through the medicine den. What is she doing in there? She didn't look hurt, thankfully. Stars know they've all had enough of being hurt for the time being. But it was odd though, seeing a cat who wasn't a medicine cat looking through the medicine den.

"Do you need help, perhaps?" He asks. Maybe he should get Ravensong to help since it was his den. It would probably be the more courteous thing to do. "I could find Ravensong."
The medicine den was rarely on Otterpaw's mind. Sick cats coughing up lungs and spittle? Yeah, he would leave that to the equally sickly cat meant to take care of them. Some of his Clanmates went in and out to provide whatever food and water they picked up, but the apprentice had no loved ones in that den. All of his friends were stronger, healthier than the brittle-boned cats within. He was proud to know that those he associated with weren't so easily winded by disease.

However, his attempts to avoid the sick as much as possible were not always successful. @coyotecreek had instructed the chimera bring a wad of wet moss to water the dry throats inside and he was just about done depositing his last trip when Lichentail broke through, muzzle shifting around in search of something. A few cats followed close behind and he wondered what kind of prize the lead had in here.

Otterpaw's tail flicked back and forth behind him as he began to shuffle around a few tattered nests and dried herbs. He started making a bit of a mess with things until an overturned patch of reeds exposed the decorated shine of a stone. That seemed quite out of place here, didn't it? Otterpaw smirked and with a quick swipe of his paw the stone was his, and he began to slowly step back as he faced the other cats.

"Looks like you snoozed and loosed, Lichentail! This little things mine, and you better step back or else..." His eyes flickered between the sick and the scattered mess across the den. "Or else I'm gonna eat all the herbs in here!" That actually sounded pretty neat, if he ate them all, would that mean he would never get sick? ​
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A muffled voice offers some sort of attempt at her name and in her panic, Lichentail practically jumps out of her skin. Sure, it was the middle of the day and yes, there were still patients within the den that often enough had visitors but... the company came unexpectedly regardless. Flattening her ears as Iciclefang joins the dark-furred tom in asking after her intentions, it seems she is surrounded, caught with red paws (so to speak). Shuffling backward awkwardly to free herself of the half-secluded veil she'd worn, the blue point offers a sheepish nod in reply.

Stoneskip, at least, is in good spirits to entertain her odd behavior and suggests the place a source of interesting smells... that much, she could agree with. It was a wonder Ravensong's nose was not completely blind, having to cope with such a constant assault of stink. The suggestion to seek out Ravensong however, riles her into a near-panic-- no no, this had nothing to do with him.

"Th-that won't be necessary! It is something of mine," she promises, hurried in her need to silence the idea. "I tucked it away for safe keeping- no one really messes with Ravensong's den and figured it would be safe there. It's just a rock but I-"

Oh, you beloathed little boy...

Turning to target the aggravating voice of the clan's current curse, Lichentail can feel all the blood rush out of her face. Of course... Otterpaw.... would find the stupid thing first.... This is just cruel, even for you StarClan... He is already chanting his victory speech, creating a hostage situation of the medicine cat's supplies in exchange for this one thing. Words are spoken through grit teeth, already having lost her patience the moment he had been brought to RiverClan.

"This isn't a game Otterpaw, give it here."

She'd already promised it as a gift to someone else- it was embarrassing enough to have Snakeblink hissing about her relationship with Hazecloud, she didn't want to go pouring her private life out to half the clan just to appeal her right to a dumb, decorated pebble.​

Bubblepaw had also been drawn over by the familiar blue pointed rear of Lichentail sticking out of the medicine cat den. At first, she'd thought the lead warrior might be stuck in the entrance, but as she draws closer she realizes that Lichentail appears to be sifting through the den in search of something. Her voice doesn't join the chorus of others asking what she's looking for, but she still rocks forward and cranes her neck to see if she can spot anything remarkable inside or nearby.

Ahead and inside the den, she notices Otterpaw is dropping off some wet moss. It's a nice gesture, she thinks, but her warm-heartedness is clearly misplaced. The other apprentice swipes something off the ground and practically holds it over them like some sort of bait. There, Bubblepaw notices that it's a pretty pebble, and Otterpaw proceeds with mocking the lead.

"That isn't a very nice joke, Otterpaw," Bubblepaw declares with a small frown. Though she's certain the other apprentice had meant it as a joke- no matter how meanspirited it came across- she doesn't think it's in very good taste to play keep away with another cat. She sticks her tongue out in disgust at Otterpaw's childish 'or else!' threat. "That's kind of gross," she remarks, as if it's the most important thing that would come of him eating a ton of assorted herbs "Won't your breath smell super stinky?"
✦ ★ ✦
ੈ♡˳ . ° ✦ Lichentail nearly jumps out of her pelt when he calls her name. Darkwhisker recoils back, blinking in surprise, one ear swiveling to the side. Oops. He didn’t mean to startle her. “Sorry.” An apologetic smile is offered to the lead warrior, his brows furrowed with a hint of guilt.

The strange display has caught more than just Darkwhisker’s attention, now. Iciclefang is right behind him, no doubt with intent to visit Mudpelt as well. Her question could shed some light on Lichentail’s behavior… Maybe Iciclefang is correct, and the lead warrior had simply left something behind in the medicine cat’s den? That would be a good explanation, and one Darkwhisker clings to with a nod.

Stoneskip tries to lighten the mood with a joke. Darkwhisker is typically very receptive to humor. Except when it is deemed disrespectful by him. Sure, Ravensong’s den might smell… different. But without the herbs that give it its distinct, aromatic scent, where would RiverClan be?

Darkwhisker glances at Stoneskip, batting the irritation that threatens to prickle his fur to the back of his mind. Patience is a virtue, and surely, Stoneskip had only good intentions. The blue tabby hadn’t meant to disrespect Ravensong. “It’s not so bad, the scent. It’s just an… acquired taste. Or, er, smell.

The suggestion to enlist Ravensong’s help is a good one, though. Or, at least, that’s what Darkwhisker thinks before Lichentail frantically shuts down the idea. His eyes flick back onto the lead warrior, widening slightly at the outburst… But any worries over the reaction are quelled by the explanation. Lichentail tucked away a rock in the medicine cat’s den, since no one messes with Ravensong’s space. Ah! Of course! That makes sense. Much more sense than a lead warrior doing something they shouldn’t be doing. He smiles, nodding sympathetically. “I can help, if you’d like-?

His offer is silenced by the crowing of Otterpaw. Darkwhisker’s head snaps towards the apprentice, who holds a decorated pebble that must be Lichentail’s just out of reach. Ears flattening at the rude display, his smile falls. It isn’t very virtuous to steal another’s precious item… But that isn’t the worst of it. Otterpaw threatens to eat all of the herbs if Lichentail doesn’t relinquish her pebble.

All of the herbs that save the lives of RiverClanners.

All of the lungwort that his siblings and clanmates had risked their lives to get, that saved his father from death, that had come just a little too late to save Steepsnout’s.

His hackles rise. Others chime in while he tries to calm himself, counting to ten in his mind and forcing his fur to lie flat again… Anger wouldn’t help anyone. Darkwhisker didn’t want to feel flames lapping at his skin. So he takes a deep breath and nods along to Lichentail and Bubblepaw. “Yes, please don’t do that… The herbs are very important for RiverClan, and that pebble is very important to Lichentail… How would you feel if someone stole something of yours?

Another prick of irritation that Darkwhisker must push away follows Bubblepaw’s final remark. So much disrespect for the medicine cat, and all of the hard work he does… But he bites his tongue this time, already feeling the exhaustion of confrontation threatening to overwhelm him.

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  • IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG i was trying to acknowledge everyone FHSHDHSHD
  • 70853174_jzBF6DKXUD78oQw.png
    tall, lithe dusky brown tom with splashes of white. a cheerful tom who tries to put a smile on the face of everyone he talks to, darkwhisker's life is devoted to spreading positivity in a world full of negativity. though his words may be fanciful— and coated in the sugar of white lies, at times— he is a well-intentioned, albeit overly idealistic, young warrior.
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Lichentail is clearly flustered, but they defend themselves promptly, earning a nod of acknowledgment from Iciclefang. She’s prepared to dismiss the situation entirely when a sharp, conniving little voice grates into her ears. Otterpaw stands behind them all, the stone in question glinting between his paws. The other cats all react with varying levels of severity—Lichentail tells him immediately that this isn’t a game and to give the rock to them, while Darkwhisker and Bubblepaw take a pleading or conversational tone with the little brat.

Iciclefang’s brows knit together. “How dare you steal from your superior? Do you think this is funny, somehow?” She levels Otterpaw with a stare that could freeze the river in a warm, sweltering greenleaf. “Return what you stole before she orders you to pick ticks until your fur turns gray.

, ”
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Sharp teeth shine in the glow of a pompous smile. Watching as the realization drained the warm peace from the Lead's face, as if he were absorbing it himself to add into his endless sea of ego only pulled his lips back tighter. An unruly fit of chaos packed within one cat happily aimed toward Lichentail, ready to force her into defeat and accepting his win. What Otterpaw hadn't expected was for so many of his Clanmates stand behind her and plead that he give back the stone.

What was this! Had they never heard of snooze they lose? Was his Clan being taken over by pansy-pawed bleeding hearts now? The fact that this many cats even liked Lichentail enough to defend her was shocking enough.

"Hmph! Not any worse that yours! Maybe you should, it'd be an improvement." He bit back toward Bubblepaw, sharp stare flicking to Darkwhisker while he pulled the stone closer to his chest. He huffed at the senseless hypothetical of someone even daring to place a claw on his own things. His teeth were quicker than any swiping paws.

"No one's stupid enough to do that." Came his simple rebuttal he felt his very bones trapped in ice. The breath in his throat choked at Iciclefang's sharp demand. For a moment he considered continuing his defiance, but her namesake's stare struck him in a way that made him uncomfortably... compliant.

Otterpaw looked at the stone in his paw and huffed, flicking it back toward the lead with an untrained aim in her direction. "Whatever! You can have it back, only because I've decided it's actually ugly."
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