be good to your daughters - mud

Her illness that had plagued her in recent days had not abated. Lilybloom had begun to have her suspicions after a few days, and her theories were only confirmed by speaking with Ravensong.

Lakemoon was busy the afternoon, having departed on a hunting mission, but in time she would share her news with her mate. However, she could not wait to keep her news just to herself, and so she sought out her father. "Do you have time to talk, dad?" She asked, green eyes shining with warmth as she beckoned her father to follow. The two of them had struggled in moons past, but Lilybloom was pleased that they had once again grown close after she had pushed him away so unfairly.

When they came to a small clearing, she bought them to a halt. "I have some news," Lilybloom mewed cryptically. She waited for a moment, teasing him with the pause before blurting out. "Lakemoon and I are expecting kits!"
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// SORRY THIS IS SO LATE been slowly but steadily catching up

The dark brown tom is sitting at the riverbank, amber eyes locked onto the chilly water in hopes that something delicious decides to swim by. He's so focused that he hardly notices the approach of his oldest daughter, but when he spots her speckled paws next to the bank he looks up with a big grin. "Hey, Lily," He trills happily, stumpy tail flicking with delight. "Of course! I always have time for you. What's up?" She beckons him to follow, and so he does, pushing himself to his paws to pad after the tortoiseshell. He's beyond glad that they'd been able to put their past tension in, well, the past! He adores his daughter too much to stay away from her, evident in the brush of their pelts as they walk along the riverbank.

They stop in a clearing, and Mudpelt turns to face her with his whiskers twitching in alarm. News? That could either be really good or really bad....but, judging by the giddy look in her eyes, he's going to go ahead and assume it's good. Lakemoon and I are expecting kits! The tom's jaw drops, eyes glittering with emotion. First Iciclefang, now Lilybloom? This is incredible! "Oh my gosh! What? Lilybloom, that's amazing!" He practically yowls, dancing on hopping paws before shoving himself onto her in a warm embrace. Emotional as always, he sniffs and buries his nose in her scruff. "I'm so happy for you!"
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Mudpelt's delighted reaction brings a rush of warmth over Lilybloom. She almost feels excited for him and his prospect of being a grandfather. "My litter should be due a little later than Iciclefangs," Lilybloom was quick to explain. It was still strange to imagine Iciclefang and a litter in the same thought, but she was happy for her sister regardless. "I think the clan will have their paws full with so many kits running around. Stars, you'll be rushed off your feet watching over them all!" It wasn't just her assuming he'd be watching over them, she knew with certainty that he would. It would be more of a surprise if Mudpelt wasn't popping his head into the nursery offering to take his grandkids on an adventure.

"Were you nervous when mom told you she was expecting her first litter?" Lilybloom asked, peering at her father. There was a hint of seriousness to her voice now, hoping to pry some parental wisdom from her father's mind.
It’s pleasant news to hear they’ll be born shortly after Iciclefang’s litter is. The cousins will get to grow up together! He can see it now, little tortoiseshells of both litters tumbling outside of the nursery, learning to swim in the shallow part of the river by their den, trying fish for the first time…he purrs at the thought. He beams at Lilybloom when she mentions having his paws full and puffs out his chest. “What? Me? No way, I’ll have ‘em straightened out in no time. They’ll be moss-ball champs by the time I’m done with them!” Just like their aunt Steepsnout, who is surely smiling down on her two sisters from StarClan.

Was he nervous? He chuckles looking back at those days, when Icesparkle had been pregnant with little Lily. “I was mostly excited - the nerves didn’t come till later,” He admits, smiling at the memories. “I just couldn’t wait for you to get here.” He leans down to brush his cheek lovingly against hers, eyes squinting shut with glee. “Are you nervous?” He looks at her expectantly, eyes round with a bit of concern.

Her father's response makes her certain that he'd be able to handle the sudden influx of grandkits pretty well. At the mention of making them mossball champs, Lilybloom grins. "The older kits won't know what hit them!" Lilybloom chuckles, already imagining her future children and Iciclefang's kits running getting into places they shouldn't.

Mudpelt's answer to her following question gives her pause to think. He admitted that his nerves didn't really come until after and that he had just been excited for her to get here. "I'm a little nervous," Lilybloom confessed, looking at her paws briefly. "I've wanted kits for a long time but I can't help but worry about what might happen to them one day. If I'll be a good mother. If they'll be good warriors..."