be my fantasy - honeymist




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— ' honey ' for her golden pelt ;; ' paw ' for her rank as an apprentice ' mist ' for her eyes and light personality
— twelve moons ;; ages on the first
leo x bess ;; sister to bearpaw, chamomilepaw
— cisgender female ;; uses she/her pronouns
— heterosexual
— voice claim link here
ref honey is 50% siberian from her father and almost fully resembles the breed. she has large round blue eyes and a dense golden coat that is sleek from her time in riverclan. her fur is long all over and a gorgeous gold with darker classic tabby stripes. around her muzzle, chest, and underbelly, her fur is a lighter cream, nearly white color. her rounded ears end in tufts at each tip. around her neck is a thick mane that resembles her long fluffy tail that she often uses to entertain kits. honey is slightly smaller than average despite her siberian heritage.
walks gracefully and energetically. almost always has a smile on her face.

( + ) supportive, affectionate, charismatic, reliable, outgoing, loyal
( / ) protective, optimistic, adventurous, selfless, perfectionist, curious
( - ) approval-seeking, insecure, people-pleaser, naive
— honeypaw's sole goal is to bring happiness to those she is around. she has a heart of gold and does not want to hurt anyone, making her a rather lackluster warrior. even in sparring, she is too worried with the other's wellbeing to defend herself. while she may not ever be a threatening opponent on the battlefield, she finds success in other things. honey is extremely supportive of her peers, and loves to build up those around her. unfortunately, she does not have the same ideals for herself. she can be rather hard on herself as she is constantly seeking other's approval and happiness, neglecting her own and making her quite insecure. she is open minded and very trusting, living life in an optimistic way by seeing the best in everyone. the golden girl is quite curious, often bothering others with endless questions, and she also thoroughly enjoys a good adventure. unfortunately, she is not the most intelligent, but her beaming charisma often covers that up. she is a reliable member of riverclan and will be there for any task that nobody wants to do. honey is also extremely loyal, both to her family and clan. she is rather docile, the only time she will ever raise her voice is when someone needs protecting. she shows fierceness here, willing to throw herself in front of any threat in order to keep another safe.
— collects pretty things, her favorites are shells and feathers. keeps a large collection near her nest and is very protective over it, but if someone asked she would likely give them something. really enjoys giving gifts as well, sometimes randomly.
— loves kits and lets them practice weaving shells, feathers, leaves, or whatever they can find into her long fur to help teach them to do it. she herself is a very skilled weaver, and may also decorate the kits with items from her own collection.
— selfless to a fault. will always put others before herself no matter who the other is. very open-minded and optimistic, will try to find the good in anybody. these things make her very trusting of others quite quickly, further making her easily manipulatable.
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[right][color=#97dfe2][font=tahoma][ ONE HAZY PANOPLY ][/font][/color][/right]
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