BE OUR GUEST // ShadowWind Feast

The outskirts of ShadowClan land is where they decided to hold the event. Soot finds herself mildly excited to walk on marsh land again, she doesn't miss it much, not with the grand hills she had at home. Yet this place no matter what would always be her birth home, tiny chips of her heart would remain here forever, yet what was still whole remained to WindClan, and WindClan alone.

After all she couldn't be too loyal to the land, she was trying to now play its inhabitants and former fellow soldiers like a fiddle.

Behind her are warriors who drag the recently caught hawk along, Sootstar had purposely had her warriors preserve it for this situation. Many were not thrilled to be sharing the beast with ShadowClan, but Sootstar believed this would do them more good in the long-term. They needed this alliance healthy for leaf-bare and they needed to gain each other's trust... Even if both had the right to hold no faith in each other. Aside from the hawk, queens carry kits and capable elders are assisted by apprentices to make the journey. They couldn't feast without their young and old after all, how rude!

When WindClan arrives at their desinated spot, ShadowClan is already there with their own prey to offer to the feast. Sootstar flicks her tail, signaling for her clan to place the hawk down and begin to mingle. Sootstar looks for both Weaselclaw, wanting her mate to sit beside her for this occassion and then Pitchstar. If her eyes spot the tom she shouts, "You bring the frogs like I asked?!"

// THE WINDCLAN AND SHADOWCLAN FEAST is finally upon us :D anyone may post, windclan doesnt have to be waited on
This thread is the "main event" thread, but you are all welcome to create threads outside of this to have very specific conversations, games, and scenarios play out. Since this takes place in ShadowClan territory post them on the ShadowClan board and clearly label that it takes place during the feast please!

And please avoid getting spammy! Only make threads if they have intentions, we don't want to completely spam the board ^^


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

Behind a few Elders does Hyacinthbreath march, carrying @CLOUDKIT in her jaws and ushering @ASPENPAW and @Wisteriapaw in front of her. Clutched in his mother's ( @Moonshadow ) jaws is @Periwinklebreeze. , sniffling against the cold winds. She was hesitant to bring the kits here, but it was important that they understood what their allies were like- to possibly make friends, and whatever else. Once they arrive, Hyacinthbreath gestures to a Warrior off to the side to take the rabbits they caught to the gathering group of cats. She sets Cloudkit down gently at her paws, scooting him forward with a hum.

"Be careful and have fun, you four. Stay close to each other. I don't want you wandering off, neither does your mother." She orders the kits, knowing full well the terror Wisteriapaw was about to start.

"I don't see why they made us apprentices if you're just going to talk to us like kittens still." The silver tom gave an indignant huff, blue-violet gaze narrowing past the legs of the taller cats to peer into the depths of ShadowClan's territory and pleased they would not have to walk across that soft spongy ground. It smelled atrocious here, why did they have to ally with such gross cats? Who could live like this, in this place where everything seemed damp and smelled of rot and mildew. They should've had this feast in the moorland, but then again he didn't want this dogwater scent lingering in their territory. Wisteriapaw's tail went up in a haughty display of displeasure, his nose wrinkling and head tilted up and to the side. His paws kneaded the ground briefly, disliking the light squish of moisture that oozed up between his paws if he pressed down on the soft earth too hard.
"I wouldn't have come if I knew I'd be stuck kitsitting!" Despite being the same age as his siblings, not including the brown lump Hyacinthbreath had decided to adopt, he felt older; fair superior. He would not stand for this.


Smogmaw trudges through the swampland, raw displeasure painted upon his features. Apart from his severe case of resting bitch face, the tom found himself unwittingly stepping in chilly puddles every so often on the journey. And as the water accumulated on his fur, numbing his paws and inciting discomfort, he thought about how pointless this entire affair would be. It symbolised an alliance that hardly exists. It's a waste of resources, time, and - to be frank - his patience. Knowing damn well that the trek back was going to be just as rotten, he sighs heavily, and psychologically readies himself for the hours ahead.

Why attend if he loathed the idea of doing so? Making appearances, putting his name out there, not that it mattered anyways.

Faint outlines of Windclan cats were already present along the border, becoming decipherable as the tabby draws closer. He recognises few to none of them, just as he'd anticipated. One of the figures stands out to him, however, being that of Sootstar. Smogmaw gives her a brief nod, and nothing more - he hadn't much to offer the leader, especially not the frogs which she'd mentioned. Was he supposed to have brought frogs?

"Large bird," he muses vaguely, glimpsing the hawk brought by the Sootstar's underlings. If only the birds in Shadowclan's territory were half the size of that thing.


To say that Ebonyfall was skeptical was putting it extremely generously. This past moon alone has been a wildfire of political tensions between the two clans, and while it was true that an alliance would suit the both of them better, Ebonyfall knew better by now than to hope for anything.

The poorly-hidden looks of displeasure from some of the WindClan cats at the territory they found themselves in wasn't lost on her. There were prejudices on both sides (frog-eaters, rabbit-chasers, back-stabbers), and so an alliance feast now seemed so blatantly political that it lost all genuineness as a result.

At Smogmaw's comment on the hawk, Ebonyfall's eyes quirked up in mild intrigue. Quietly, she added, "If any of us had caught an owl recently, we might be able to compete." Not that competition was what she was after, but she did look extra tidy today even by her impossible standards, and it would admittedly be nice to have something outstanding to show off to their allies-slash-enemies.
shadowclan, she/her, penned by cuzn, tags

"Turn A Deeper Blue"
A feast was more on par for what Rune was use too, or well the concept of one was at least. The ground underpaw was squishy and the damp smell of mulch coated the air as they walked. The reasoning behind the feat was that of an alliance between this Shadowclan and Windclan, and it sounded like a celebration. Was it much of a celebration if the warriors behind it looked rather- annoyed with it? The hawk had been sitting for a while now and it seemed to get under the skins of the fellow Windclan warriors' that they weren't able to eat it. After moons of not having food, according to Moonshadow, this was rather- expendable? Rune wasn't sure but he did know that he shared a little excitement for the feast.

Having only ever seen Windclan, and its inhabitents, he was looking forward to seeing another clan. Where they the same or different? Did they share similiar ruling types or was it more so relaxed for this Shadowclan? Dual colored eyes moved across the marshland before him and supposed Shadowclan had different land. More trees, less hills and much more wet. Hyacinthbreath entered alongside Rune with her kittens Aspenpaw, Wisteriapaw, Cloudkit and Periwinklepaw and of course his mother Moonshadow followed along. He smiled at the sight of his mother and siblings before looking out towards another voice.

A black cat has stepped up beside one of silver and darkness, and Rune raised his feathery tail in greeting, "Hello fellow clanners!" He called out awkwardly and lowered his tail in embaressment. Suppose that wasn't the right way to greet these new cats, but how else was he suppose to respond? Rune hardly knew his clanmates, and now there was a whole other clan to get to know now too.
✦ ★ ✦
( ) Following alongside her siblings, Aspenpaw keeps her head held high, in an attempt to both leave a good impression on the Shadowclanners as well as to take in all the new scenery and scents around her. She's never been so far before, and certainly never met cats from another clan, and Aspenpaw has to admit she's a little excited to see what they'll be like. The spongy ground beneath her paws isn't particularly pleasant, squelching between her toes, and strange scents swirl all around her, but she's determined to make the most of the feast. Stopping beside her family, Aspenpaw dutifully listens to Hyacinthbreath's instructions, and as she's nodding carefully she's not surprised that Wisteriapaw is already objecting. She frowns at his words, aiming to give his ear a gentle swat. "Just 'cause we're supposed to stick together doesn't mean you have to kitsit or anything - we're practically all the same age," she tells him with a swish of her tail. "Anyways, if anyone is doing any kitsitting it's gonna be us keeping you out of trouble," she adds, sticking her tongue playfully out at her brother, frown replaced by a mischievous grin.

Yewberry was nervous, but he walked alongside those that carried the hawk with pride. He had helped kill the thing, and now they were going to eat it. He looked over the cats currently gathered, and gradually his demeanor would change back into a wall flower.

He figured he should at least try to make friends with the Shadowclanners, but...... He wasn't sure how. How was he supposed to approach them? He was never good at starting conversations.

He figured he would do what he always does. Sit tight and wait to be approached! And so, the small lilac tom sat himself out of the way and shuffled his paws nervously.

He'd learn to socialize one day.
it almost slipped her mind completely that they were going to be having a feast with their shadow-dwelling neighbors, something about strengthening their allyship with one another? it's not like they had any other choice since the other three clans looked down their noses upon windclan with distate since they've been involved the most with unsavory happenings. there wasn't anything wrong with shadowclan per say but they always gave shrewpaw such a weird vibe, it's residents never looked the friendliest.

the earthen-toned apprentice gave a quick shake of her head, they were here to share pleasantries and get to know them and she was sure sootstar wanted them to be on their best behavior so shrewpaw was determined to keep up an amiable appearence. as prey was beginning to be laid out upon ground between the clans, she had slipped away into the growing crowd to see if she couldn't find someone who looked like they'd enjoy being approached and talked with.
[ penned by cobi ]
The feast, something that was often the subject at sharing tongues in recent memory. Dapplefoot was more than excited at the prospect, plentiful food, new friends! The wing of a giant hawk currently in her mouth made walking awkward for Dapple, but her orange eyes shot around the new terrain excitedly.

Dapplefoot's large paws sunk into the earth here. It was wet, and squishy. It felt like the ground surrounding pond-like puddles after the rain. It was kind of fun once she got past cold and wet of it. Once the offering was released among the other foods Dapple tested the ground, pressing down until murky water sprung up to meet her. She gave a quiet laugh. She would probably have stayed and played with the muddy ground if she had not heard a familiar voice. Looking up she spoted Rune a bit farther in the marsh. They were greeting some Shadowclan cats. Dapplefoot bounced to her paws to join him, she brushed her shoulder against his as she sat. Her paws needed the ground still as she introduced herself. "Hello! My name is Dapplefoot, your ground is very fun." She complemented childishly, glancing down her paws as her white claws slid easily into the dirt.


Cloudkits life had become a whirlwind lately, but he didn't think it was the bad kind. In fact, he would even argue that -while sudden and a bit much to take in all at once-his life had changed for the better the day he'd stumbled into Windclans territory. As a child who walked on the side of optimism, he was certain he would have found a way to survive on his own if he'd had to, but that didn't mean he couldn't admit that it was much easier not having to do everything on his own. The prey miss Hya brought him tasted a lot better than the bugs and grass he'd been eating, and while Moonshadow didn't smell like his mother, her nest was warm and her fur was soft, and he felt safe and at ease curled up in the nursery beside her.

That being said though, it was a lot to adjust to for a child who'd only ever wandered with his mother alone. As happy as he was to be among the others, he found himself in a new home surrounded by dozens of cats with customs and jobs he'd never heard of. It left the inquisitive child trying to piece things together without burdening those around him with a hundred questions, but he didn't mind having to figure things out if it meant he could stay there with them.

Held safely in Hyacinths jaws, Cloudkit was grateful to not have to walk the distance to the Shadowcamp- or whatever it was Hya had called it. Instead he did his best not to wriggle around too much, clenching his eyes shut when the thunderpath came into sight out of fear of seeing his poor mother despite knowing they hadn't been in this area when it had happened. Still, it didn't stop his little heart from beating wildly in his chest when the sound of cars driving by became audible.

But they were here now! And as Hyacinth placed him on his feet he quickly shook out his coat, off-balancing himself and plopping onto his butt before sitting there and listening to her instructions. He nodded obediently before glancing toward Wisteriapaw. If the older cats refused to look out for him, would he have to stay put away from the other kits? Turning his wide blue eyes on the stubborn tom, he did his best to convince them. "I promise I won't cause trouble Wisteriapaw! I'll be real nice, and I won't even wander off!"

Thankfully though, Aspenpaw seemed much more willing to humor her mothers words. Perking up with an excited smile, he quickly got to his paws and went scampering over to the other shecat, smiling sweetly up at the girl as he happily prepared himself to follow her around. "Do you think there'll be any kits for me to play with?" he asked, curious over the prospect of being able to meet and befriend even more kids his own age.

cloudkit - windclan - single - a small, brown and white tabby with amber eyes
something shifts in the rosette tabby. a flame is snuffed, leaving the cavity in his chest cold. so, so cold. cold are the stares, the glares, the judgment blanketing his spine like snow. seeping frost into his veins. everyone hates him. everyone hates him, and he doesn't understand why. he's- he's trying. he's trying to do what is best for his clan. seeking retribution against bonejaw's attackers. allying himself with windclan, for their protection. it's all for them.

the other leaders hate him. it shouldn't hurt, but it does. thorns wrapping around his heart, squeezing tight, deadly tight. they hate him. pitchstar hates them, too. but hypocritical he's always been, and he crumbles beneath the vitriol reflected in their eyes. the high he had felt at the gathering ebbs away like the cruelest of tides, leaving him to crash and burn. he screams into his nest. he cries when no one can see.

even sootstar hates him, he's convinced himself. she hates him, and this offer of an alliance is all a ruse. so why? why is she here? why is she here, with warriors carrying the largest fucking bird he's ever seen? (bastards are showing off, the bitter part of him hisses.)

she speaks.

she speaks to him.

pitchstar jolts as if he's been electrocuted, bloodshot eyes staring straight through the empress. "...the frogs?" his muddled brain struggles to keep up. it takes a few heartbeats for it to click. right. the frogs. pitchstar nods, wetting his lips. "yes. the frogs." it isn't much. it's nowhere near as impressive as windclan's offerings. the fire had rid the swamps of what little prey they had, and with leafbare setting in, there is not enough time for the land to recuperate. and windclan knows this, sees it with their own eyes. the measly pile of frogs situated not too far away. hardly enough to fill the queens' bellies, let alone two clans' worth of cats.

windclan knows of his weakness. of shadowclan's weakness. and it terrifies him.

Moonshadow followed behind silently, mainly because of Periwinklekit hanging from her jaws, but also because she does not have much to say. Her gaze lingers on Hyacinthbreath and the small tom-kit she is carrying, a kitten she had been asked to raise. How did she feel about that? She wasn't entirely sure if she was being quite honest.

On one paw, the bitterness she felt at the lead warrior so eagerly taking in a kit that was not hers' by blood, while she had rejected and ignored her actual kits during their first few moons of life left a taste in her mouth she could not get rid of. What more could this molly dare ask of her?

But on the other, already Moonshadow cared for Cloudkit deeply, the moment the kitten had curled up beside her belly, her motherly instincts kicked in and she knew from that day that despite her annoyance with Hyacinthbreath, CLoudkit was just as much hers' as the others.

She would set Periwinklekit down beside his littermates, smiling at them as Wisteriapaw complained as expected and his sister and adopted brother attempted to soothe his irritation. "Leave the kit sitting to the adults and simply have fun. I know you all will make Windclan proud with how well you will behave." She would raise a metaphorical eyebrow at them all, a silent motherly warning in her tone that she knew needed not to be spoken aloud. With a flick of her tail, she would also encourage them all to socialize, and take a seat, wrapping her tail around her paws as she resolved to simply keep an eye on her children.

She would smile ever so softly as Rune attempted a greeting and should he look her way she would nod once that he had done well.

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Weaselclaw is close to Sootstar's side, eyes raking over the ShadowClan cats Pitchstar has brought with him to the feast. He sits beside his mate, regarding Pitchstar with a steady blue gaze. The rosette tabby looks haunted -- there's no cheer on his face at all. He moves slowly, as though he's trapped in honey, gesturing to the frogs Sootstar had requested with a limp paw.

"Ever tasted frog before?" His eyes find @ASPENPAW, and he smirks. "It's not too bad. Sootstar couldn't convert me, though. I'll always prefer a rabbit or a mouse."

A tired-looking blue tabby, ShadowClan scent stark on his pelt, remarks on the size of the hawk. He smiles grimly. "It didn't go down without a fight, but our warriors were brave," he tells @SMOGMAW. He gives the dark she-cat beside him a blink. "An owl might've been a nice trade... do you get them often in ShadowClan?" He tilts his head at @ebonyfall. He's doing his best to ignore how dour their ShadowClan allies seem. He supposes he would be, too, if he lived in those dreadful swamps.

- ,,
The chattering that surrounds her her and the mixing of scents is giving Forestpaw a headache. She grimaces, quickly trying to escape the masses before she settles near the outskirts with her frog. Unlike many of the cats here, she'd been looking forward to this event! While clan politics and interpersonal relationships goes right over her head, anything involving food grabs her attention immediately. She loves the frogs and toads and lizards that skitter all around their land, but tonight, she's dying to taste some WindClan prey!

// open for interaction!

Lavenderpaw follows her clan, dutifuly trotting behind them with her own amphibian cluthed in her jaws. She cannot help but admit that Ebonyfall is right, it would've been cool if they had something more impressive to show. Some measly frogs were nothing in comparison to a whole hawk. Her mouth almost drops, almost lets go of the toad that she holds in her mouth. It suddenly feels too slimy, too little. It is simply not enough when you compare it to the massive bird Wind Clan presents them with now.

Her eyes scan the clearing, looking for someone she can talk to. She sees her sister, but her eyes continue, not stopping on the tortoiseshell apprentivce but continuing on to land on a wind clanner. "hey there!" she chirps a greeting to Shrewpaw, placing her toad down between them "My name is Lavenderpaw! But you can call me Lav! Do you want to share this toad with me? Have you ever tried toad? It's pretty slimy but once you get past that it actually tastes pretty good!" she bombards the poor apprentice with questions and information, but she cannot help it. The words spill from her mouth before she can stop it and her heart felt like it was racing a million miles a minute but she couldn't quite explain why. Perhaps it was the excitement of the feast, of making new friends.

Interacting with @SHREWPAW
the deputy is near their leader, tail gently grazing across his back as they cast him a smile. he feels off, and chilledgaze can pick up on it better than anyone. they pressed their body into his, seeking to give him comfort before a swift lick on his cheek before turning away, their hardened demeanor returning within moments. they looked around, tail tapping on the floor before just sighing. they didn't do good at this socializing thing, either. they had no hate towards the cats of windclan... except for the fact that so many of them chose to blindly follow a leader who clearly was off her rocker, but was pitchstar that far behind? only difference is, pitchstar does what he does because he wants to protect everyone. who the hell knew why sootstar acted the way she did. with a huff, they sit down, stretching out their body as they gently licked their paw. they weren't going to eat today... only because they wished to save this prey for another day. stars knew they needed it.

//open to interaction! just a reminder that chilledgaze uses they/them pronouns only !!


"Turn A Deeper Blue"
The white-faced tom looked back towards his mother as she gave an encouraging smile, and he twitched his ears back. Suppose his social skills were not up to that of a clan cats, but he was trying his best. Breaking a habit of politeness and regalcy was rather difficult it turned out. Taking a deep breath, Rune looked around the group of cats before spotting this other black and white cat. They had striking blue eyes, but a name was no where to be found and of course there wouldn't be one. Rune hardly knew his mothers new mates name let alone a cat he didn't see every single day. Lifting his chin a bit, he squared his shoulders and approached this cat with the ice-like gaze, "It is very nice to meet you. I am Rune," He gave a dip of his head respectfully, lifting a paw off the ground in a small bow before straightening back up with an awkward smile offered, "You are of this Shadowclan yes?" Curiousity flicked across dual colored eyes and a feathery tail swished against the marshy floor.

interacting with @CHILLEDGAZE.
✦ ★ ✦

"I don't need you." Wisteriapaw shot back coolly at Aspenpaw's comment, as if he needed anyone to keep him out of trouble; the only reason he wasn't being more snappy than usual was Cloudykit's attempts to soothe his ego with childish innocence and naivity and he wasn't about to go showing his teeth to his adopted little brother less he get put on boring cleaning duties again for another moon or so. Ravensong wouldn't make him clean dens for being sassy, he'd just make him hunt more or something actually productive. Turning sharply away he took advantage of Moonshadow's insistence he didn't need to bother keeping tabs on his siblings and stalked away to go explore the surrounding area whether he was followed by any of them or not; he didn't stop to wait or even bother slowing his steps for Cloudykit's much shorter strides. So frustrated and unfocused he was that he nearly tripping right over @FORESTPAW before giving a start and jumping back, teeth visible in annoyance. This was a ShadowClan apprentice lurking around the edges and not socializing, like that wasn't the entire point of this stupid thing. "Frogs? Egh, how do you all eat those??"


Cutting through the gross wet air is the smell of something poultry and blood potent. A bird so big dead on the ground is something Wolverinefang could only dream about before now and it sucks that its meant to be shared. "Never thought I'd see one of those spread out like that," he muses absentmindedly. Maybe high up in the sky where they can't reach them or taking a break on a tall pine at a mocking distance. It was worth it to walk out on this unpleasant night just to see. Though, he's still cautious. What's it stuffed with deathberries or something? Nothing in life is ever free.

Especially not when this is all coming to bandaid after what happened to Bonejaw and he tries not to let that thought sour his face. His feelings on the shecat are complicated lately, from frustration to enamor. His eyes shift to Pitchstar and he wonders how their leader would feel knowing a bum like him is possibly interested in his auntie. From the far off look on his ragged face, Wolve figures he has bigger problems but Chilledgaze seems to be stepping in briefly. His eyes shift over Sootstar then, another individual he has a muddy opinion on, before finally turning to the bustling Windclanners and few Shadowclanners.

Finally, Wolverine's eyes shift toward the real reason he bothered to come here: the ladies. Shadowclan has their pretty ladies but he can't help but want to see what the other clans have to offer and honestly he's gutted. Not that there's not some beauts but they're all teeming with kids. Carrying kid, talking to em' in that 'mother knows best' tone, surrounded by the little blood suckers hanging around their paws like tiny toe biting fish. He sighs dramatically and flicks his ears about. At least there's the food. He licks his lips, ready to head toward that unlucky bird, when he overhears one of the Windclan brats exclaiming about frogs. Might as well cause some kids to have frog related nightmares while he's here!

"However you do, you have to eat them fast or they'll crawl back out of your throat! Isn't that right?" The older cat aims to nudge Forestpaw, trying to get her to play along with his ruse.

@Wisteriapaw @FORESTPAW