BE PREPARED // marmotpaw's assessment


dripping fangs
Nov 23, 2022
// @Marmotbite.

Nightmareface is silent as she leads the way through the tunnels, the path memorized moons ago by her and now should be memorized by the apprentice she has trained. Marmotpaw has grown quite a bit since the day they were paired. Mentally, of course. Physically, she bears the tiny frame all tunnelers have, something that will help her in the coming seasons as she takes on warriorhood without her mentor's help. But to be sure she's fully prepared for the dangers the life of a tunneler brings, Nightmareface has planned something rather unsavory. She doubts some of her clanmates may agree with her ways, but she is sure her assessment will give Marmotpaw a lesson she could never give otherwise. And if she learns that lesson, she will pass.

"The rains have been heavy recently, have you noticed?" She calls back to her apprentice, a hypothetical question for of course she's noticed. The underground streams have been more dangerous than ever, after all. The dirt beneath her paws is damp, unnervingly so, but she continues on until they reach a hole through which rushing water can be heard. She shimmies to the other side of the hole, trilling for her apprentice to follow. When she does, Nightmareface turns, not able to see Marmotpaw but knowing by her breath she is there. With a sudden grunt, she shoves the girl back into the hole, and with a haunting cackle she dives down after her. Below, they each land in mud, the roaring of underground river-water louder than ever in her ears. Trapped. They are trapped by a flash flood just a mouse-length away from them. And the hole above is too far to reach for escape. "Get us out of here!" She orders joyfully, grinning ear to ear.

marmotpaw & 12 moons & female & she/her & windclan tunneler apprentice

Sometimes, marmotpaw finds herself questioning sootstars sanity. Of course, these moments are usually preceeded by being around her... mentor - mismatched gaze closes with a shudder at having to use such a term, bu it's the truth. She does not think she will ever be used to... well, this. Nightmareface is an apt name for the state of the she-cat she follows through the tunnels, but at least she knows what she's doing. Marmotpaw has never gotten lost yet, has survived dangers like a tunnel collapse and their meeting with the badgers. Begrudging as she is to admit so aloud, none of that could've been without the warriors help.

That doesn't mean she likes her though. Actually, marmotpaw is quite frankly done with her, eagerly counting down the days until they part. Her respect tangled by an equal amount of disgust. And now, she goes and pulls a stunt like this. Nightmareface is lucky that she's too startled to have her usual reaction - else she'd be missing a mouthful of fur by now. For a moment, the girl can feel her fragile grasp on her sanity begin to slip - fraying with a quiet snap. But she breathes, gaze shutting, and focuses.

It takes a minute to get oriented, but once she does she is steadfast in her choice. "... gonna' go this way," she says tonelessly, frown crossing her features. Short limbs make quick work, scrambling up onto slightly more sturdy ground as she goes right - clinging tight to the tunnel walls to guide her path. The roaring of water in her ears drowns out even her stuttering heartbeat, anxiety and anger coiled taught - but now is neither the time nor place to unleash them. They must get out - must survive.

She must pass whatever star-cursed test this is supposed to be.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: rolled a 7/10 on accuracy so assuming she's heading the right way for now <3
    tw/cw: —
  • a shockingly tiny she-cat with pale blue and cream ticked tabby fur, save for a single patch covering her right eye that is brown instead, and mismatched green-orange eyes. she has heavy scarring along the entirety of her left side, from her face all the way down her chest, belly, and flank; which has been there since kithood. she is a twitchy little thing, known for her bad attitude and an unfortunate habit of biting when startled.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#9ab973]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Marmotpaw makes up her mind, and the she-cat only drawls, "Okey dokey," in response. Her tiny paws work her way up onto higher ground, right on her apprentice's tail. It's a good choice to move to higher ground immediately, and she is proud the younger cat found it so quickly. A less perceptive cat may have missed the ledge.

She follows after in silence, pelt brushing the wall to stay as far away from the dreaded water as possible. It's much higher than it normally is, and any tunneler knows to avoid flash floods such as these, but so far Marmotpaw is doing well in putting distance between them and the underground river. "Good work!" She yowls over the roaring of the water, staying hot on her heels. What will she do next to get them out of this situation?