Be Prepared || Smogmaw

Jul 28, 2022

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Sounds of pawsteps could be heard from the crunching of grass beneath paws as the moon illuminated the silhouettes of two cats while silence could be heard between the two except for that of the soft rumbles of thunder that banes warning to a storm while the earthy scent touch the nose of the inky warrior before she paused to turn and face the silver tabby deputy with her monotone gaze and took a deep breath in. There were so many advantages each have yet place equally with disadvantages, and it had been Ravenwatcher's idea to offer up a sparring match with the other and the tiny twinge of chaos lit with the idea to do it mid of night where they hardly could see each other, yet the illuminating moon that peeked through the gaps of dead trees gave a slight glow to the clearing of where the two stood, her fluffy tail slightly off the ground so not a sound could be heard.

Smogmaw was much bigger than her and was more toned in muscles and strength he even was much older and more experience with combat compared to the young warrior so she knew she bit off more than she could chew. Yet, Ravenwatcher had some advantages herself, she was more smaller, and with the pitchness of night practically invisible except that of her white mits, tip tail, and the white beneath her eyes, making her perfect for that of ambushing. Not only that, she was smaller and perhaps more agile than that of her own deputy.

"No claws, we don't wish to worry our clanmates when we return, they might think we got attacked" she said monotonous before she shift to move herself, trying to be light on her paws so that of Smogmaw couldn't pinpoint where the smaller warrior has gone, wanting to keep that of a possible advantage in her favor, while her gaze shift to try and figure where the other may be. One thing shadowclan was good at was stealth and being able to blend into the background like shadows so she knew they were both on slightly equal steps when it came to the night.


Both the deputy and his ebon-furred counterpart excel in the crafts of stealth and subtlety. Such is his clan's defining feature, what sets the marsh cats apart from the rest of the ruffians. A ShadowClan warrior can slink through the underbrush with the sleight of a passing breeze, and to prying eyes they appear as phantoms, capable of melting into the shadows at a moment's whim. While the tom maintains a brawny form and thereby lacks the deftness other clanmates possessed, he more than makes up for it with his cunning mind and tactical thinking—yet, underneath the moon's radiance, Smogmaw finds himself at a disadvantage.

Steel-toned furs stick out like a sore tail in the moonlight. He will struggle to remain concealed throughout this exercise, whereas Ravenwatcher can merge into the darkness with minimal effort. The clash shall come to a quick if he manages to land a blow, given the disparity in their size. But, that's a very heavy 'if'.

Observing with a diligent stare as she takes off into the night, Smogmaw musters an abrupt response for her verdict: "No promises." Claws are a necessity in any serious bout of combat, and this being a training exercise does not alter the fact. Perhaps, he'll put a stern effort in to spare her from intense scarring. No promises, though.

Once a comfortable span of seconds have elapsed, his dark-smirched limbs break off into a full sprint. The deputy tears in the direction he'd seen her go in, all while keeping his vision peeled for any flickers of pallid strands amidst the surrounding murk. Her paws and tail-tip were white, weren't they? Regardless, Smogmaw can't spot a damn thing, and he soon comes to a screeching halt when it's recognised that he'd lost her.

"Come out, you little weasel!" jeers the tom, yet his taunting nature is betrayed by the growing tension in his system. His guard is on the rise, having lost his quarry, and he expects a counterattack any moment now.


So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Fortunately for her, she had an upper paw in that the shadows played favors in her whilst the moon wishes to expose the form of their silver-pelted deputy, and yet, Ravenwatcher had made a slight mistake as she hadn't watched her own steps and the sound of a twig snapped beneath the weight of her paw. Yet, luckily for the young warrior the night played to cover her from the tom as she was quick to slip away from Smogmaw's blow, dark blue eyes narrowing slightly knowing she must be careful as Smogmaw could easily crush her with enough weight.

Loud thumps of paws came charging towards her and she quickly slipped out of the way once again blending back into the shadows of the night, ears perking slightly from where she hid as a slight grin slipped onto her maw as she slowly slipped to find a perfect spot to knock the tom off guard. " But that'll make it easy for you my dear deputy " coolly she stated as blue eyes would narrow as she pinpoint a spot where his side faced her, the moonlight betraying the other.

Paws dug into the ground as she sprinted at him in an attempt to head-butt him into the ribs in an attempt to knock him off his paws before she would attempt to make a jump away in hopes he would not knock her off her own paws while soft laughter danced from her chest. "C'mon Smogmaw, the weasel has come out to play" she said smoothly before crouching slightly, tensing herself in readying for the tom's next blow, her hears cautiously pinned forward as she tried to hear him so she'd knew where to move next, knowing she was giving him enough time to get back onto his paws if, she hadn't knocked the wind out of the other already.