pafp be somebody to someone // dirt talk

periwinklebreeze 28 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
With cropped pelt fluffed up in a half-hearted attempt to stave off the chill of the wind, Periwinklebreeze settles in for the evening with a tired but satisfied look upon his face - eyes and figure drifting to settle in beside his son with a gentle brush of his pelt and a rasp of his tongue against his ear. No matter what anyone told him, his kits would always be just that after all - his kits. " H-how were patrols? F-f-find anything interesting? Or d-do anything fun? " though words are stilted, his curiosity is genuine - well meaning, despite the fact he always feel so off-kilter with his tunneler children. What did they even do al day down there in the earth? Wasn't it all just... dirt?

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
W H A T -D O E S - M Y -L I F E -E V E N -M E A N ?
// please wait for @BILBERRYPAW to post first
It is a shame to Bilberrypaw that there is an entire world that Periwinklebreeze will never—couldn't ever—experience.

He will never know the world by the narrow tunnels that branch like the veins of a leaf, couldn't understand the feeling of enclosure of ground above him, weighty as if it is a physical press against him. Bilberrypaw couldn't explain the way the lowlight eases into absolute darkness the deeper one travels and he doesn't have the words to express how it feels to know the borders of a world only by the brush of whiskers against packed and hardened peat. His experiences and his father's fork away from one another: between them, a gap.

But then Periwinklebreeze settles beside Bilberrypaw and rasps a tongue over one of his dark ears, and Bilberrypaw forgets that gap entirely.

"The soil under ShadowClan is the same as under WindClan," Bilberrypaw doesn't need to think before he speaks—this was one of the more fun discoveries to Bilberrypaw, "Well, not exactly the same, but a lot of it is. We have more sand and they have more clay."

Has Periwinklebreeze ever felt the difference between sand and clay? Has he ever marveled at how noticeably colder clay is to the touch, how resolute it is to its shape when compared to pressed sand?

Does he wonder why about it?

"Isn't that so…" Bilberrypaw starts to prompt, but trails off into uncertainty. So… something. "It's neat." He settles on, even if such a word falls short of the enormity Bilberrypaw wants to express.​
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It was time to wind down, chatting with friends, and even others, should they like to join. Bergamotpaw was done with the duties of today. He had heard Periwinklebreeze speak, and was about to reply, but then had recognized that he was talking to someone else. Thankfully, Bergamotpaw caught himself before he had said anything.

He decided to sit down, trying not to eavesdrop on the conversation, though that was a failure. Dirt. They were talking about... dirt. And mud. And sand. And clay. Well, if that's what interested them, the red rosetted tabby supposed. He decided to jump in, at least slightly, "Is there any difference between us and RiverClan's soil? I would think theirs would be much harsher during leaf-bare." Truly, this was fascinating, so he hoped that he was not intruding on anything.

It's lucky that Bilberrypaw is so enthusiastic about the earth, given his size and therefore his profession. A number of times he's seen kittens assigned to Moor Runner or Tunneler, disappointed one way or the other. The grass is always greener and all that. But Sedgepounce tunes in to Periwinkebreeze's conversation with one of his kids and finds someone who's actually, earnestly passionate about their training—or, at the very least, some part of it. It makes him happy.

As he pads closer, the muted tabby cues into Bergamotpaw's words, nodding along in approval. "I've heard the tunnels are dangerous over there this season. With the flooding and all," Sedgepounce adds. He watches Bilberrypaw's eyes light up while he talks about sand and clay and can't help but to smile at it. He wonders if the 'paw would always be so interested in soil if he'd been a Moor Runner—or maybe he would've become infatuated with grass instead.
periwinklebreeze 29 moons demi-boy windclan lead warrior
More sand then slay - though Periwinklebreeze doesn't know what, exactly, that means for the tunnelers, the tom nods. or all the awkwardness and uncertainty of their differing experiences, he really is interested in hearing about his childrens days. " Does th-that affect your t-tunneling? " he asks, voice genuinely curious as he tilts his head.

Bergamotpaw seems keen to ask questions, ones the lead warrior would never have even thought to ask - like if the dirt was different in the riverclan tunnel too. He would think so - with the river and it's changing water levels, which sedgepounce rightly notes. He nods again, attention shifting between the three as he speaks again, voice soft - " I kn-know the riverbed is c-certainly rockier th-then our moors... and th-their beechcopse was... strange, " he'd enjoyed the shelter of course, the freedom of sleeping protected from overhead threats. But it had been different, and strange, and as always the breif change had been unsettling. Or, perhaps, he'd simply been eager to get home to windclan as swiftly as possible, too worried about the flames to enjoy his breif stay.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
W H A T -D O E S - M Y -L I F E -E V E N -M E A N ?