pafp be the last one out to get this dough .. jumpscare


the exception
Apr 15, 2023
⋆⍋ It had been a while since he had been in a coordinated training. Basilpaw hadn't noticed how much he had gotten used to training with just Dewfang, or his mentor and Skypaw, until now. Looking across the sandy hollow he watched silently as his denmates talked and trained. Some of the mentors had huddled together to talk while some supervised a couple sparrings. It looked more like a den-wide hangout than a training, really, yet he was obligated to be here. He glanced around to see if Dewfang or Lichenpaw were nearby, but couldn't spot either of them between the clowder of cats.

It was loud. He couldn't help but repeat the observation in his head. It was loud. Too many were talking at once, voices overlapping where he couldn't tell who's belonged to who.

When he couldn't see Dewfang he assumed that it worked the other way as well, and his mentor wouldn't be able to tell if Basilpaw slipped away for just a few minutes. Just long enough to clear his head and come back unnoticed. Quietly he stepped away from the main crowd and further toward the ferns that surrounded the clearing. He kept his head low and his tail curled around his leg to keep it from sweeping across the floor or disrupting the brush. He had come to a quieter area where some still chatted. Mainly apprentices over here, Dewfang couldn't be upset if it looked like he was interacting with his denmates, right?

From behind the smaller group Basilpaw would pop up from the ferns, seemingly out of nowhere. The only thing announcing his sudden rival would be the fern rustling from choosing to sit up, which happened to be directly behind @DUSKPAW who didn't seem aware of Basilpaw at all.

-- pls wait for @DUSKPAW to post before responding!