pafp BEAR HUG ◈ prank


They weren't near a lot of trees in the camp, but he had found that near the edges of the territories and in a few locations there were plenty of them to be seen. Bearpaw didn't necessarily care for the idea of climbing them, but he had a fascination with the leaves that fell from them in mass. The piles of colorful sunset curls of plant matter are often left untouched and pile upward into little hills, much like the rolling and sloping landscape of the moorland itself. There was an appeal to them that he had not gotten to indulge in as a kitten due to them not being very close to the camp, but he had batted at a stray leaf before and enjoyed chasing it so he marveled at the idea of having access to so many all at once. Brightshine had moved just ahead to check something and he scampered along to the leaf pile with enthusiasm to leap upon it and send the warm orange and red leaves flying upward around himself in a whirlwind of colors - it was a delight to roll in, soft enough to spare him hurting himself as he flailed about but just thick enough he had to put in some effort to dig the leaves up from the matted and mildewed pile it had become. Bearpaw thinks that in a few more moons it will have entirely withered and rotted away into mulch, but for now it was a treat.
In the distance he spots the figures of several cats also making their way along this path and he gives pause for but a moment, recognizing the colored pelts of his siblings and smiling inwardly as a rare, mischievous idea struck him. With another roll and a bit of wriggling he manages to push his way down further into the pile where the aroma of rich soil rose upward to mask his scent.
A bit of kicking about successfully buries himself and he settles into a comfortable crouch as he waits for them to step closer, uttering a chirp of a noise to gain attention in the hopes they might believe a bird was nearby to be hunted.
Bearpaw was a patient young cat, he feelts himself tensing more and more as they grow ever closer and with a sudden spring and push of his paws he leaps upward from the pile with a bellowing roar to throw himself upon whichever sibling happened to be the unfortunate one to get to close.

  • PAFP: @sunlitkit & @rivepaw & @FEATHERPAW & @SINGEDKIT
    (But only one of them needs to reply before this is open!)

    PERSONAL PROMPT - Your littermates are, in a word, obnoxious. You love them dearly regardless, but that doesn't mean they don't annoy you. Maybe it's time for you to turn the tables on them. This fall is spooky; you should be too. How do you 'trick' or otherwise frighten one of your siblings?

  • 71921872_lHW2rPxXjrMDs4j.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ SH Chocolate Rosette Tabby w/blue eyes.


Featherpaw liked to think of herself as aware; she had good eyes, good senses. Not perfect, not yet- but considering she was made an apprentice later than she should have been, she was satisfied with the progress she was making. Satisfaction would not make her complacent, though; she wasn't going to let her attention slip for a moment.

As always, though- her family caused the exception. A weakness wriggled between the gaps in her ribs and struck the softness in her heart- a sibling called for her attention, and she turned away at exactly the wrong time. Chocolate paws strayed too-too far to a leaf pile, springing the trap within- his own brother.

At first, of course, he knew not for certain what had just latched upon him. Fear spread through Featherpaw like a wildfire, and he bit back a scream, instead instinctively shooting a paw forward to slap his assailant across the head. As soon as he recognised, through the blur of panic, the familiar rosetted pelt of Bearpaw, a spark of yellow regret lit like the core of a fire in her eyes. "Stars, Bearpaw!" Exasperation whipped like a gale through his voice, an apology buried deep, deep in his eyes.
✦ penned by pin
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A patrol- one in which Rivepaw had indulged in, Snakehiss in tow. Or was it the other way around? She wasn't really sure, and didn't really care. Snakehiss's mood was akin to that of his name, but Rivepaw didn't let it bother her. After all, it was better this way, right? Leaffall was soon- her pelt was going to grow in and fall out, she was told- and true to that name, leaves coated the ground on this stretch of territory.

Rivepaw opened her mouth. "Hey, Featherpaw? You think that-" Rivepaw's jaw split open as the leaves broke free, revealing Bearpaw from the leaves. At first, though, it was a blur, so Rivepaw was pushing her way through the patrol to defend Featherpaw-

Her brother's words split the air, and Rivepaw slammed to a stop, nearly falling over. Wide blue eyes found her oldest sibling, and a sharp hiss of exasperation left Rivepaw. "Do you think that's funny, Bearpaw?" Rive's words split the air, akin to her name, now. "What if you were a fox? A badger? A- a Riverclanner? A rogue?" She instantly listed off the most applicable enemies that she could think about, blowing hot air from her nose. Accusing, and not apologetic, unlike Featherkit.

// @SNAKEHISS mentor tag :)


Unlike Bearpaw and his kin, Rattleheart had seen his fair share of leaves as a kit and as what the clans would consider to be an apprentice. Traveling around as a loner had a tendency to expose you to lots of things like that, and the tunneler still fondly remembered the first time he had come across one of the towering piles of mixed amber and shades of red. The colors at the time had been dazzling and new to him, considering he had been far more used to the darkly colored walls of the badger den that he and his siblings had grown up in. Their pelts had represented the only colors present there, a stark contrast to the practical rainbow that had sat in front of him at the time.

Much like Bearpaw, he had delighted in throwing himself into it and welcoming in the flood of vividness.

It was a delight to see someone else enjoying the leaves in such a way, though Rattleheart would be lying if he said he hadn't also been caught off guard by Bearpaw leaping from his cover. He had been trailing behind the others, having joined in on the patrol to check on some of the nearby tunnels and see if there was anything in them to chase out for the moor runners. He hardly delighted in tagging along on a patrol that included Snakehiss, but he hoped some working together might lessen the tension that had been hanging over Windclan for a while. And in a way, Bearpaw had managed to lessen that tension, considering it all flooded from Rattleheart's body when he jumped as if being attacked by a wild fox. It only took a moment for him to realize just what had come leaping out at the apprentices ahead, a strained laugh spilling forth from his muzzle.

He couldn't help but snort at the way that Featherpaw responded, one paw colliding with Bearpaw's head in an effort to get him away. The monochrome feline couldn't blame him for it, considering he probably would've reacted similarly if it were him. Glancing briefly in Riverpaw's direction, he decided to let Snakehiss deal with her particular reaction to Bearpaw's antics - he didn't want to step on her mentor's paws when a teaching moment came up. Instead he just moved forward over to Bearpaw, looking the apprentice over and chuckling. "I suppose you should be glad that Featherpaw didn't decide to use claws. You could've ended up with a new scar all for a prank." Though, he did know of some apprentices that probably would've delighted at the chance to get a new "battle wound."
( ) The Moor-Runner had long forgotten the innocent joys of youth that often filled the days in that age. Joy that was only found in its purity had quickly become malformed into a more sinister drive as the need to survive overpowered. Calloused paws replaced what used to be soft and sensitive to broken twigs and pebbles underfoot. Eyes, wide with wonder turned observant and calculating. Hollowcreek did not think himself special from any other cat his age, though. In fact he assumed it was a normal transition from kithood to adulthood, a natural part of growing up.

But the chimera was not immune to finding the humor in the Clans youth. Hollowcreek watched with curiosity as Featherpaw moved ahead to follow a sound, and a perfectly placed leaf pile imploded with action. Bearpaw, hidden beneath a coat of leaves has tactfully planned to scare his littermates.

"Sneaky one." He commented, amused. He expected Snakehiss to take care of Rivepaw's trilling complaints, and instead kept his focus on the chocolate rosette, chuckling to himself. "How long were you under there? Was it worth the wait?"