BEATAE'S NPC SHOP! [open for business]

Apr 11, 2023

  • In short, a free NPC service! Not unlike the services Marq and Flop were giving out earlier, but a bit different.

    I am doing this solely by myself, and I am often working 40-45hrs a week right in the middle of the day, so this will not be as extensive as a service you may be looking for. However, if the terms of the NPC service are a right fit for what you need, I would be glad to fulfill that role!

  • To limit myself from burnout and allow myself the time to manage my own characters, there will be at MAX 4 active slots.

    Fill out the form required, and a reaction will let you know the request has been approved!
    I will most likely DM you on discord for more information if I feel it is needed, or clarification.
    I will not be making a subaccount for each of these NPC's. They will all be played on my single side account, @NPCPELT
    This also means that they will have a basic fancypost (which may include basic information for easy imagery) but nothing else.
    Responses for the necessary thread will have a turnaround time of 1-2 days. I will prioritize the requested service over my played characters to ensure that there isn't long wait times, and your plot can move efficiently!

  • This slide will detail the limitations of what I can play, and how frequent a single NPC can be used for! As well as extra terms of the service.

    - I am comfortable playing corrupted, villainous, or otherwise described unsavory characters
    - I am comfortable playing an NPC'S death or act of killing
    - I am comfortable playing sensitive topics that pertain to parental or domestic harm, blackmailing, and bullying
    - I am comfortable playing characters with mild behavior disorders such as GAD, panic disorders, ASD/ADHD, PTSD, and depression

    - I am not comfortable playing characters that have extreme villainous tropes such as 'random insanity' or schizophrenia [i.e. the joker types]
    - I am not comfortable playing characters with the following disorders: any sort of ED, schizophrenia, psychosis, factitious disorder/by proxy, or personality disorders
    - I am not comfortable roleplaying physical child abuse in any form, either as the abused or the abuser

    - You can request me to play the same NPC several times, as long as I have an open slot, and it has been a minimum of 7 days since you last requested service for that specific NPC
    - You can use an NPC service for the purpose of a private thread
    - You cannot request for several NPC's in the same form. Additionally, you can only request one NPC per player at a time. That way everyone has an equal chance for a slot
    - However, you can immediately request for a different NPC right after I complete the prior request, as long as a slot is available
    - You cannot include several threads at once in your NPC request. Meaning, the NPC you need will only be used in one thread entirely
    - You cannot request an NPC more than a week in advance. If you need more time to create the situation/thread for the character, just shoot me a quick dm! I can work around it. After 7 days, if there is no update or thread is sent, your slot will be removed
    - More terms may be added at a later time, please be sure to check up on these at each request!

  • Code:
    [B]DISCORD;[/B] pls fill in ur contact info for potential messaging!
    [B]NPC'S PURPOSE;[/B] Which of your characters will this be associated to? What is the goal outcome between your character and this NPC?
    [B]NPC INFO;[/B] General info! Name, appearance, brief personality desc, clan
    [B]TIME OF NEED;[/B] When will this NPC be needed? (exact date isnt required, just saying next week is fine. but the 7 day countdown will start the day of approval) If there is already an existing thread, pls provide that here
    [B]OTHER INFO;[/B] If you have any other necessary information you can provide that here, or ask that I DM you!


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