Jun 1, 2024

✧ . Two moons. He’s been gone for two moons, his father.

Not dead — or so Webpaw assumes, so he hopes, prays. The apprentice’s father disappeared without a trace, without a word, a goodbye. No blood spill, hardly a scent trail to follow after a storm-blown night. Nothing. Webpaw had seen him the night prior, before they’d retreated to their respective nests. And then the next morning… Cloudheart was gone.

Just like that. His father, a noble warrior in his eyes, in the clan’s eyes — he wouldn’t just… something had to be wrong for him to vanish. For him to leave his mother, to leave Webpaw. Cloudheart had loved this home, just as much as Webpaw does.

And two moons on, is it much of a surprise that the blue tom would rather spend his days on his own, away from prying eyes of his peers, his clanmates? Away from the questions, the condolences, the claims of ‘your father was a good cat’ and ‘StarClan will guide him home’?

It shouldn’t be, really.

Not when he can hardly answer his own interrogations, can’t explain what went wrong in the last moments he’d seen his father, right?

And yet, they balk at him, the lot of them. They question where their Webpaw went, where his bright gaze and camaraderie went off to. But he’s still here — well, sort of. Here more than Cloudheart can claim to be, wherever he is.

He rests. A rare moment of stillness, of being seen in camp himself instead of training in the Sandy Hollow, Webpaw rests in the shade, eyes closed and his guard down. A foolish move, he realizes too soon for sleep to truly find him, for he can feel eyes on him once more — burning into his fur, waiting. A sharp exhale of air is let out through his nose, as sleep-begging eyes open to face the bystander with a gaze dimmed and cold.

What? “ he snaps, beginnings of a frown pulling at his maw, “ What do you want? “ ​
  • WEBPAW AMAB. He / Him. Apprentice of ThunderClan.
    ✧ . A blue smoke and white cat with yellow eyes.
    ✧ . Featherfur x Cloudheart
    ✧ . Mentored by Nightdust
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
Her father had not disappeared—not like Cloudheart had. Sunfreckle had sacrificed himself for ThunderClan's well-being, had been pulled apart by long teeth and wrinkled snouts for the kits he loved and vowed to protect. Mousenose's own heart is still bruised, tender, and she guards it with beaten wings like eggs in a nest. Her green gaze is still dull with her grief, though she manages to rise every morning and tend to her warrior duties like the dutiful ThunderClan cat her father had raised her to be.

When she approaches Webpaw, it's with a squirrel dangling from her jaws. His eyes sear through her pelt, and his tone is biting, acid. She drops the piece of prey so that it settles between her paws, and she frowns, bristles. "I was just gonna ask if you wanted to share this with me, but clearly, I shouldn't have bothered," she snaps back, offended. "What crawled in your fur and died?"

  • ooc:
  • Mousekit . Mousepaw . Mousenose, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 18 moons old, ages realistically on the 25th.
    — mentored by Silverlightning ; mentoring Sunshinepaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. sunfreckle x rabbitnose, gen 2.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh messy-furred tortoiseshell with high white and bright green eyes. demanding, exuberant, selfish, sensitive, oblivious, obnoxious.

Darkpaw know both of their pains intimately- not just losing a father, but a mother, and to the claws of rogues, no less. Cloudheart was a disappearance, and ache left wide open with no answer to where he had gone, if he was alive or dead. Sunfreckle was doomed to a wolf's jaws, teeth yellow and then red with his blood. His and Smokepaw's parents? Brutally murdered, even as they struggled and tried to run from it.

He had also found a brief moment of rest between mouse bile, gorse walls and hunting crouches drilled into his head. It was nearly scoff worthy- he was nearly a warrior at this point, and he was still made to practice hunting crouches. He was aware of Webpaw, just off to his side. Darkpaw didn't feel a need to speak to the apprentice- neither wanted pity. Eyes flashed as Mousenose snaps back, and his own ears pinned backwards.

And just like that, he was off to the races. He pushed to his paws, stepping closer. "Maybe it was your horrid attitude. Get out of here, Mousenose, learn to read the den." He scoffed sharply. Darkpaw's chin lifted. By tone and by gesture it was clear he wasn't here to defend Webpaw, but rather, jab at someone who couldn't back off when someone was in a foul mood already.​

Softpaw hasn't suffered loss the way that those gathered had: her fathers were still alive and well, and however distant she had gotten because of her apprentice training, there was always the option to go and check in on them that those without wouldn't have the chance to do again. She knew she was lucky, considering the lifestyle that they all lived, and she gave thanks to StarClan for every day that she woke up that lucky to spend another day with her fathers - after all, she never knew when the last would be.

"That's enough." Softpaw makes herself known with sharp words and a frown as she approaches the three, who seemed to have gotten themselves into a hackles-raised situation, and from what Softpaw had observed, over nothing. "You could stand to be a little more mature." She said this to Webpaw and Darkpaw, though the words applied to Mousenose in her opinion as well. The young warrior had gotten ruffled over what she could have ignored.


glowingkit & 04 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan kit

Glowingkit has parents, but they can't really be called parents when they want nothing to do with their kits, can they? They're bothersome, cursed - Glowingkit doesn't blame her parents for not liking her. Still, it'd be nice to see them more, she thinks. Instead, she's oft left to her own devices, and when her siblings aren't around she sits upon the sidelines, watching the goingons around camp.

Today, the adults are arguing again - or really, the apprentices are, though they're joined by one of the warriors. Glowingkit makes no move to join the snapped conversation, instead watching with wide blue eyes as sarcastic remarks are spat back and forth. She doesn't really understand why everyone is upset, but the fact they are is enough to have hackles raised and the point kitten hunching in on herself where she sits nearby. Softpaw seems to attempt to play mediator thankfully, scolding them all for being immature - that means they're acting like kits glow thinks - and she can't help but agree. If you have nothing nice to say, you're supposed to say nothing at all - or at least, that's what Glowingkit has heard in passing from some elder or another. She thinks it's sound advice.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

W E ' L L A L W A Y S B E S O P E R F E C T L Y H A P P Y

*+:。.。 "Hey, hey, let's not fight, that's not what clanmates do" Wrathpaw whined lightly, a small, nervous smile on his maw. Not that Thunderclan has been doing well at following through on that rule.... More and more, Ratty was bringing to see that life outside of the nursery was not quite so sunshine-y as he'd hoped. Instead, there were layers of grey, black and white amidst the colors...sometimes, even drowning them all out. It was dizzying to discover. But the boy hoped it was just...erm, the changing of the weather! Yeah, it had to just be a passing storm cloud!
Then everything will go back to being good once the sky clears, surely!

"What um - what if we...what if we share some prey together?" he suggests after a tentative moment of deliberation. Once he speaks the idea aloud, though, the boy's tail rises with excitement. "something big, so all of us can share!" he purrs, surely a little bit of food will help everyone calm down and enjoy each other's company! Granted there...wasn't a lot of it on the pile, but, hey, maybe it'll be okay to grab something a little early if it means boosting everyone's spirits, right?

He looks over at Softpaw, she's always been a beacon of good humor in tough times!

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently