camp BEAUTIFUL AND TRAGIC / predicting chrysalis hatchling

Feb 29, 2024
"Monarch? Ssswwwallooowtail...? Uh, the blue and black one...?" Unsure whispers crept past usually shut lips as a brown shape sat hunched over a small, hard shell-like object hanging from nearby brush. A chrysalis that Adderpaw had been monitoring over time had begun to lose its green color, showing signs of the butterfly-to-be in what could just be a few days and he couldn't exactly contain his excitement. Although not shown through his body language, the slight upbeat in his voice and the small smile that twitched upwards at random points during his thoughts was enough to show that the apprentice did indeed have some type of emotion coursing through his veins. Oh, just what could it become! He'd wonder to himself day and night, trying to hush the nagging voices in his mind, the pounding in his temples that demanded he deserved no such joy due to yet still being now only slightly behind all the other apprentices. Hunting was coming easier to him, and paws were beginning to connect with fur in his training scuffles with the other apprentices. The improvement was undeniable, but he still had much to learn -- and a bird yet to catch in his claws.

Adderpaw couldn't let those thoughts consume him, however, in such an awe-inspiring moment! Colors were beginning to show, and the apprentice just had to guess what type of butterfly would emerge from its cozy den. Small paws fiddled with the small tuft of grass beneath him, absorbed in a trance-like state when mumbling the possibilities to himself. The sound of a voice behind him however almost made him jump out of his fur, and the tomcat whipped around to face the ThunderClanner with fur prickled and distaste now replacing the barely visible smile on his face. Someone was wondering what he was doing, as usual. Stifling a sigh, Adderpaw managed to roll his eyes for a moment before flicking his tail-tip in the direction of the chrysalis. "Just wondering what type of butterfly will hatch from in here." Although irritation laced his features, his voice contained a hint of kindness to try and cancel out his outburst. Leafhusk had sat him down and had a discussion with him about his... lack of enthusiasm, to say the least. She didn't directly call him out on his attitude, and approached the topic with all the kindness he knew she could muster -- and for that, he decided to at least try for the mentor that didn't give up on him.

Tail twitching around uncomfortably, the apprentice shuffled his paws before lowering his head towards the ground with a mumble. "What... do you think it could be?" The words left a sour taste in his mouth, but he swallowed it in order to slowly and steadily allow an unnatural, forced smile to emerge from his dissatisfaction. He'd have to get over his attitude in order to become the best warrior he could be, even if it was with a bit of backlash on his end that he could succeed with such a negative outlook towards -- well, everything.

ooc: not interacting with anyone specific, so whoever replies first will be who he is talking to :]!​

Softpaw had been in a different world since Dawnglare had appeared to help ThunderClan, her thoughts on medicine cats and their duties and what it was like, when she had come across Adderpaw observing a chrysalis that looked due to burst any day now. Never before had the she-cat every been particularly interested in bugs, but she knew that a few of her Clanmates were rather enamored with the creatures. And it wasn't as if Softpaw had anything against bugs.

"What are you doing?" Was the first thing that Softpaw asked when she stumbled across Adderpaw and the cocoon, and she frowned slightly at how dismissively he responded to her, though her frown dissipated into neutrality again when the tom continued on to ask what she thought might emerge from the chrysalis. "Hm... perhaps it will be one of the more colorful ones," she offered lamely. She seemed daunted by that idea that Adderpaw knew so much more about butterflies than she did. "What's the most colorful butterfly you know of, Adderpaw?"
  • !
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, six moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

*+:。.。 Wrathpaw would pad up close behind Softpaw, large ears perked with interest. The boy, still new to the apprentice's den and naive to cats not sharing the same outgoingly friend disposition as him, didn't overthink about Adderpaw's sudden change in demeanor. Even if he might've, all his attention was devoted instead to what the older tom was doing and what he had said. "Wow Adderpaw, you know a lot about butterflies, huh? That's so, so cool" the boy would purr, thick tail swinging behind him with his excitable energy. He always loved watching the little bugs flutter in the wind, but had never considered their names as unique as their wing colors! Peering over the older apprentice's shoulders, he'd stare in awe at the little closed cacoon of the soon-to-burst winged insect.

Although, worriedly, he'd ask, "Are you sure it's s'posed to stay on the ground like that? What if it fell from it's nest?" he asks, deep blue eyes round with fear as he looks back up at Adderpaw.

    DMAB— He/Him
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovepaw, Joypaw, Gigglepaw
    Thunderclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #191961
    injuries: None currently
Softpaw's reaction should have been expected. After all, he was becoming aware of his tone issue -- though it was obviously much more than his tone that needed fixing. However, her initial response of a downturned expression made embarrassment bubble in Adderpaw's stomach, slowly feeling himself become more queasy by the moment. It was difficult to face the consequences of his own words, the power they had to make someone react negatively or positively to what was spoken. It stressed him out, to say the least, and the grimaces of regret seep onto his face as she continued on with an uninterested drone. What if he went into his own chrysalis -- just curled into a ball and created his own rock like exterior to shut himself away from his small world? If he were a caterpillar, he wouldn't choose to emerge from his closed space, it would be far too comfortable.

However, the next question captivated Adderpaw's attention with sudden intrigue, golden eyes widening at the recognition that someone was even a little interested in what he was fascinated by. He was overjoyed, legs shaking enough that it would be obvious enough to see if you were looking there for whatever reason. Yet he froze, mouth hung open as small squeaks emitted from his throat instead of comprehensible sentences. He squeezed his eyes shut and imagined himself in a cocoon, and opened his eyes with a large breath of air through his lips. "It's not a monarch, but it's got colors like a monarch. 't's got white spots on the bottom of 'ts wings, though, so I guess it is kinda different." As he rambled on, it became easier for him to try and make his words shorter than they already were. "But uh, it's orange 'n' black, with mostly the orange bein' on 'ts wings. It's kinda fuzzy, too." Maybe not super colorful, but he had seen very vibrant ones before -- so that counted as the same thing, right?

Wrathpaw's presence was new to him, and was still taking some getting adjusted to. The tomcat took a step back from the other as he approached, an unnerved gleam sparkling in his eyes. What was Wrathpaw like? What should he expect?

"That's so, so cool."

The words hit him and caused heat to flush into his cheeks, which would be red with shock and embarrassment at what he supposed must be some type of compliment. No one had ever said that what he liked was cool. Was he cool? Adderpaw puffed out his chest now with temporary confidence, determined to impress the new apprentice with his offhand knowledge of ThunderClan wildlife.

At the tom's next words, Adderpaw's gaze followed to where Wrathpaw's eyes were glued to, noticing the recently fallen chrysalis with a gasp. "We should move it somewhere safe, so it can hatch without anyone accidentally steppin' on 't." A new feeling had begun to simmer in the back of his mind -- the feeling of loving someone look up to you. Was that what they call a power-trip? Maybe, but Adderpaw didn't care. He was thriving off of it. "Where do you think we should put it?" The older apprentice questioned aloud, though primarily asking Wrathpaw. He would welcome any safe suggestion, however. He had to choose what was best for the chrysalis.​