camp Beautiful is boring ❥ Glitter


After the battle, Petalnose had found herself antsy within the Medicine den. Despite her issues with sleeping, there was unexpressed energy that bound up within her. She would spend her nights either staring outside the den all night or sneaking out when no one was aware. It was the worst part of battle for her, everything else she loved. Recovery was not her thing. She was not appreciative of it.

Petalnose had decided to stretch her legs around camp, making sure her muscles didn't waste away in the process of recovering. She nodded goodbye to the sunrise patrol as she limped past them, her heart aching to join them. If only she could rid of this energy somehow.

Her mix-matched gaze was suddenly turned to something that had washed up upon the borders of camp. It was some type of two-leg contraption. It had shiny pieces of what looked like stars. It was a peculiar sight to her. Her eyes narrowed and she tapped the small jar with her front paw curiously. However, pain surged through her hindlimbs as she put her weight upon them. The warrior fell on top of it with a grunt. The jar popped open with ease onto her. Petalnose quickly rolled over back onto her legs, realizing that these tiny pieces of star-like material were all of her. The she-cat jolted in realization and attempted to groom it off of fur. Though, she was only successful to remove a pawful of glitter from her fur. The rest stuck to her more as if her tongue was glue to her pelt. "What in Starclans name!" a sharp hiss came from her maw, shaking her pelt. Nothing was working. "Someone help me get this dreaded stuff off of me!" she spat, circling in a limp as she looked upon her pelt.

Good morning, Petalnose!” The small rosette she-cat is cheerful today, happy to see her friend walking on mostly-sturdy legs and even happier to see her staying in camp. She knows Petalnose resents having to do so, but recovery is important. A badly healed wound could become real trouble later.

She snatches a vole from the fresh-kill pile and settles nearby to work on breakfast. Her day is full—she’s on a hunting patrol, set to go out once the dawn patrol returns, and she wants to be prepared for it. After her failure at Sunningrocks, she does not want to let her Clanmates down anymore. Hunting is something she’s more than capable of excelling at, at least. Emberflower takes a mouthful of vole, hazel eyes warm as she watches her friend expel some of her energy. She’s found something—something that looks Twoleg-made.

After all the trouble they’ve had with Twolegs, Emberflower is immediately on guard. She abandons the remains of her breakfast, striding quickly toward her friend. “Hey, do you think you should be—” Petalnose falls, and the thing… explodes open, for lack of a better term. Shimmering pieces of what almost looks like stardust float around like a cloud, settling on her friend’s pelt and igniting it with pale fire.

Emberflower’s eyes widen. “Oh no! Is it—is it painful?” She creeps closer as Petalnose flails, trying to get the star-stuff off of her coat. She hopes it’s not poisonous or harmful, but—she has to admit, her friend looks radiant with her fur shimmering.

After a moment, after it’s clear Petalnose isn’t dying or ill, she jokes, “You look like a StarClan warrior.” She pads closer, swiping a forepaw across her friend’s pelt. Her paw shimmers with the stuff, and she examines it with rapture. “Oh, it’s so pretty! And it doesn’t hurt. You look… so pretty,” she says, smiling bashfully. “But you’ll probably have to take a dunk in the river to get it off…

  • Love
Reactions: Petalnose
Ravenpaw slept in a little more than he ought to. The apprentice snuffed awake in a start, pupils slitting in the morning light. He raised his head, keeping count of all the recovering bodies in the den and immediately recognized at first Petalnose was missing. With a stretch, Ravenpaw got to his paws. Finding no need to bother Beesong with this for now, Ravenpaw poked his nose out of the makeshift den to catch a glimpse of the escaped tabby. He had anticipated she would be one of the more anxious to get out.

He followed his nose mostly, soon coming upon the she-cat and Emberflower near the outskirts of the camp. "You're awfully out fa—what is that?" His ears laid back in surprise at the shining, glittering substance that now decorated the warrior's coat. It reminded him of the way the sun would catch the scales of the occasional fish when cats pulled them out of the water.

Fur puffed up, he looked between the two she-cats, catching his tongue reluctantly seeing the rather sweet moment though his heart twisted with something like envy. "Wait, yes, don't... touch it or lick it. We do not know what it is." It was strange, he did not trust it.

Eelcackle couldn't believe what he was seeing. Petalnose, covered in.... Sparkly sand. Some cats would be worried, but Eelcackle was different. He wasn't worried, no. The slinky black tom was intrigued. He wondered what the stuff was, even if it was twoleg made. Either way, he pranced over on long legs and looked and the remaining sparkle sand.

Could he be sparkly too???

With a giddy giggle, he squirmed upon the stuff, getting it all over his pelt.

"I've never felt more beautiful in my life!" He giggled, looking to Petalnose. "Emberflower is right, You do look pretty!"

He knew he would be scolded, but such is the price of beauty. He fluffed his fur out so he could look even more sparkly.​

Petalnose turned her attention upon Emberflower whom followed her to the scene, her once gaze of confusion and rage softening. She stopped circling around like a dog, looking upon her pelt and then at her. There was some slight panic within the woman as she didn't know exactly what this shiny material would do to her. However, she started to calm herself down and ground herself as she realized she didn't feel anything in result of the sparkly material. Emberflower seemed to have helped her realize, "No, I don't even feel it on my pelt actually." She meowed, gazing upon the material on her paws. Petalnose was quite embarrassed she made a scene over something that was not causing harm to her. Especially in-front of her friend. Wasn't it silly to see such a brave character panic over something so small? Although, wouldn't anyone after the appearance of twolegs and their traps?

You look like a Starclan warrior. The comment brought her out of her mind, looking upon Emberflower with wide eyes that blinked in surprise. "I - uh - hahah that's silly." She dismissed with a scoff, her paws kneading the ground in an antsy manner. The warrior watched her brush against her fur, staring down upon the glitter on Emberflower's paw. She confirmed that it was now harmless, sighing softly to herself in disappointment. Why'd she have to look idiotic in-front of everyone?

Then, she was interrupted again by words. Words that were as soothing as honey to her ears. You look.. so pretty. She felt her pelt burn, staring at her again in disbelief. It was as if she was going to melt in-front of her. She blinked her eyes and shook her fur once more, "I… T-Thank you." Petalnose then aimed to brush her pelt against hers, deciding against making the situation awkward and adding humor into the mix. "Now we can be pretty together." Her tone now serious and confident, attempting to hide away her flustered reaction.

Ravenpaw suggested against touching it or licking it. Although the patched warrior had just done the action, "Oops. Too late." She meowed, a smirk appearing upon her expression and she attempted to read his. She then carefully laid down and rolled on the ground, "Ahh, I'm dying. Help me." She meowed in a monotoned voice, glaring up at him to watch for a reaction. The warrior forced herself to look serious in play to top it off. Would he take her seriously?

Eelcrackle had seemed to join the fun, looking upon him with a flat expression, however, she was quite humored by him rolling in the material. She then jolted as if he just swiped at her in result of his compliment, "I don't believe it.." She grumbled bashfully, rolling her eyes and turning them back upon Ravenpaw. "We don't look like we're dying, yes? I don't know, you tell me." Her brow raised with a cock of her head as if she was actually questioning Ravenpaw. However, she already knew the answer.

❪ TAGS ❫ — Jogging over, wide-eyed and curious, the reddish kit mewed, "I wanna try!" Foxkit doesn't care what the others say; Petalnose and Eelcackle weren't on the ground dying from having this material on them so why couldn't he try it on as well?

Leaving no room for anybody to try and stop him, Foxkit swiped a paw out and coated it with the sparkly stuff, his blue hues examining it closely as it shone in the sunlight. Hmm... nah, too bright. "Umm... I don't like this stuff." Foxkit decided, attempting to wave his paw around to try and flick it off.
An exasperated sigh pushed itself out of the younger cat's lungs. Before he could do anything more, Eelcackle joined in on the "fun" and Petalnose was deciding to act like the apprentice. Why was he the only 'paw in the group and had more sense than any of these three? Ravenpaw snorted again, his eyes levelly observing the way Petalnose now deliberately laying back down on the ground. The things cats get into for love, He thought with a side-eyed glance at Emberflower. Eelcackle's agreement of Petalnose's beauty shattered that illusion for a moment, but he would still keep an eye on the two she-cats. Snakeblink might like the gossip.

Societal politeness and awareness of his apprentice rank held the sharp-tongued feline from rolling his eyes back at Petalnose, but his face remained stern still. Whatever this shining dust was, it was not worth getting a cuff to the ear for looking at a warrior in a sarcastic manner.

"Yes," He droned, whiskers twitching. "I heard that shimmercough is rare, but even more deadly than the others. You may only have one sunrise left to live."

A paw shot out in a desperate attempt to keep Foxkit away, only for his efforts to be wasted.

  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette

Shimmercough. So the medicine cat apprentice decided to play along. Petalnose did not believe him an ounce, although she was curious to see how'd he react to her playing along. She blinked at him without turn of expression, she looked to Emberflower for her reaction. Her brow raised towards her as if she was asking if she believed him or not. The woman turned her attention back on the black furred apprentice and faked a cough, "Ah, well. It was nice knowing you all." She grumbled, touching her head with her paw as if she was feeling for a fever. "Looks like it's taking me already. I mean, I already look like a Starclan cat. That's what I get for not listening to a medicine cat." She lightly sneered at Ravenpaw, going on with his little lie. She gazed down at Foxkit whom had not taken to Ravenpaw's command. She let her sneer fall to an expression that looked terribly serious, eyes widening, "Oh, and you're going down with me." She rumbled, tipping her head upwards to the sky.

Petalnose flashed Emberflower a reassuring look over her shoulder, attempting to assure that she was just messing with the two younger cats. She hoped her friend wouldn't fall for such banter as she hadn't. There was a saying medicine cats were always right. That did worry her for the rosette tabby to take it too seriously. Hopefully, she was intelligent enough to catch on.

//Lunch break post!

Petalnose’s surprised eyes cause Emberflower to giggle. She laughs even harder when the tabby and white she-cat brushes against her, wiping the sparkling dust onto her own fur. “Hey!” She playfully wrinkles her nose. “I guess I couldn’t let you go to StarClan without me, huh?” She hardly seems to realize what she’s implying, instead examining a pawful of shimmering bits.

Eelcackle gleefully ignores Ravenpaw’s warning, rolling about until he is almost hard to look at in direct sunlight. Poor Foxkit has to shield his eyes from the offensive brilliance. “Don’t worry, Foxkit. I’m sure we can rinse it off in the river.” She headbutts Petalnose’s shoulder. “We should go for a swim and test it. Y’know… before we get shimmercough.” She throws Ravenpaw a good-natured wink.