Beautiful Morning || o. Prompt

Sep 19, 2022
Prompt: A beautiful sunrise

Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw had awoken earlier than she'd normally would, the whole camp silent and still which allowed her to take a deep breath before slipping out of the apprentices den, her blue gaze shuffling around a bit before she noticed the pink dappled sky that dance through the threes which were starting to grow buds that promised new life to flourish, a promise for a warm greenleaf and she'd smile slightly before settling herself down outside of the apprentice's den while her gaze continued to stay on what parts of the sky were visible. Orange danced and mixed its way through as fluffy white clouds drifted peacefully across what they could see, shading the branches that covered the sky slightly.

A gentle quiet breeze with a hint of coldness to it ruffled her fur a bit making Mothpaw shivered but she did not mind that as she caught the glimpses of a beautiful sunrise before the rest of the camp had awoken, the blues were now making a strong appearance in the purples, oranges, pinks and yellows that blended perfectly together, swirling its ways in as the sun was yet hardly even up yet, and she knew it was soon time that many others would began awaking from their slumbers, some missing the beauty that the sky provided in the earliest of its moments, the colors that showed compared to that of the plain blue sky and a bright orb that shun over providing warmth to the clan and yet...

Seeing all this made her realize how, they had survived the harshest of leaf-bare, and perhaps this was starclan's ways of promising themna good greenleaf? Prey was slowly growing more plentiful and the sun was already providing enough warmth while trees were beginning to bud as well as flowers growing back. Everything was beginning to have life once more and even the sky had began to become more vibrant in color that it had took the apprentice's breath away from seeing it, perhaps she'll wake up earlier more often to catch a glimpse of the sunrise.

nightbird much preferred the dusk to the dawn, but it seemed she hadn't been given much of a choice recently. even when she tried for hours to sleep, she found herself giving up when the moon was still high. instead of rolling in her nest, she had taken the time to be productive. leaving to hunt when the moon still lived, returning when it died.

fatigue seemed to seep into her bones as she emerged through the entrance to camp. her tail dragged behind her as she carried in a mouse, quickly depositing the feeble creature. blinking the tiredness from her gaze, the molly released a wide yawn before glancing around camp to see who else was awake. a brown furred apprentice sat just outside of her den, neck craned to the sky. nightbird approached, expression neutral as she flicked an ear to greet mothpaw.

"you're up early," she hummed, voice still soft as to not awake her clanmates. following the apprentice's gaze to where the sky broke through the canopy, a small sigh was released from the warrior. "nice, isn't it? they get pretty in the warmer moons,"
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