BECAUSE I SEE YOU [ ✦ ] hunting advice


just pretend . 𓆩♡𓆪
Nov 8, 2023

Springkit focuses on her prey, blue eyes squinting against the light that dapples the camp and paws placed carefully one after the other and then she pounces. Claws pierce the thin leaf her father had brough back for her after a patrol to ThunderClan's border and desperately, she shakes her paw, trying to get it off. When finally she succeeds, it floats gently to the ground only to be interrupted by her paw once again. She bats it around for a good bit before suddenly there is a commotion at the entrance of the camp. Her head shoots up, ears angled forward and blue eyes wide with wonder. A hunting patrol was returning, prey clutched in her jaws. "Whoa..." she says wonderingly, her blue eyes shining at the idea that one day that could be her.

She draws closer as the cats drop their kills on the pile and as she watches she notices one cat in particular who has caught more than the others. The golden colored she cat was turning and walking away, but Springkit had other plans. She darts forward, black paws carrying her surprisingly fast for her small size. "Excuse me! Miss? Miss!" she calls out, trying to get the warriors attention. "You must be really good at hunting things!" she says when finally she gets her attention "I want to be really good at hunting things too! Will you teach me?" Her dad was really good at hunting things, she thinks, so that means that one day she would be too, right? "My name is Springkit by the way!" She wears a wide, expectant smile while she talks, tail waving high in the air as she waits, half expecting to be made an apprentice on the spot. She wasn't entirely sure how this whole thing worked but this had to be it, right?

// please wait for @FIGFEATHER

  • Love

A junco, robin, and a mouse, Figfeather was proud enough of her catches. As she returns back to camp with the prey in tow she reminds herself that leaf-bare is on the way, hauls like these will become scarce to nonexistent… For now she exhales heavily, grateful that for now SkyClan cats would have full bellies.

Placing them down into the fresh-kill pile she swiftly pads away before the temptation to nab a piece for herself grew too strong. She is approached by an eager black and white kit, Springkit. ’You must be really good at hunting things.’ Figfeather blinks ’Will you teach me?’ She would rather not call it arrogance… but she feels pride that Springkit had decided to approach her for such advice. Figfeather thinks for a moment before nodding, ”Sure, I’ll teach you a thing or two.” It couldn’t be that hard, surely? She’d teach Springkit a hunters crouch or something of the sort, just enough to fill her appetite until she was an apprentice. ”Figfeather, by the way.”

Padding to an area of camp with little traffic, she reveals a feather she had quickly plucked from the junco in the fresh-kill pile. ”Instead of a leaf we will practice on a feather.” They were light weight and in Figfeather’s opinion, more unpredictable in movement when airborne. ”I’m going to throw it into the air, I want you to hunt it before hit its the ground. Got it?” Might as well see what skills the kit already picked up on, Figfeather suspects very little.

Giving off a little bounce, Figfeather releases the feather into the air. It was time for Springkit to show the warrior what she’s got.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Wherever Springkit wandered, Pumpkinkit wasn't far behind. It was perfectly content to simply go wherever she may roam, even if her intentions often remained a mystery. The two of them were always meeting new cats, and it was fun!

Its tail was high in the air, mismatched eyes bright and flickering around, ever enamored with their surroundings. At one point it stopped to bat at a clump of pine needles that had fallen nearby, but it wasn't long before it scampered on to catch up with its sibling. She seemed to have picked up the pace, now on a mission, and after several heartbeats it was skidding to a halt behind her.

Curiously, Pumpkinkit stared up at Figfeather. A brief glance affirmed that their sibling was mouthing to her, and expectantly they looked up, waiting to see if she would do it back. Briefly, they thought that she looked nice. Pretty.

As the warrior wandered off, its sibling followed, and the chimera wasn't far behind. Where were they going? Pumpkinkit looked to Springkit as it hurried to her shoulder, gaze searching for answers her expression might give. She looked excited. Expectant. A smile readily took over its own maw, and it adopted a hop to its step as it followed behind the golden molly.

Once Figfeather stopped and turned back, Pumpkinkit looked up at her. She had a feather! Were they going to play a game? It lowered to the ground in a playful crouch, eyes growing wider and fixed upon the feather's every movement. Catching feathers was fun! They were floaty and soft and they liked to twirl in the air when they fall...

The larger cat was mouthing, but it was far more interested in the feather. Suddenly she bounced, tossed it up, and released it. Pumpkinkit straightened up in a near spring, only to immediately crouch down, haunches waggling to leap upward. It nearly tripped over itself, ending with more of a hop than a jump, and promptly tumbled to the ground. "Uph!" it puffed, left to stare as Springkit made her own attempt.
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  • // OOC
  • (( pumpkinkit )) of skyclan, sibling to springkit ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 2 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is not currently known, most just believe it to be quiet or slower to develop speech
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinkit is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springkit.

As usual, Pumpkinkit was not terrible far behind her but Springkit didn't mind. She was used to having a shadow. She listens to Figfeathers words, a determined and concentrated look on her face as the she-cat explains the rules of the game to her, she was going to throw a feather into the air and it was her job to catch it. She nods, though maybe a bit too enthusiastically. Her sibling next to her makes its own attempt, she breaks her serious demeanor to laugh, though not in an unkind manner. "It was a good try Pumpkinkit!" she says encouragingly even though she knows that they will not be able to understand her, still she smiles at them before turning her attention to the feather. It still drifts lazily in the air and Springkit is determined to halt its descent.

She gathers her hindquarters underneath her, tail waving in the air as she wiggles her body as if that will help her chances. Her tongue comes out of her mouth and swipes at the top of her lips as she focuses in on the object dancing in the air. Then suddenly she is all action. Her form is nowhere near perfect and at the last second she finds herself tripping over her own paws but she reaches wildly, desperately, and her claws catch the feather though just barely. Still, when all four of her feet touch the ground again she lets out a loud whoop of joy. "Ohmygosh ohmygosh I did it!" she says, her voice an excited squeal "Did you see that miss Figfeather? I caught it! Now what?" She doesn't think she could eat it like you could normal prey so truly she has no idea.


Figfeather is taken back by Pumpkinkit’s eagerness, it gives an immediate hop into the air after a feather. Ultimately they fail to grasp onto it and fall to the ground with an ’uph’. She lifts a paw to step back from the kitten, ”Oh- you need to have patience Pumpkinkit. Think out your actions before you commit to them, you cannot leap without thinking if you want to catch prey.” She gives her best advice, offering a sympathetic smile. Some kits learn slower than others she must remember.

When Springkit leaps her claws catches the feather, Figfeather had sworn the she-kit would take a fruitless tumble like their litter-mate had. When all four paws touch the ground she whoops in a victory, her squealing estatic and joyful to have succeeded. ”Good job Springkit.” She purrs, pawing the now released feather away from the kit. ”Now we try again, your form was far from perfect. I think with practice you can improve.” And practice takes persistence…

”Again, both of you.” And the feather is dropped again from the air, awaiting for kitten paws to lunge.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Mallowlark wasn't prone to partaking in kitten games, no- it was no way to live as a grown cat, when you could hunt for yourself! Figfeather had always seemed a cat diligent with duty, though... was there a reason she wassiphoning away her time doing this? Flicking feathers about for kittens to jump after, to frolic, as if that flitting thing could feat a queen, as if...

He was smiling, still- rasping his tongue, peeking through grinning fangs, across an inky paw. Did she want kittens? How old were these ones, again... bright-eyed, mushy-brained... couple moons, maybe? A moon off apprenticeship, and... well, none of them would fall to his care, would they?

But Figfeather, she too lacked an apprentice- the realisation shone upon Mallowlark like the scarlet light of a blood moon. Oh, that was an insult, wasn't it? Same level as him!

Unblinking eyes snapped to Figfeather. Above the scrabble of kitten paws, catching the glint in her eye, he chimed- "Which one of them do you pick as your apprentice, then?" Amusement thrummed from his tone, dissonant birdsong, chitter of laughter buzzing like wingbeat behind his teeth.
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She glows in the praise of the golden warrior, feeling like she had accomplished some great feat. One day, she would be an apprentice and she would have to hunt actual prey - the thought makes her shudder inwardly because she cant imagine killing something alive but for now she is content to play this game with Figfeather. "Did you do this a lot as a kit?" she asks "Is that why your name is Figfeather?" She hopes that one day, when she is a warrior she gets a cool name. Like Springclaw or something else that makes her sound awesome!

Springkit is dimly aware of Mallowlarks presence while she leaps after the feather again, claws outstretched to catch the floating object. This time, however, she tumbles when she lands, tripping over her own feet and sprawling in the dust with a audible "OUMPH!" but she had still caught it! She had squished it under her paw but when she lifts her foot it is there! "I guess I need to work on landing" she says, feeling sheepish as she pushes herself to her paws and shakes the dust out of her pelt.

What Mallowlark says catches her attention. Which one do you pick as your apprentice. "Whoa!!" she says, suddenly feeling panicked "I dont wanna be an apprentice yet! I'm not ready!" is that what was happening? Was Blazestar going to show up and declare her a -paw? She isn't too sure how all of this works.