beck and call || sootstar


father, savior
Dec 18, 2022
// set .. idk... before or after the blizzard .. fluid time ... yes there is snow but they're not trapped in dens. k? k.

. . .

he finds her alone.

so she often is: alone, quiet. he wonders about her covenant with the stars — does she feel them, in moments like this? do they speak to her?

he longs for them, sometimes. he wonders what it is to carry their blessing as she does: what it is to be leader, chosen, gifted. he thinks of his children, raised to shield her and her blessed rule — he thinks of the blessing that he asks for in return. may starclan guard his sons; may starclan guide them. may they follow, loyal children, sinful creatures crawling after the light.

may they respect his authority and sootstar's above it — may they see her word as law; may they honor the stars by their training.

dutiful, he dips his head as he approaches. "sootstar." should she respond with familiarity, he'll relax a fraction, shoulders dropping minutely. he lifts his head to meet her eyes, amber gaze calculating. not... soft. but close, perhaps.

"starclan with you. how are you faring?"

the question is more a formality than anything. he doesn't expect honesty — she is the general, he the soldier, and she does not like to show weakness — but he leaves the opportunity, should she need it. (she may have nine lives, but each one is mortal.)

"it's been awhile since we've really talked. we were close, once." he speaks lightly, wry smile on amber lips. "i thought you might like to catch up, if you're not busy."

. . . tags.