" Bluefrost! " The warrior sing - songs, a mouse hanging limply from its tail captive in her jaws. Though Bluefrost may not know it, Pinkshine has vowed to be the best friend and clanmate ever for Bluefrost. She's gonna check on her lots and make sure she's never hungry and never sad and never tired and never dirty, and when she has her kits, Pinkshine will totally play with them all and help Bluefrost make them the happiest kits ever! Not like she'd need help necessarily... but thats what friends did! They helped each other! With a spring in her step, Pinkshine enters the nursery. It's kinda weird to see Bluefrost here, but she's sure that won't let long. " I brought you somefin'! " she announces.

The mouse is dropped at Bluefrost's paws with a small thud. " If you want a rabbit instead, I can get you one! Or shrew — Well, I didn't see any shrew in the pile, but I'd go out and catch you one so long as you don't mind waiting! " she tells her, beaming. " I'm gonna miss you in the tunnels, but I'm like, soooo happy for you! You're gonna be a great mom! Do you think I'd be a great mom? I think I'd like to be one, someday. You'll be my inspiration, okay? You and Brightshine, obviously. " Of course she's gonna look to her own mom for what kinda parent she'd aspire to be... Bluefrost probably couldn't do the same, huh?

She suddenly falls quiet, and a suspicious blue - ringed gaze eyeballs Bluefrost carefully, as if to make sure she hadn't said that last part out loud. She does't think so. " Am I talking too much? " she asks, just to make sure.

Bluefrost has fallen into a quiet solitude since her move into the nursery. Rattleheart is present, but she's ever-busy with the kits, and Periwinklebreeze spends most of his time wrangling his older brood. She wants her sister's company more than anything, but there's a rift between the two of them that mere words cannot mend. When Pinkshine's dappled pelt fills the opening of the nursery, Bluefrost feels her heart leap into her mouth. She blinks with gratitude as the younger she-cat drops the mouse at her paws.

"I'm gonna miss you in the tunnels, but I'mlike, soooo happy for you!" Pinkshine's trill is like a songbird's in the tight-woven gloom of the nursery. Bluefrost sighs and moves the bit of fresh-kill around with a snowy paw. "I appreciate it," she mews. "I shall miss being in the tunnels, too. Perhaps you can come tell me about your patrols when you have a chance?" Something hopeful flashes in her green eyes — Pinkshine will be able to offer her something no one else can, really.

But then the tortoiseshell is yapping about Bluefrost's impending motherhood. "You're gonna be a great mom," she says, and Bluefrost stiffens. Just what does that mean? "And what is a great mother?" Her face wears genuine confusion. Sootstar had reared her from the leader's den, from the tunnels, her claws like iron, her heart like steel. Kestrelsnap had mothered her from the nursery, firm tongue, sharp words, soft flank. Cottonsprig would mother — stars, somehow — but would her kittens be condemned? Would she?

What does motherhood look like? Rather, what is it supposed to look like?

"You are not talking too much," she murmurs after a few heartbeats. "I am grateful for the company." She gazes back at her friend, disquieted.

  • ooc: —
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 17 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan lead warrior and queen. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue smoke she-cat with white and emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.

Pinkshine nods vigorously in reply, having totally planned to do that anyways regardless of if Bluefrost asked her to or not. " Totally! " she chirps. " It'll be like you never even left! " she tells her with a giggle. Well... she couldn't always remember tunnel stuff super well. Lots of it was dirt, and like... more dirt. Just how many details would Bluefrost want? Hopefully not too many for Pinkshine to remember...

Pinkshine is stopped in her tracks then, when Bluefrost asks, what is a great mother? Pinkshine pauses, blinks. Ummm... Well what kinda question is that, huh? In the same way that Bluefrost is disturbed, she suddenly is too, never having even expected the possibility of such a question. At least she wasn't talking too much. " Okay, " a bit softer, she says. I am grateful for the company, says Bluefrost. Pinkshine beams. Now, um... her question. " Y'know... " she says, and maybe that's totally rude to say because obviously she didn't know. Did Pinkshine know? Did anyone know? Surely Brightshine must know, at least. Pinkshine gestures pointlessly with a paw. " Like... "

Okay, she needs to seriously think about this. Pinkshine plops down on her haunches, smile shifting to something more contemplative. What did Brightshine do that made her such a happy cat? " Like, you play lotsa games with your kits! And you teach your kits important things like StarClan and your family — well, " Some of them, anyways. Pinkshine wrinkles her nose. " Before they're warriors, anyway! I – I guess... And, um... Did I say lots of games? And lots of love, of course! " She nods decisively, considering her point made.
Pinkshine's vigorous nod, her exuberance, puts Bluefrost into a place of unease she cannot shake, but she is grateful for the dappled molly's presence nonetheless. She exhales through her nostrils and attempts a smile for her companion. "Keep an eye on Brackenpaw for me, too, please. I do not want her slacking off under new mentorship." It's a lot to ask of Pinkshine, but... she does not feel comfortable enough to go to any of the other tunnelers, besides maybe Rattleheart, and Rattleheart is nursery-bound like herself still.

The motherhood question sits between them, stifling. Pinkshine shifts, her dual-chrome eyes blinking rapidly. He explanation is simple, but elusive to Bluefrost: games, education about StarClan and your family, lots of love.

Bluefrost stares at her for a moment. "What... what kind of games did your mother play with you?" She remembers Kestrelsnap's rough-bladed tongue grooming her pelt; she remembers her siblings' pretend-play, but Sootstar had been absent from it all. Weaselclaw, too. His games had been about unsheathed claws and territory defense, about brutalizing RiverClan patrols... and she had never partaken...

"I do not remember my mother doing any of that," she murmurs. "She did teach us about StarClan, but she was so busy... she left most of that to Kestrelsnap. When I approached her, I felt ..." She blinks. Like a bother.

  • ooc: —
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 17 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan lead warrior and queen. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue smoke she-cat with white and emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.

  • Sad
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She can totally do that... It'd be good practice for her own apprentice someday. Her own apprentice someday, she's never thought about that before... Wouldn't that be weird, bossing some cat around? She'd wanna be more like best friends than a boss - arounder, she thinks. " I will! " with determination — Sunstar said she had that — she mews. Brackenpaw will know Bluefrost is keeping an eye on her from beyond... Beyond the nursery, that is. not the grave or anything.

Bluefrost looks a little bit confused when she gives her spiel. Pinkshine tips a multicolored head to the side, whiskers drooping. What kinda games " Like hide and seek! Or moss ball! Or Clan, Or um... I dunno if it was a game, but I dug a lot of holes and — " It smacks her in the face. Was she always meant to be a tunneler cause of that? Did everyone else see the signs that she didn't? ...She'd save this introspection for another day. " Those are classics, but there are like a million, and you can always make up more! " A white - stiriped tail gives a cheerful flick behind her. Bluefrost just barely beats her to the question, what was your favorite?

But, oh she didn't do any of that stuff. It catches Pinkshine off guard. A sunny gaze stretches wide. " None? " Maybe a little rudely, she gapes. She hopes it isn't rude, but she's just so shocked. How do you even be a mom and not do any of that?

There's the answer: She... wasn't much of a mom. Not really. Her lips fall too a pout, on the edge of a frown, but she didn't wanna let that happen... " Aw, Bluefrost... " Pinkshine tilts her head. Bright eyes suddenly narrow, looming, to see if she could suddenly pick out the pieces of Sootstar's lack - of - love - and - games - ness. For some reason, she'd think finding it would be easy like... a wrenched claw, or a scar she's never noticed before. But she's still Bluefrost... And just who is Bluefrost? Well...

She guesses she doesn't know too well...

" I guess a bad cat would probably be a bad mom... " she conceeds, and then pauses. " ...Sorry, " Bluefrost probably didn't wanna hear that, even if it was true... " ...You'll be different, though! You're not like her. "