pafp beech copse blues - recovery boredom

𓆝 . ° ✦ It had barely been 3 days since Wolfsong had given him the sentence. 7 days to go and boy he was BORED. Grasskit was tired of watching his friends play. He wanted to play too. Or at least hear something interesting other than Frightkit's incessant starry-eyed rambling. However was he supposed to get on?

Maybe this unsuspecting RiverClan cat? He pondered the idea for a moment. He really didn't want to go up to a stranger, but it wasn't like he was in danger. Or, he thought anyway. RiverClan was helping. So this RiverClan cat could help him too, right? Sure. He hauled himself to his paws, being just as careful as Wolfsong instructed, and padded over to Catfishleap. "Um... hello? Ma'am?" He mumbled, a bit shy.

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  • ooc: @Catfishleap :)
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed

Catfishleap didn't really mind the WindClan visitors. Ever since Sootstar was dethroned their neighbors didn't seem nearly as daunting enemies. Not to say she would want to meet Sunstar face to face in a brawl, but she wouldn't want to meet any cat in a fight for the most part. She had been questioning clan life a little bit more since the rogue attacks at least, thinking back to SkyClan taking their sorry pelts in to their home it was different. It was something she wouldn't have thought was fully possible with general tensions. Maybe that was Cicadastar's notion though, he died over the concept didn't he?

Catfishleap is sat grooming her own paws and taking a bit of a breather. Her attention is drawn away from the task when a shy voice sounds. Her eyes fall onto a small cream kitten. Her head tilts at his cautious introduction "Hey," she purrs "How's it going?"

She knows he is a WindClan kit, she can't recall whose kit he is, or what his name was but she assumed if he was brave enough to greet her he'd probably manage to tell her. "Do you need help with anything?" She wasn't quite sure what she would be able to help with but she would sure give it her best effort.

𓆝 . ° ✦ Grasskit had simply not thought this far ahead. "Um, well, no," he mumbled. StarClan why didn't he just take longer to think about this? "Could you tell me a story?" He decided, on the spot. RiverClan cats probably had lots of stories he'd never heard before. The fawn tabby sat carefully, hoping she didn't shoo him away. She was here, after all. She probably didn't have to be.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed
Foxtail knew that most of the clan didn't seem to really... approve of WindClan taking shelter at the beech copse. Foxtail on the other hand, didn't exactly have the same viewpoint of his clanmates. He knows they have... quite the difficult past with WindClan. Sootstar has left an open wound in RiverClan, even six feet belong she still takes hold of the relationship between the two clans. But he doesn't feel wary about WindClan kits. Elders, injured warriors whom are unable to escape from the flames— they'll be safe here, until the fire is no longer a threat to the moors.

He mrrows with admiration as the young kit walks over to Catfishleap, a fellow RiverClan warrior. Foxtail couldn't help but admire kits— they are too young to understand the complex rivalry between the clans. In this kit's eyes, Catfishleap is not a potential warrior he might see in battle one day. In matter of fact, the kit was asking for Catfishleap to tell him a story. "I-I'm sure Catfishleap has a great story to t-tell," He mews as he pads over to the two of them, with a flick of an ear. He sits himself down on the ground, his bushy cinnamon tail wrapping around his paws. He can't help but feel a little curious what story Catfishleap will come up with— right on the fly too! "RiverClan has g-great stories!" It should definitely help pass the time for young Grasskit, that's for sure! Time went by so slowly as a kit, didn't it?

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    18 moons


Catfishleap's eyes were soft as the kitten asked for a story. She hadn't spent much time with even the RiverClan kits so she felt a tad out of her depths with the request, but he didn't need to know that. She could figure it out right? Her head started to spin for stories. She knew many of course, certainly ever warrior collects stories behind scars and graves but did a kitten's head really need to be filled with terror?

Foxtail greeted the two of them and that was reassuring, maybe if she said something wrong he would be able to stop or correct her. He also boasted of her story picking ability... now she really had to choose a good one. Her eyes trailed to her hindlegs as she settled down onto the dirt, laying down so she could address Grasskit with more dignity and ease. Both her backlegs contained scars, nearly identical aside from how mangled the one was. The story about the badger was pretty gruesome, the otter bite however, while still scary wasn't nearly as gory.

"Okay, so last NewLeaf us RiverClan cats were not able to live in our normal camp, kinda like you. We didn't have to go to a different clan's territory, but we did have to make a new temporary camp. Well, we hadn't been careful enough about where we settled down. And so one day I was doing some sort of apprentice duty when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, an otter bit my leg! It was crazy, like everything was all normal and fine, and then BAM!" she emphasized her point by thumping a paw onto the ground "Warriors were at attention in seconds, my mentor and actually an old WindClanner helped beat the otter off of me. I wasn't much help though, I was still pretty young and the suddenness of it all made me all silly. I was lucky though, I didn't even need to stay in the medicine den for very long." she parted the fur of her leg a little bit to really show off the scar. Kits think scars are cool, right? Every cat thinks scars are cool... she's pretty sure of that.


Bubblepaw has always met novelty through a lens of excitement. Not much is daunting to the young molly whose name matches her enthusiasm. However, she remembers WindClan as a threat despite having dethroned the evil queen of the moors. It's hard to forget the way Smokestar had returned horribly battered with the news that WindClan had claimed highstones. It's hard to forget even though she had been one of the clamoring apprentices to fetch Smokestar when Sunstar had come to bear the news of Sootstar's defeat.

A kit is no threat, though. Outside of the stench of smoke at least.

Bubblepaw is nearby attending to some cleaning that needed to be done in camp when she'd overheard Catfishleap telling Grasskit a story. "Wow!" Bubblepaw gasps, as if the story is meant for her and not Grasskit. Though the apprentice had been able to pass off her interest in Catfishleap's story as pausing as a passerby, her eyes go wide at the mention of the attack on the warrior. "You really got bit by an otter?" She asks. Bubblepaw is not old enough to remember such an event, but she hasn't come in contact with many otters either. She cranes her neck to see the scar that Catfishleap is showing to Grasskit.

Then, as if she suddenly remembers her age, she retracts herself slightly from the pair. She smiles sheepishly as Catfishleap, feeling embarrassment burn at her ears. Bubblepaw turns to Grasskit. She wants to remedy crashing into the conversation, but she isn't sure how.

✦ ★ ✦
𓆝 . ° ✦ Suddenly Foxtail was also here, and Bubblepaw too, though he didn't know their names. Eyes wide as Foxtail addressed them, he was a little bit emboldened to find that he was correct in his assumption that they'd be nice to him. He watched Catfishleap- he assumed, since that other guy called her that- ponder his question with bated breath. An otter? He didn't know what that was, but it sounded mean. What if he got bit by an otter? She showed him the gnarly scar on her hind leg and he started a bit when Bubblepaw burst out with her excitement. "Whoa, that's scary," he mewed, "but, um, what's 'n otter?"
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  • ooc:
  • 53fac3ddf1437ce63593b72ee6ae2086.jpg
    Small fawn tabby with pale green eyes.
    "speak" thoughts action
    — peaceful, healing, and minor injury powerplay allowed