pafp BEEN LIKE THIS // kits only + storytime!

Just how... did he get roped into this? He feels as if someone from above is for some reason punishing him, forcing him to watch kittens play their meaningless games when he could be hunting to feed them instead! Skyclaw recalls that it first started with his sister asking for a break, and then another queen piling on, and then another, and - ... well, there are at least one or two still lingering about, so he's not entirely alone. He supposes, too, that even they have their cute moments, like playing pretend as warring Clans, or the cheers that erupt when one catches a particularly wayward mossball... but still, Skyclaw is still frustrated. (Then again, when is he not?)

A kitten waddles up to his side wordlessly, sitting down to people watch with him. He tunes them out almost completely before hearing them mumble something - "... Story?" Amber eyes flick down to see the child looking back up at him, sleepily. It's then that he notices a few of the others acting sluggish, and he has the sudden realization that he's slated for naptime with the little buggers. Oh, great StarClan...

"Okay... just - just one story. If you're not sleeping by the end of it, I'm getting your mothers," he grimaces, thinking of Moonwhisper talking down to him because he cannot get his nieces to sleep. Children are not his forte. He doesn't think they ever will be. He get's himself slightly more comfortable, situating himself a tail lengths away from a nest. Amber eyes flicker coolly as he watches kittens tumble into it, some tempted to edge closer to him. He only warns them with a glare, but doesn't stop them entirely.

"Once, long ago... There were warriors - cats larger, quicker, meaner even, than the ones we have here. They were called lions and tigers, and though they didn't often get along, they understood their own set of rules, and they abided by them as best as they could. No cat was to waste a meal, nor did any cat stray from the land they claimed. They were civil. Sometimes they fought, but they always found a way to understand one another..."
He trails off, as if his story has ended already. However after he finds just one odd look from a kitten, he continues again, pulling from his mind a story that he's never been told before.

"One day, a new creature moved in... The lions and tigers had never seen a beast like it. It lounged like it had never been scared, napped in the sun like no worries could be had in the hard world the lions and tigers lived in. It was round and pudgy, as if it ate well - but neither of the ancient cats understood how. They ate the same prey, did they not? They hunted similar grounds and yet this new beast seemed to feast endlessly... What was so different about them?

"The tigers decided one night to follow the beast. They trailed the tall grasses, camouflaged with the reeds, and watched as the new creature pounced on a rabbit. The tigers could've sworn that the beast would've fumbled the kill, it's pudgy arms and dull claws hardly able to grip the prey - but it managed eventually. And after a few bites... the mysterious newcomer discarded his meal. Meat was still on the bone and yet he left, wandering towards the lions' land. The tigers were flabbergasted and conspired to talk to the lions in the morning.

"The next morning, the lions decided to conduct their own test. They watched the creature as the sun rose, beating down on the hot lands. The creature yawned and stretched after a long night, and with a few wobbly steps, it crossed into the lions land. The lions, too, were shocked! Even the tigers understood the sanctity of territory, but this beast didn't. It found a cool place in the shade and lounged, as if a sacred law had not been broken. The lions stared, confused at first, before moving quickly to protect their land.

"They descended upon the creature, and just as they began to growl, so too did the tigers from across the border. 'He caught prey, and didn't finish it!' The tigers said, furious. That rabbit could've fed their young, and yet the beast discarded it as if it was worthless. 'Well, he's just wandered onto our land! Has he no tact?' The lions replied, just as angry. The creature sat between them, unbothered by the yelling and frustration. The lions and tigers finally looked at him again, and their sharp claws dug into the ground. 'What have you to say for yourself?' They asked.

"'Who, me?' The pudgy beast asked. 'Oh... I suppose I just didn't care.' The beast said..."
Skyclaw then paused, looking over the kittens. He feels himself running out of material, halfway hoping the kits have fallen asleep by now.​

༻ ♥༺
Skyclaw was related to her in some way, that much Littlekit knows for certain. It’s the how the kitten has trouble recalling. Another cousin? No… perhaps in the way she shared blood with Howlingstar… but that didn’t seem quite right either. Whichever way it was spun, the similar blood they shared made the chimera girl comfortable enough to approach, even if just at a shuffle.
Getting herself comfortable, Littlekit was happy that Skyclaw didn’t seem in the mood for anything rowdy, she was growing sleepy and getting up felt like far too much work at the moment. Mama was bound to be near, but still Skyclaw is the closest grown-up to her, so with a chocolate forepaw the girl gives a soft push, a jumbled murmur. “D-do know a good stor..ry?” Minced words spill, made worse by a yawn that lets her jaws wide open.
She hears an okay, and the rest of the warriors words are tossed into the wind as she gets herself properly settled at the toms side. The rustles of her denmates draw closer, and she’d be happy to make room for her siblings and cousins if they drew near.
The tale Skyclaw dives into is rich, exciting- Littlekit tries to picture golden lions and fiery tigers, an image that could only be conjured by what her parents have told her, what Skyclaw says now.
The big cats remind Littlekit of Thunderclan, of Howlingstar and her parents and Flamewhisker… though she’s sure that’s the point. Skyclaw trails, and as though the rhythm of his words are a pulling string, Littlekit’s head tilts further to the side.
What comes next is something the earth-painted kitten is unfamiliar with entirely, she tries to picture the plump creature her kin speaks of, but the only thing that comes to mind is a fattened hybrid of the lions and the tigers she has already built. Groggy eyelids slide, and her pupils have begun to glaze with the sweet lull of sleep, but Littlekit’s ears remain upright and alert.
While Skyclaws words have begun to blur together, Littlekit is already forming slow-paced questions from what little her conscience could pick up. He trails off once more, and Littlekit gives him another light nudge, fighting a losing battle against sleep.
“Wh-what… does ‘tact’ mean? … w-why didn’t… the pu-pudgy beast have… it?”

  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 4 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The enthusiasm in which Meadowkit rises to greet every day would be enough to make grown-ups tired just watching her, or at least, that is what she had been told. Naptime was always a struggle, where the other kits were getting bleary eyed and sluggish, she herself found that she could keep going, even after all of her denmates settled down to snooze peacefully in their nests. It's why when Littlekit asks their uncle Skyclaw for a story, she comes bounding over, green eyes wide and bright, her mind as alert as it ever was. "Yeah! Tell us a story!" she demands, her voice just a little too loud and a wide smile worn upon her red-tabby features. She LOVED stories! Especially the ones about LionClan that her grandmother often told, so when Skyclaw starts up about Lions and Tigers, she finds herself leaning in, listening for once instead of talking like she normally did.

Except.. there was something different about this story. Skyclaw talks of a pudgy beast who tresspasses and takes without even eating and a frown slowly makes it's way onto her lips. "They should drive 'em away!" she declares, pushing herself to her paws so she can stand, her limbs reaching upward to bat at an unseen enemy, eyes narrowed and a smile on her face as she imagines defending her home from such a selfish creature. "Chase 'em out of the forest back to where they belong!" It would be the right thing to do, she thinks. LionClan and TigerClan needed that prey! For their kits!

  • oZHYGDl.jpeg

  • 79402766_SDCTSiSnicLgq5m.png
    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training
Where there was a gaggle of kits there, too, was Dovekit, their ears pricked as shrill screams echoed around them before they joined in. Though they wanted to be a warrior, wanted to be the best that there was, they couldn't deny that they were enjoying their time as a kitten too. Too many apprentices had come to the nursery to bring fresh moss and prey, exhausted and trying their best to offer smiles to mask tired faces and Dovekit had decided for as long as they were allowed to do so they would remain in the nursery, moving on to bigger things with grace when the time would come and not be so tired like the apprentices before them.

For now they didn't have to worry about that, simply worrying about which moss would make the perfect toy, which stick would make the perfect whacking thing, which kitten would be the best to play certain games with. Now though, they had to worry about whether or not they'd like whatever story Skyclaw was going to share with the group. When it began they frowned a little, having hoped that it was a story that had never been heard before, but by now all the kits knew about the lions and the tigers, knew about LionClan and TigerClan, and so they were going to simply curl up and fall asleep, ignoring the story. That was until their kin continued on, adding new things that Dovekit had never heard before and they found their ears pricking up once more, eyes wide and round as head shot up and they'd look to the other.

An upset frown settled on tan features, brows knitting together when Skyclaw stopped for a moment. "Yeah!" They squeaked out after Meadowkit, following suit in getting to all fours, tail lashing out behind them for a moment. "I think they should run the pudgy beast out, and it should have to hunt to feed the lion's and tiger's kits as... as punishment!" If food was stolen then the pudgy beast should work to replace it until all of it was repaid.

  • --
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan kitten
    -- sibling to littlekit && beetlekit
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6
*+:。.。 Bugkit is practically vibrating in place with her endless excitement - perhaps the complete opposite of what Skyclaw had been hoping for. But the little blue tortie loved stories! The way imagination stored, or history wove itself bright and real right before her eyes!

She listens to every word, yellow eyes twin suns that burn bright against her pale face. She pictures Skyclaw as one of the tigers - or maybe a great-great-great-great-times-one-hundred grandpa who's bigger and faster - but maybe not meaner, that'd be too sad! Besides, how much meaner could they be if everyone was so respectful to each other! "OOh I like these cats!" she purrs, adjusting her seat to get more comfortable. Sometimes, she wished the story ended there - everyone became best friends and nothing bad ever happened again, happily ever after!

"Maybe her mamma let her eat extra" she mumbles, careful to keep her voice low lest she ruin the storytelling. But in the place of the pudgy beast, she pictures herself. She also didn't get scared easy, and she liked napping in the sun, and well, she was pretty pudgy herself! Skipping around, eating her fill, and rolling in the ancient territories, she smiles dreamily at the idea. Living in a scary forest with big strong buddies on all sides, oh boy, she hopes AncientBugkit and AncietSkyTiger become best friends in the story!

But the story takes a sudden sharp turn, and Bugkit is left speechless. "That's so mean!" she exclaims, aghast. To cross into a home that wasn't hers, to eat and waste food, to say she didn't care...oh boy, Bugkit hoped AncientBugkit would say sorry!
"W-what if the AncientBu- I mean, the pudgy beast just, didn't understand? What if - oh, oh, what if the tigers and the lions taught the pudgy beast the code! Then she'll care, I'm sure of it!" she purrs, sitting back, satisfied that the problem would be solved.

    DFAB— She/Her
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedkit, Squirrelkit, Sunkit
    Thunderclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently

Blinking slowly, Merlinkit's kitten attention span could hardly focus on what Skyclaw was spouting, strings of stories more akin to a blaring than a weaving. Swiftdawn had placed her and her siblings at the clutches of Skyclaw and the rest of her denmates, perhaps to get some well-deserved rest or some space awa from the especially-clingy Merlinkit. Sleep clung to half-lidded gaze, as though such sonorous dreams bleared at her vision and lulled her to its domain... To her, the warrior's tale seemed almost like a lullaby, a babbling brook of the distance's keep. Keen ears had caught upon select words from the tortoiseshell's mouth, such as lion and tiger, such fearsome beasts etching themselves into her mind like clamors of thunders branded onto one's heart. The blue tortoiseshell sepia had heard that name before, though it lie tattered upon the girl's ever-shifting memory. "Um..." Merlinkit raised one bluish paw. "I-I'm scared... Don't want a lion or a tiger to eat me..." Her voice wavered as her whole body shivered, like she were on the verge of tears that would wrack at her whole self. She sniffled.