other beep beep! hello! ♡ intro, thunderpath



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Beep, beep. Circus' frosted pine-paws traced the line between the oddly sticky, smooth asphalt surface of the Thunderpath to her right and the drying leaf-fall grass to her left. Whenever a monster would pass, marked by the hissing sound of its fast approach, she would pause and look over, watching its glistening coat flash in the sunlight before whirring past at a dangerously high speed. She's been following the trail of this road for days now, although she couldn't entirely remember how long—it hardly mattered. It wasn't as if she had anyone to return to back at home anymore. She was alone.

Circus smiled, and then grinned, her paws crossing each-other with every step. Her tail waved behind her for balance as she tried her best to walk in perfect single-file on the little bump separating the asphalt from the forest. She was all alone, all alone, with nobody at all to tell her what to do.

Another monster passed, and she paused again, looked over again, and the cheer wiped itself away from her face in a brief moment of timidity. Once the way was safe once more, she went back to her balancing act, giggling and mumbling to herself the whole way down.

The icy-eyed molly hadn't always been alone, though.
Once upon a time, she had a mom. And then a no-fur got her.
Once upon a time, she had a friend. And then the rats came.
Once upon a time, she had a lover, too. And then...

Another monster. Circus paused. Her smile disappeared. This time, as she stared into its red back-eyes as it grew further and further away, her smile didn't return. She was suddenly all too aware of the way the chains weighed down on her neck and tugged on the little furs caught between them with every inhale. The dangling chain's end swung uncomfortably close to the ground. Even though she knew that she was safe, Circus could still feel the way the chains would tighten around her throat every time he dragged her along. A little choke with every tug.

"And now I'm all alone..." No, too gloomy! Brighten up, brighten up! Circus shook her head violently enough to make the chains rattle, and then quickened her pace to a cheerful skip down the edge of the Thunderpath. Without any real consideration for the other creatures that may be in the area, her volume rose to somewhere in-between a sing and a scream. "I'm all alone, I'm all alone, I'm all alone, I'm all alone! I'm alone 'cause I was disowned, but now I'm all grown, so I can run and sing and SCREAM into the unknown! Since I'm a-lone and now de-throned, I don't con-done the eating of bones!!"

Wow! She was so good at rhyming! A squeal of delighted laughter erupted from the molly as she rolled over onto her back, stretched out in the grass with her hind legs kicking excitedly above her. Who knew rhyming could be so fun!

// circus is currently walking south along the thunderpath towards clan territory - if she crossed the thunderpath she'd be in shadowclan, but if she kept going straight she'd be in thunderclan <3
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Ever since she had stumbled across Cinder, her will to go on has flourished. If not for Pollen, if not for her children, then for the sake of spite. She has broken off a way away from Cinder to track a sweeter smelling squirrel, something they could feast on tonight- and as she approaches, she would have had it if it weren't for the grating, screaming melody coming from a little ways away. She scrunches her nose in frustration, watching the thing dart in to the trees- they're not far off from clan territory, so it could just be a clan cat, nothing much.

Except maybe there was a tug in her heart, especially with the lyrics, to go investigate.

"Mademoiselle, what has got you..." she appears from the undergrowth, eyes flickering from the ecstatic female, to the thunderpath, and her lips purse in thinking. The chains were cutting deep in to her throat, and idly she wonders if Cinder was somewhere nearby, fetch marigold, no. She was no medicine cat.

But perhaps the motherly instincts say otherwise. "Cherie, are you okay?"
// obligatory cinder tag @cinderfrost
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After laughter, there was always silence. This silence would have fallen heavier than most, if not for a rustle of ferns nearby that caught her attention. Ears flicking upwards, Circus rolled herself upright with a fleeting ghost of a giggle. As soon as she laid eyes on the sunrise-eyes belonging to an unfamiliar feline, the delight surged through her like a wind current. Another cat! Circus hasn't seen another cat for days!

Honey's concern went in one ear and out the other with Circus, either willingly ignorant or too excited to even consider how ratty and injured she was. She wasn't gonna let anything bring her back down now! "Hi, I'm Circus! I didn't know there were other cats around here!"

Her voice is hoarse and strained, but still communicates bombastic amounts of energy. Circus finally decided to address the molly's question with a carefree laugh. "Oh, I'm fine! Fantastic, now that you're here! Are there any other cats with you?"

The sparkling, exploding flame in her heart reignited at the thought of even more company. She had been so lonely—but not anymore! Maybe things were finally starting to look up for little ol' her!
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What in the world was that Star-forsaken screeching? Was such a ruckus made on purpose or was the poor soul being tortured?

Wait. Where did Honeytwist go?

Her scent still fresh, she hurriedly tracked her down. Honey was soft. Not in a bad way. But it did cause the blue mink to worry. Teal eyes peered through the treeline and relief caused her tense muscles to slacken.

Until she saw the other cat.

Cold eyes stared down the strange cat as she stood beside Honey. Well, beside and slightly ahead so that she may intercept any potential attacks.

This stranger walked dangerously close to the thunderpath, the acrid smell entangled in her scent. An oddball but looked relatively harmless. Nonetheless, claws were kept unsheathed. You could never be too careful.

"I am with her." So don't try anything funny. "There are clans of cats nearby: one across the thunderpath and another further down wind." Her nose crinkled when she mentioned ShadowClan.

The scarred she-cat grew silent for a few moments before bringing up the noise that'd caught her attention before, "Are you harmed? I heard what sounded to be someone in pain from this direction."
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So many new cats! Entire clans! There were so many friends to be made already! (And how much would you bet that some of them were not only hot, but also single and in her area?) Circus gave a half-embarrassed laugh at the grey molly's question. "Oh gosh, was my singing really that bad? I'm sorry- I haven't seen any other cats for a long time and I got really bored!"

It wasn't difficult to see the differences in posture that the two women gave off. Circus wasn't bothered by seeing Cinder's claws—she only supposed it was to protect her friend, but Circus wasn't anything dangerous! They hadn't done anything mean to her, at least, so for now she wouldn't be. Everything was okey-dokey with her!

"So what about these clan cats? Are they nice? Are they cute? Circus held back another giggle at her own thoughts of flirtation and romance, which were two things she had a feeling she wouldn't be getting any of from these two. "You think they'd let me go say hi?"
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