before i let go // fox

Jun 27, 2022

"Come on, it's not even that cold. I'll hold your paw." The sound of splashing is subtle, quiet in the morning air as Duskgaze offers his paw out to his mate. Spring, a time of love. One could say Dusk was a romantic, with the way he found comfort in the presence of his beloved. A certain fondness behind tired eyes, if only when he looks at Him. A look only for the tom before him, soft adoration with a hint of mischief. He sniffs as water drips down his nose, sneezing momentarily.

..Maybe the water was a bit cold, still.

Even when Fox joined him in the water, his eyes would stay on him; wary to make sure he didn't slip or go under for too long. The chill from the water was a wonderful one, easing aching muscles and joints worn down from war and training. Being made a warrior later than most led him to train more to compensate what he was lacking, his insomnia keeping him most nights. What else could he do, other than train? Eat, train, attempt to sleep. Failure. Skip to repeat. This was much more convenient now that he was a Warrior. He'd wake up beside his mate, sleeping a tiny bit more often, hunt, then train. A routine, never-changing.

"...Pfft. It's cold, isn't it?" He asked, drawing a giggle of soft laughter from the taller tom.

Though one could call Foxbriar just as much of a romantic, there was no doubt that he had a less elegant way of expressing it than his partner did. Regardless, it did not seem like Duskgaze minded too much. Perhaps his naturally awkward, people-pleasing had even been part of the selling point. He did not know. All that mattered, though, was that he was here with him in this moment. That did not mean, however, that he was without trepidation. "...Are you sure?" His brow creased, letting out a sound that sounded more like a cough.

The look in Duskgaze's eyes, however, soothed him. That look, the way that Duskgaze considered Foxbriar Him and not just him. It stirred something in his heart, and suddenly any apprehension melted away. Returning a similar, soft look, Foxbriar steeled himself.

"Okay, okay," his tone eventually turned more good-natured as he slipped into the water. Immediately, however, he tensed up. Foxbriar was not a strong swimmer, and so even the fact of being in the water made him feel not terribly at ease. Having it be freezing certainly did not help.

Shuddering, he pressed himself against—practically half-under—the bigger tom.
"Y-You lied," he chattered, half-laughing. "It's f-f-f-freezing."

His routine was similarly mundane in ways, but he would not describe it as such, really. Perhaps that was part of his display of romanticism. "I... I just don't think I'll ever be that good at swimming." He brushed closer to Duskgaze, sneezing himself. "...How are you feeling?" He asked softly. He was a creature of empathy—he wanted to check in whenever he could.

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