pafp Before I Took A Single Step | Distracted

Even without Aspenhaze, Mosspaw's training had to continue. She had trained without them before, she often went out of her way to ask warriors for advice and demonstrations, but it still felt strange to be doing so while her mentor was out of commission. She couldn't shake the fear that this might be the new normal for her.

Iciclefang had taken up the task of teaching her most often. She was not her new mentor, everyone was clear about that. All of them were acting like this was temporary and Aspenhaze would be up and about any day now, even though they all knew there was no guarantee of that. Herself included. Taking cues from the warriors of the clan, she nodded along as they told her that her mentor would be fine, in spite of the unease in her heart. Sometimes she wondered if she was the only one that was so concerned.

Perhaps her clanmates simply had greater faith in the stars than she did. The thought bothered her. She did not like to think that her faith in the stars was lacking. If she could be sure they would protect Aspenhaze, then she would sleep easy. No mere illness could overcome their power. But she had never understood the designs of Starclan. Aspenhaze's death would be far from the greatest tragedy that had occurred under their watch.

That was why she had added a new ritual to her routine. Every night, before she fell into her nest, she let out a silent prayer to the stars for Aspenhaze.

After all, Ravensong had told her that Starclan heard the prayers of every cat, no matter their rank.

Mosspaw blinked, seeming to remember herself suddenly. Iciclefang was looking at her expectantly. "My apologies, could you repeat that?" She asked, not for the first time that day. Her ear flicked as she did so. So far, today had been the worst day of training she had ever had. Her movements lacked her usual grace and coordination, and she could not seem to focus on the task at hand for more than a few moments at a time. It was beyond irritating. For the first time in her life, Mosspaw wished she was doing anything but training. If she couldn't do it well she would rather not do it at all.

//100th post! :D
///wait for Iciclefang​
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