wc rebels before the fall ❦ farewell




The WindClan cats would be leaving soon, the violence that had fallen down upon them and across the moors was something she welcomed the end of but she would not deny a small part of her was sorrowful to lose the cats who had been so present in the barn these past few moons. She'd watched them fearfully at first, but overtime realized how kind many of them were and how much they wanted the world for their clan in face of the terrifying figure spoken of with such disdain. Pumpkin had not taken long to understand the clan structure, learning how it worked and what they all did in their strange little society. A leader bore a star in their name, but theirs had sullied it with blood and treated them poorly. Sunstride was the deputy, which meant he was the second in charge and was currently leading them in trying to get rid of this foul molly who had caused them all such grief. She wished she could do more than just bid them the best of luck, but she was not fit for fighting and had rarely had a single tussle in her life - Pumpkin kept to herself mostly and when she was in danger she ran rather than unsheathe her claws. Fighting had never come up for her, she'd lived in this barn for so long and most the other mousers were peaceful and when they weren't the twoleg would deal with them or another barncat would put a paw down. Violence was not welcome here, it was a sanctuary in more ways than one and she was pleased WindClan's rebels had found a brief respite in the storm they were caught within.
Still, the day came they would go and face their former clanmates. She knew it would be vicious, she knew it would be horrifying to know they might be hurt or even die - but she couldn't go. She was too afraid to do so.
Instead Pumpkin caught mice, made a very impressive pile of them after a full morning of chasing them about the hayloft and burying herself in the piles of willowy golden plants to dig and unearth them.
"It-it's not a lot but, you should eat before you go. Um, I hope...you win. I hope everyone will be okay." Her paws fidget nervously, she kneads the ground in a docile manner, "Best of luck to you."

  • Ooc - Takes place right before everyone leaves!

  • dglihsk-fc72707d-80a3-43dd-a076-00148793197e.png
    —⊰⋅ Barncat/Loner
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Chocolate Tortiseshell

  • Love
Reactions: dejavu
Downypaw blinks. "That's...so many," they murmur, immediately wincing at the obviousness of it. "Thank you," they add not too long after, dipping their head and flashing her a grateful smile.

The apprentice—they note how they still call themself that, even after a moon of not quite living as clan cat—knows barely anything of the kind barncat before them, just another face of the shadowed multitudes that chose to live here. Maybe only cats born and raised in the barn could afford to be this generous. After all, the twolegs came and fed them like kittypets, intervened their quarrels, and defended their strange territory from roaming predators. They never had any reason to fight.

And Pumpkinpatch looked a lot like Pollenfur, a molly Brightshine had named their kin, but they hadn't missed the slight distance she seemed to retreat into whenever a WindClanner came around. There was also the whole reason of why she had left in the first place, something she hadn't been told but was rapidly becoming obvious. How a cat could stand to leave and not take their loved ones...

Downypaw leans down to delicately grasp a mouse. Around it she meows, "Are you, you all, going to be okay here?" Surely the twolegs had noticed twice as many cats in the haylofts. Surely the other clans would have noticed WindClan's prolonged absence. These things couldn't possibly be connected, but Downypaw loathes the idea of anyone at all suffering for their kindness. And it was good to let the Horseplace cats see WindClan cared.​
In the end she'd received only superficial injuries from the battle and her paws still thrummed with the passing adrenaline. The upcoming fight was not hers to win and knowing the clan cats would leave soon made her tail fall with dismay. Now back within the confines of the barns tall walls her heart slows to a sadder rhythm. All the time spent getting to know these cats and sharing stories would travel back across the hills with them. The last few days had been the most exciting and worldview changing experience of the young she-cats life. It would all fall back into the usual rhythm of quiet nights and snoring two-legs. I hope they'll be alright. The smell of mice roused her from her dampened mood and cheered the pale molly right to the nines. Trotting around the wooden beam her curious gaze lingered and widened with shock at Pumpkinpatch's impressive haul.

Puff's maw watered dramatically and she walked right over hardly holding back the rumble in her stomach. No, no these are for our friends. Sheepishly the youth sat on her haunches and posed her chin upward blatantly paying the mice no mind. Downypaw's entry caused her to look upon the Windclanner with intrigue as she grasps a morsel and mews. Softness falls into her baby blues. Aw, shucks. Putting on a happy grin the moggy nods warmly as her voice carries proudly and kindly. "Now don't you worry your pretty head about us! You've got bellies to fill - eat up!" Puff waves her left paw forward in a welcome gesture flashing a toothy grin to the other.

  • bun.png
    △ SH cream tabby/seal point w/low white and blue eyes
    △ child of npc x npc ; sibling to cherry and jelly
    △ moorland barncat ; ex-kittypet
    △ 8 moons old ; birthday 08/22 ; ages realistically
    △ AMAB ; trans fem ; she/her
    △ lesbian ; homoromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    △ peaceful powerplay allowed
    △ penned by tasmagoric
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