private begging me to open up my mouth // caterpillarpaw


siltcloud & 17 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

The rogues are causing nothing but problems, and really Siltcloud had finally had enough. Maybe, if she'd had more time on her paws, been able to leave more often - well, maybe they'd have been dealt with long before now. Anger flashes through dull green eyes, though there is no one to bear witness - fur prickles and teeth grit for a moment. Her claws are all but chewed to nubs again, and she stares at them for a moment. "These rogues - those awful cats, think they are better than us," she says suddenly, finally turning her sights upon her apprentice. They're supposed to be on patrol, but already she's gotten sidetracked by the lingering scent trails and piles of half-eaten prey they've left behind. Well, it's never too soon to learn such life lessons.

"They take our prey only to leave it for the birds, come into camps and destroys herbs, threaten queens and kill kits. They have no honor - no stars to guide their paws," she says lowly, voice lilting and cold. "Perhaps if the other clans were not so soft, it wouldn't have come to this - in shadowclan, we fight them off, or we kill them if we can. Someday, you'll be big enough to do the same - to protect your clanmates," It's not exactly the truth, but it's hardly a lie either. Sure, some loners had come to join their ranks - like mottlepaw, and wheatpaw - but others had been ousted just as quickly. "Until then though - we must practice, must train - I want you to become as strong as any shadowclanner ever was," its strange, having such hopes for a child - but catterpillarpaw is her responsibility, so perhaps it's only right that she cares.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    tw/cw: —
  • A dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. Her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight, and she most notably has five toes upon each of her four paw. With the death of loampelt, something within siltcloud seems to have changed - no longer is she as soft-spoken as before, instead easily snapping at her clanmates and throwing herself into training her apprentice.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ddadaf]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

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