but he never really quit, he'd just say he did
Sep 4, 2023
It's been a moon now since he's remained in the clan. The first week when he was told from the start he must prove himself, and then not even a few moments later he runs into his former mate and gets slapped in the middle of camp. He can't say he didn't deserve it, but there's something shocking about simply eating in peace and then a cat coming towards you with so much fury and without hesitation smacks you. Someone you don't even know. A friend of your former mate. Oh, and your former mate has had her name changed and... She had kits. Those kits shared his blood, but he was told he will never be involved in their lives by Mottledove. You would think he would argue for the kits, yet no anger come from his maw. After all, he had been the one to leave her so suddenly with kits. To be honest he was relieved that she had told him so, considering at the time he didn't know them. One of them, Aspen resembled him most. Of course he hadn't known, not wanting to learn their names. It was hard not to see the striking resemblance between them, yet he couldn't feel a strong pull towards the kit. No inch of him felt the need to hug Aspen, wail, or beg for forgiveness. What he was looking at was a stranger.

Outside of family drama and feeling a bit awkward considering he would have to share a clan with his former mate, he thrust himself in the clan traditions. It was surprisingly easy, considering he followed similar rules when he had been an active member of a rogue group. The difference being that... Err well, rogues were more violent when rules were broken. He can't say that Blazestar or others have swiped at him or attempted to pin him down for moments where he couldn't comprehend rules entirely or when he made little mistakes. It is relieving and refreshing that Skyclan is patient, but they are not weak. There are times where they are stern and give out punishments when it is needed. These punishments are nothing like those he received back then. His face proof of such. Funny enough the rule he's struggled to comprehend and wonders if he broke only a few days he's joined is the one about needless aggression. In other words keeping the peace.

Wasn't that Bobbie who broke it? But I did stir something up, so maybe we're all at fault? That day is something he assumes none of those involved are proud about. Bobbie had told him to speak with Mottledove and he has, so nothing more came to fruition. It was just a one time thing were emotions were high, so maybe despite the rule being broken? Considering all parties left it at that and weren't super aggressive it was fine in the end. Either way he thinks the code is too general in what is too aggressive. His upbringing has taught him what happened to him was what he deserved and that the scars were not too aggressive either. Only death was too aggressive. Stormy is not stupid however, he knows that maiming others is not normal. Maybe in time he will fully understand what toes the line and what doesn't. However, he will not be testing it out or want to.

One code he was a little unhappy about was no cross clan relationships, but it was not because he didn't understand why. The selfish parts of him still wants to flirt with those around him regardless of where they belong, but he's combatted this by telling himself there's plenty of hotties here within the clan. While he can't get away from them if things go wrong, it wasn't like he couldn't try his luck with those within the clan and that is enough. Considering more and more cats join the clan. Anyhow, it becomes clear.

"I think I can live like this for the rest of my life."

Such a thing is odd. He's never felt this way before even when he was with Mottledove or Ronnie. Has the sky ever looked this clear? The tom would rub his eyes to see if they weren't playing tricks on him. They weren't. With a smile and a shake of his head his paws move towards the rockpile. Let's go get something. Maybe a nice squirrel for the kits to munch on. Yeah, let's find the biggest one! Excitement courses through him, at the promise of hunting a plump squirrel for those back home.

/ Just a oneshot where he while not stated to Blazestar has made his choice to stay in this clan and hopes that what he's done is enough for him to stay in Skyclan.