// this is set to take place immediately after the thread where Starling discovers the deadly nightshade for anyone reading this!

Starlingheart makes her way back to the camp with the berries carefully clamped in her jaws. As afraid she is from having poison so close to her mouth the berries also make her feel strong. It’s an evil feeling, like if someone ever made fun of her for her stutter or questioned her abilities as a medicine cat she could slip these berries into their prey and no one would be any wiser. She does not like those thoughts. She was not an evil cat, or even malicious in any ways. After she taught the clan about their dangers she decided that she would destroy them, get rid of them. It would be better that way. Stars only knew how terrible she would feel if a cat like Magpiekit or Cinderkit broke into her den and ate one. She had no idea how to reverse the effects after all.

She finally gets back to the camp, making a beeline straight for her den before anyone could see or intercept her. Once safely inside she lets out a breath of relief, tension leaving her shoulders as she places the berries atop a bed of moss. Immediately, she goes to wash her paws in the small pool. She did not want any residue left over should she choose to groom herself later. What a nasty surprise that would be.


Granitepaw is resting, safe from prying eyes and warriors who would want him patrolling. He's exhausted, numbed by the hunger that plagues their Clan, and he only blinks sleepily at Starlingheart as she enters the medicine cat den they both share now. She's got something in her mouth, a bundle she holds carefully, as though it contains something precious.

When she sets it down, she exhales with relief and goes to shove her paws into cold water. Granitepaw blinks the drowsiness away, ears pricked and eyes alert with sharp curiosity. They're berries -- not unlike berries he's seen before. Plump, red, shiny. But he isn't a fool -- there must be some reason Starlingheart carried them with such precision and is rinsing her paws now.

"What are these?" He asks, stretching in the moss bed before padding closer to the berries. He inspects them warily, giving them a cursory sniff. He can't detect anything poisonous, but that means nothing -- he's no medicine cat. Even when Starlingheart has painstakingly attempted to show him little things, he struggles to retain the knowledge.

But these berries hold his attention. Granitepaw's tail begins to flick thoughtfully as he studies them. Beautiful, they are.


Upon seeing Granitepaws familiar face she breathes a sigh of relief, it was nice knowing that she would not have to be alone right now, or really ever so long as he was around. She could count on him to be there for her when she needed it most, she depended on him. She quickly finishes rinsing her paws off so she can turn and study him.

To her surprise, he is gazing curiously at the berries. She had tried teaching him a thing or two about her duties before, he spent enough time in here after all. But he just simply wasn't interested. Battle and glory spoke more to the gray-furred apprentice than healing and that was okay. Starlingheart knew everyone had their own paths so she didn't hold it against him, but it was surprising to see his fascination with the dark plant laid out before them. "N-nightshade" she says in response to his question "I-it's poisonous, very much s-so and uh I-I dont I dont know h-hooow to uh to reverse th-the effects" she explains to him "I was uh I was going to-to teach th-the clan abooouut it th-then then throw throw them out" But she was so tired and talking publicly wasn't exactly her thing. She turns her head so her green eyes fall upon her friends form, she watches him study the berries and she gets an idea. "M-maybe uh could you d-do it for me?" If this was something Granitepaw was interested in perhaps he wouldn't mind. Besides, he knew the extent of how hard she had been working lately, how tired she was all the time. She hopes he says yes.

Starlingheart seems surprised by his intrigue; Granitepaw trusts her not to be suspicious of him, whatever he might be thinking, so he allows himself to be laid-open, bare. The black and white she-cat would never betray him, never, not like so many have. The gray apprentice listens to her carefully. "Nightshade," she dubs it. Poison, deadly. "Is it only if you eat it?" He asks her, gazing again at the plant in question. "Or is there some other way it can harm a cat? How much does it take?"

He will wait for her response, whatever it is, but Starlingheart wanting to dispose of the poison has him narrowing his eyes curiously. He gives her a nod. "Of course. I'm happy to help you wherever I can, Starlingheart." His tone is strangely gentle as he gazes at her. "I'd do anything for you."

Within the twisting confines of his heart and mind, Granitepaw means every word he's saying.