Behind Closed Doors / Snowpaw


Nervous paws tread lightly against damp forest soil, her spine feels as though it’s on fire. Truthfully, Roepaw doesn’t think she had ever snuck out of camp alone before. Gone places she shouldn’t have? Hidden and wandered from patrols? Yes, absolutely.
Getting out was easy enough she supposed, it had been easy with Sunnyday when they had gone to meet Cinderfrost, but it was the anxiety that trailed behind her as she made her way towards Skyclans border that unsettled her the most.
When she settles a rabbit length away from the border, her wide eyes are steady on the invisible line that divides her from the pine forest.
Why had she been so desperate to see the tom again? To risk Howlingstars wrath? The loaded question made her uneasy, trying to pinpoint when Snowpaw had become more than just a casual friend, when the way he looked at her only hours before made her cheeks burn.
Her breath hitched silently. Snowpaw was a puzzle piece in her life that didn’t fit, no matter how pretty it made the picture, or how many sides she switched it to.
But, do I have to care?
She closes her eyes for a moment, letting her aimless thoughts rest. He may not even show up, after all.


What he is doing is wrong and he knows it. Every hair on his pelt rises in unease as he creeps along through the forest to the border she had insisted on meeting at and he had without hesitation agreed. Snowpaw thinks again of Morningpaw, her blood on his paws, Blazestar's despondent expression and the agonized way his clanmates had viewed him for some time. There was still the lingering tension of uncertainty but they had grown past it, he felt more part of the clan again than he had in recent moons and it was a relief to know he was not so despised as to be chased out. Yet here he was, breaking the sacred law he himself had been the catalyst for creating. Shame mixed with trepidation, but he wanted to see Roepaw so badly he ignored it.
She had been on his side from the start, a coy rivalry turned into support, he'd killed her own clanmate before her eyes and she had not judged so harshly as others had; he still hears Violetpaw singing 'it's not his fault' repeatedly. His sister and Roepaw had been the only two not to condemn him on sight.
White paws carried him forward, urgently, excitedly, while he felt horrid for what seemed almost like betrayal he can not deny the thrill of it. There is an enticement to his mischief, fizzles in his chest the same way the sight of the fawn patterned ThunderClanner caused.
Snowpaw comes to a stop, invisible lines drawn, he knows better than to trespass but his eagerness almost lead him forward until he caught it.
"Hey." He greeted, voice carefully strained but the smile crossing his maw no less genuine.

ROEPAW — break the air to feel the fall.
Behind closed eyes she almost misses the faint sound of incoming paw steps.
Eye lids snap open, the faint green in her eyes almost aglow under the moon.
A wary expression almost instantaneously melts away into joy when it isn’t a strange Skyclan warrior, but Snowpaw looking down on her. She smiles, until she catches his abrupt pause on the verge of their invisible boundary, where if Skyclan and Thunderclan scent were to overlap, they’d easily be caught.
"Hey.. you came." Roepaw finds herself almost sounding surprised, but l the relief in her tone is more noticeable. She shifts to sitting upright to look at more than just the others legs.
She was expecting to feel tense, awkward… guilty, but when she finally meets his gaze all she can hold is the soft smile, the giddy and nervous feeling in her fluttering heart.
"Have you ever seen the river at night?" The question is out of the blue, even for the cinnamon tabby. Yet, the idea hits her so abruptly there is no time for a thoughtful proposal. "The scent lines are fainter there, with the water." Shes beating around the bush with what she truly wants to say, she knows that.
I’m tired of the wall between us.
