private BEHIND THE MASK // snowlark

Nov 14, 2023

So, Snowpaw was Snowlark now. That was a pretty cool name he couldn't deny. Seemed like at least there was something Smogstar could do right, hah. Anyhow, he obiviously needed to make sure to congratulate his best and only friend he had in this clan on their special important day. There was a part of him who felt sad though. He had wished to stand up there beside him to earn their warrior name together but...hah, life had a way of never going the day he wished to despite how much he tried to make it happen. Basilpaw would do his very best to be the supportive friend he wished to be for Snowlark today!. So when he found them he would give the typical Basilpaw grin as he sprinted up to them. " Snowpaw!! Snowpaw!! congratulation of becoming Snowlark!!." he would rabbit hop the last few paw steps to them as he tried to beam with joy for them. He tiptoed on his paws like he couldn't stand still at all. " I knew you would make it!!. There was never any doubt in my mind!, and, and you got the coolest name of them all for sure!! ."

But there was something that kept on lurking at the back of his mind. Basilpaw clinged to his grin desperately. " I'm gonna miss sharing the same den with you though!." Aha, that part he hated the most about this. That he wouldn't wake up next to Snowpaw's nest anymore. The two might not even get a chance to spend time with one another like they had done before either. Maybe...just maybe Snowlark would forget all about him now when he was a cool warrior and everything. Suddenly he was standing completely still.

" will still be my friend...right?." his brother even if they where not related by blood. Snowlark would not cast him aside now, would he?. " Even...even if i never make it..." his voice was a soft whisper now, the complete opposite to his typical loud and chirpy voice. Suddenly, he find it hard to keep his grin at it's place.



[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowlark had not expected a day like this to come, to become a warrior; he had always thought he would become another face in the sea, another to join Starclan too early before gaining his warrior name, but that had not come and here he stood with a freshly new name-Snowlark, the same still on repeat on his mind, and he wondered if his parents were proud of him for getting so far. Yet his thoughts would be broken by Basilpaw's voice and his attention was immediately on his friend while a warm smile appeared on his lips. "Thank you, brother" he said softly but, Basilpaw continued and the tom listened

His yellow gaze stilled onto the other while his ears perked forward as the other chatted on, always the yapper of the two, and something Snowlark had come to be accustomed to since they were kits. When he mentioned how he'll miss sharing the same den as Snowlark, the young warrior couldn't agree more to the thought, but Basilpaw will be there to join them in no time, the warrior was sure of that.

The last question that Basilpaw made startled the warrior that he gentle let a chuckle slip from his maw. "Of course we'll still be friends, me being a warrior will not change that. Just continue working hard and we'll both be in the warriors den soon enough" he expressed with warmth in his tone as he gently try to meet the apprentice's gaze, his stubby tail twitching slightly. "I will be there to cheer your warrior name the loudest. Just you wait, you'll become a warrior too" he promised his friend. He believed in Basilpaw to the fullest.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, warrior of Shadowclan, 12 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Brother. It had been a while now since the two had agreed to call each other that but Basilpaw could in truth never get used to it, how it made him feel on the inside. That was not something he wished to be changed, ever. He had not even realized that he was holding his breath, anxious over what Snowlark would reply. It was some horrible seconds for sure, the longest he had ever need to endure and suffer through before. Snowlark's amused chuckle almost made his heart drop to the ground, prepared for the worst.

But that didn't happen. Snowlark ensured him that so would not be the case, that they where still friends and that made him burst out into a laughter of relief. " That's right!, nothing can break us apart..." right?. Oh boy, perhaps he had been a bit silly to think Snowlark would have said anything less then that. It was still nice to have that confirmed though, however the topic about warriorhood and how if he put down some hardwork into it would soon be a warrior alongside them. That alone made his laughter dry itself out. That was the problem wasn't it?. How Snowlark could believe so much in him when Basilpaw had done anything but taking his training seriously...not since...since that day.

Basilpaw looked away in shame, his grin fading slowly away from his maw. " But...but what if i can't. " he attempted, vulnerability not his thing, not really. Smiling Basilpaw was all they know, all Snowlark knew. If he couldn't smile no more his brother would find him boring. An empty chuckle left his throat, and it echoed itself inside his throat. " Maybe i will be Basilpaw forever, wouldn't kinda cool?. I could go down in history as the only apprentice who never become a warrior....i think that could be something funny to laugh about...right?" he forced a grin after joking about a such serious matter but what else could he do?. What else could he do....

Basilpaw clinged to the almost faded away grin as he now stared down in his paws in distress. " Maybe i'm not cut out for it..." he choked on his own words as he clenched his teeth tightly together. He did not wish to disappoint, to be a failure. In his fear of it all it had left him to not even dare to try. It was better to give up then having to face failure. Basilpaw was not good at anything beside being a jester. That was all he ever would be.