pafp BEHIND THESE TEETH ↠ gossiping


sealed with a kiss
Jul 15, 2024
"Skyclaw! Skyclaw, wait up," the younger warrior pants, hoping to catch the mottled tom before he disappears into the warrior's den. Her yellow eyes are round with friendship, a plump, well-fed mouse between her paws as an offering. She mews, "I was hoping you'd share this prey with me. I saw something on patrol today that I thought you'd find funny." She glances about — no Palefire, thank the stars. She thinks the other she-cat has really become too close to Skyclaw recently, but... well... what does she know. All she knows is she finally has Skyclaw's attention to herself.

She shoves the piece of prey toward his dark paws, smiling invitingly. "I caught it myself. And while I was out," Redflower mews, her golden eyes narrowing in thought, "I saw Stormywing trying to climb a tree. Hah!" Her tail tip twitches. "No matter what story other cats are telling, I've yet to seen a kittypet climb higher than a fencepost..." She reuses the joke she'd thought to herself, smiling and showing a hint of fang.

  • ooc: please wait for @skyclaw
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

Skyclaw pauses in his path, turning his gaze over his shoulder as Redflower approaches him. Her gaze surfs the few cats that cluster in the camp, and yet his remains on her as she speaks. He knows not that she checks for another she-cat lingering about, waiting for him or otherwise. At most, he takes the gesture at face value. A Clanmate - a friend, dare he say it - wants to share with him. Sometimes it doesn't need to be more complicated than that.

She sweetens the pot by insisting she caught the mouse, and with a chocolate paw he guides it closer, "Alright, alright," he concedes. He pulls them out of the blatant path way and sits down, taking the first bite of their shared prey-piece before nudging it back towards her. It's then that she tells her story and the remnants of a chuckle escape through black tinged lips. He makes sure to swallow before speaking, out of respect to the she-cat.

"She does know we're ThunderClan, does she not?" he combats, his tail following hers in suit. "SkyClan is better fit for cats like her. Those with kittypet blood, I mean. Sometimes I wonder if she wandered to the wrong Clan, all those moons ago..." He knows not Stormywing's story and cares very little to learn it, in truth. Instead he persists in the slander, white teeth glinting with a snide grin.​
Speak of the devil - or rather, think of her - and she shall appear. Palefire had also just returned from patrol, though hers was to the border and she returned without any prey to share. However, after stepping through the gorse tunnel it only took moments for her piercing gaze to land upon Skyclaw and…. Redflower. She knew little of the other molly, apart from how she seemed to be a member of the ever-growing group of Thunderclanners who were far too outspoken and loud-mouthed in their ridiculous opinions. A group that, regrettably, Skyclaw seemed to be leading more and more these days.

Only a few moons ago, Palefire would’ve been the loudest amongst them. Her hatred of rogues still burned bright as ever, but kittypets… she was loathe to admit that her mind - and her heart - were torn. Some did seem to her to be as useless as the Twolegs they came from, but others had earned the young warrior’s closely-guarded respect. Leafhusk had proven to be a fine lead warrior, and little Ivorykit struck a chord with her own orphan origins. She felt an overwhelming desire to protect the snowy kitten, a feeling that confused the hell out of her. And Sunfreckle… she’d not known the warrior well, but she owed him and his family a debt that she could never repay. Her respect was nothing in the face of her mistakes.

As hesitant as she might be to defend or persecute the kittypets of the clan, however, she did know that the conversation unfolding between the pair in front of her made her skin burn with annoyance. An unfamiliar and bitter veil of jealousy fell upon her, and with a cold glint in her eye the lynx-point stalked towards Skyclaw and Redflower. The tortoiseshell was far too close to her friend for Palefire’s liking, and she made a show of settling herself against him, pressing her body into his with a smile that was laced with venom.

“Kittypet or not, climbing is a rather impressive talent. And Stormywing earned her warrior name by climbing to the top of the Great Sycamore.” Her barbed tongue grew ever sharper as she directed her next comment to Redflower alone, entirely ignoring Skyclaw’s participation in the slanderous conversation. “Could you do that, Redflower? In fact, are you capable of doing anything that well, or are you only good at gossiping?” In truth, as much as Palefire did believe that Stormywing had more than earned her place in the clan, the intention behind her words was solely to put Redflower in her place.

  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentor to no one / formerly mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots
  • Angry
Reactions: REDFLOWER

Stormywing, her name was in the air- Thundergleam's tuft-framed ears swivelled to the sound, pink eyes finding the small group of cats that discussed her. Palefire- certainly a friend by now, yes! And ... well, she was not sure she could quite say the same yet for Redflower and Skyclaw, but she was determined to win them over as she would every Thunderclanner, eventually. It was a Truth ordained by the Stars themselves, after all! And Thundergleam's gaze was joyous as she closed in on them- and then, then ...

Her face grew a little sharper, a little wearier at the sight. The pale she-cat squirmed beneath her skin a little. Stormywing, a better Skyclanner than a Thunderclanner? No, no- it could not be true. Thundergleam was the perfect Thunderclanner; to be trained by someone who had not been destined to be a Thunderclanner too, it was wrong. So completely wrong!

And she had witnessed first time Stormywing's passion for the oak forest- and the storm in her name, it was a squall that sang of the Clan itself. Her name, her belonging- it was unmistakeable. "It is nonsense that Stormywing should belong anywhere else," she asserted adamantly, rosy eyes growing cadaverously cold for a few moments as she loooked between Skyclaw and Redflower. "She is a loyal Thunderclanner through and through; I could not have asked for a better tutor." Of course, Father had helped too... but he certainly had not taught her how strict their borders were. "She was meant to be here, as I was. StarClan makes no mistakes in who they bring to our borders."
penned by pin ☾

sleekserpent & 17 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

" Starclan makes plenty of mistakes.... or do you think they meant for so many of us to die to yellowcough? to lose our homes to rogues, " its a sensative topic for the boy, but its q lesson he'd needed learning. She'd seen them after all - starclan. For all that they'd thought it a dream, a hallucination, Sleekserpent had come away knowing the name and face of a cat alive long before themselves - so certainly, it was real. Starclan makes plenty of mistakes - and allowing kittypets in was the choice of the living, anyways. eyes narrow as he voices just that - " It wasnt starclan who let them join though, was it, "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O

"Alright, alright," Skyclaw concedes, and Redflower gives a short purr of satisfaction as her friend pulls the mouse toward him and takes a bite. Her dappled tail flicks as she watches him eat, as he mulls her story over. "She does know we're ThunderClan, does she not?" "She would fit in better in SkyClan, for sure," she mews airily. "The kittypet blood, the tree-climbing... you're so right, Skyclaw." She flutters her eyelashes just a little too sweetly.

Of course, Palefire spots them within heartbeats, and Redflower's smile curdles into a scowl as soon as the pointed she-cat approaches. "Kittypet or not, climbing is a rather impressive talent. And Stormywing earned her warrior name by climbing to the top of the Great Sycamore." Redflower's teeth are bared in a ghastly smile as she says, "Really? You believe that story? Not all of us are so badger-brained, my dear." Then Palefire has the audacity to challenge her, and the tortoiseshell rises to her paws, her pelt fluffing out along the spine. "I'm good at plenty," she spits. "Want to try me?"

She's distracted momentarily from her feud with the other she-cat when Thundergleam approaches. Of course, the rogue has only good things to say about the kittypet who'd led her around for two moons! Redflower's ears angle back as she's challenged again. She prepares to say something, when Sleekserpent beats her to it. She gives him an appreciative glance. "That's right. It wasn't StarClan who told her she could stay here and live amongst the rest of us," the tortoiseshell agrees, smugness entering her tone.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

"Please," Foxfang mutters. Long limbs spread out lazily as the warrior settles next to his sister, the dry scoff of disdain being his only contribution to the conversation just yet. (He doesn't look at Skyclaw directly — a few split-second gazes, a curdling jealousy at his sister's ease of communication that he desperately smothers — but the prick of his ears makes it obvious he's listening.) "The only thing Stormywing could have earned her name for is falling. She's more fledgling than fowl." That was a good one, right? His mouth quirks a little in quiet amusement, this time looking to Palefire. Redflower is up and bristling, but he reaches one paw out to brush against her forelimb.

Not worth it. At least not right now. "Maybe we should have a competition, next time we're out hunting," he offers smoothly. "Skyclaw, Redflower, Sleekserpent, and myself. Against Stormywing, Palefire, and Thundergleam. And whoever else is foolish enough to think a kittypet could hunt like real ThunderClan warriors do."

  • OOC.
  • 𝐅𝐎𝐗𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐆. HE - HIM - HIS. YOUNG WARRIOR OF THUNDERCLAN. —————— the child of marsh colony cats, foxfang has grown into a fine young warrior. . . by some standards. he is bold and brave and very opposed to kittypets within the forest. both impressionable and easily impressed, he seeks closeness with those who seem important and is easily molded to their perspective.    PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a long-limbed black tabby and chocolate chimera with large swathes of white. his fur is overall short, aside from a thicker "mane" around his throat and an odd tuft on his nose. his eyes are an intense amber-orange.

Badgerstripe spends a lot of her free time these days lingering around Sleekserpent, finding him easier and easier to get along with ever since their little one-sided scuffle all that time ago. But for all that they had in common, they had their differences, too. Badgerstripe, for one, isn't too keen on joining in with the kittypet talk that seems to follow Sleekserpent around as much as she does.

She doesn't care about the kittypets, not enough to defend them and not enough to outwardly scold them. But there's an uncomfortable aura about her as she finds herself yet again an unfortunate bystander to an unfolding squabble about the topic. The tortoiseshell rests near Sleekserpent, grooming herself, when Redflower stops Skyclaw in his path to the warriors' den to go on and on about the same thing she's always on about - kittypets.

She'd ignore it, as always. These days, wallowing in her own gloom, it was easy. But.. this time, Sleekserpent chirps up, and her attention is piqued. He speaks of StarClan and the mistakes they make, and Badgerstripe.. sort of agrees. They seem just as prone to mishaps as the living; after all, they didn't stop the wolves from invading, or Badgerstripe from leaving camp open to them.. an uncertain glance is thrown her friend's way, and then again to Palefire, who also joins in the conversation on behalf of Stormywing (she notes how frustrating it is to have to pick a side, and speaks up for neither of her friends). It wouldn't be ThunderClan if everyone got along, she thinks. Not her ThunderClan.

A proposition is thrown into the fray - a hunting competition between the kittypet defenders and their adversaries. Badgerstripe notes that the count isn't equal - four on three - but nervously holds her tongue and resumes to her grooming, willing Sleekserpent to let the trouble pass. I'll watch, she thinks bitterly. Maybe it was the least she could do to show some semblance of support to Sleekserpent and Palefire, without picking sides.

The lilac-molly’s ears twitched slightly as Thundergleam approached the three of them, and for some reason she couldn’t quite name, she found herself scooting subtly further away from Skyclaw. Something about being caught in this kind of conversation made her deeply uncomfortable. She didn’t want to say that she was ashamed to be keeping company with someone who openly despised the non-trueborn members of their clan, but… after the disappointed look she’d received from Nightbird after the last time she’d talked this way with Skyclaw, she was beginning to doubt herself. Her head bobbed slightly in agreement with what the ivory she-cat was expressing, but it didn’t take long for more dissenters to appear.

Sleekserpent might have a point about it not being Starclan’s design to allow kittypets into Thunderclan’s ranks, but she would never openly say that Howlingstar’s judgement was at fault. She trusted her leader whole-heartedly. It was the older black tabby who had first forgiven her for the mistakes she’d made with the wolves, and had given her the grace to prove that she could be better than that. Not many of her clanmates had been so kind, and she wouldn’t forget that nor allow anyone else to besmirch their leader’s name. “Whose fault exactly do you think it is, then?” She challenged pale warrior, eyes narrowing dangerously. If they were going to try to place all the blame onto Howlingstar, they should be brave enough to say it aloud.

But the obnoxious leech who seemed intent on trailing after Skyclaw like a lovesick kitten had to butt in again. “I do believe it. You see, some cats are liars, and others are not. It’s pretty easy to sort out which is which, don’t you think?” And of course, Redflower took immediate offense to her taunting, which was her intended affect. A slow, cold grin traced her lips as the other molly suddenly sprang to her paws, looking as if she wanted nothing more than to tear into Palefire right then and there. Good. Give me a reason to put you in your place.

Alas, her snake of a brother came along to spoil the boiling tension between them, offering some nonsense about a hunting competition. Her tail twitched with annoyance, but she quickly realized that this could be the perfect way to put this ridiculous argument to bed. She was, in fact, an excellent hunter, and would have no trouble besting this band of mousebrains. She smirked arrogantly and rose to her paws, maneuvering to stand at Thundergleam’s shoulder. “Alright then. I suppose I could take the time to show you what a ‘real Thunderclanner’ actually looks like.”

  • [ so sorry for the late reply </3 ]
  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to meadowpaw and Ivorypaw / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.