behold the future | pondering warrior names

A small sigh emerges from her lips, her ears constantly flicking to dislodge persistent bugs buzzing around them. "I know right? I was about to undergo my warrior assessment before the rogues came and ruined everything. Now I'm not sure how much longer I will have to wait." It is a fact she admits begrudgingly. The uncertainty of everyone's future hung in the balance by an ever unraveling thread. Its fibers are frayed by unforeseeable circumstances. She wondered how Fernpaw was doing and prayed to starclan that he was in a much better predicament than she was. Glancing around the group she continues trying to lift the mood a little. "What do you think your warrior names will be?" It was something she often pondered although every name she eventually thought of never quite stuck. (initially questioning @DIPPERPAW and @sprucepaw)
≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖
Her mother lingers at the edges of the encampment, tail twitching with uncertainty as Sprucepaw mingles with some of the apprentices. Mapleberry is a socialite herself, too chatting with some stranger cats, however she knows her folly of a daughter is chatting along for chances at friendship rather than choice information and secrets. Sprucepaw is dully unaware, but the black tabby will learn later that day how important it is to goad out tidbits of the other Clans without crossing any lines. For now, her daughter is allowed a bit of fun and ignorance.

"That sucks!" Sprucepaw exclaims, tail lashing, "I'm sure I'd be sooooo upset if I had to wait any longer for my warrior name, much less my assessment. Hopefully Cicadastar decides you don't need to be tested and gives you one right off the bat!" The tenseness of the lost leader is not found on the shoulders of the young ShadowClan apprentice. She thinks of the question for a second, "Hmmm... Maybe Chilledstar will name me after my mom. Her name was Pigeonthroat - but Sprucethroat doesn't ring much of a bell. Oh! My other mom's name is Mapleberry," she smiles at the black and white femme, "Sableberry has the same ring to it," she suggests.​

There was still a couple of moons that separated Dipperpaw from warrior-hood, but she didn't mind the wait. She was not in a rush to charge through life like some cats were, though she cannot help but admit that she is excited to be able to traverse the territory without the need to be chaperoned by an adult, by someone who looms over her shoulder and questions her every movement. "Sprucethroat has a nice ring to it..." her voice is flat but she means it, throat is a prefix that she would not mind having but she cannot fathom any reason why it would ever be given to her. "Perhaps I will be named something like Dippertuft, after my mother, or Dippersong after my first mentor" it would be a nice memory, a name with meaning but if she is honest she wants something all her own

"I wonder..." she says to Sablepaw, voice soft as she ruminates "Who it will be that names us" images flash of their leader laying broken in the camp that they had been forced to flee, of Smokethroat who she had not seen but she does not doubt had needed to be pulled away from his mates corpse. Would Cicadastar ever wake from his dreams with StarClan or would he die as many times as it took for him to take his place among the stars permanently?

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ At the sight of her friend and another clanmate, Beepaw draws closer with both of her ears perking forward wondering what they were all talking about and she pipes out a soft greeting to the trio "Hello," She offers a faint smile only to settle down beside Sablepaw carefully and it seems they were discussing the subject of warrior names and her interest is piqued immediately. Sprucepaw and Dipperpaw start musing potential names for themselves either after their kin or mentor which makes Beepaw think of what her own warrior name would be even if that was a century away in comparison to Sablepaw and Dipperpaw who were older than her. Beethroat. After my mentor and father. She mentally muses to herself though she's not sure if the name itself is fitting or if she would receive it. The Shadowclan apprentice mentions how Cicadastar should skip the assessment for Sablepaw and simply give the bicolored molly her warrior name, she silently agrees but the sound of her father's name on the tongue of the tabby stung much like her own namesake.

"I wonder... Who it will be that names us."

Beepaw's pupils widening then narrowing within seconds as she turns her gaze to Dipperpaw with a frown present on her maw and her nonexistent brows furrowing at even the thought of anyone else but Cicadastar giving them warrior names. "It'll be Cicadastar, of course." The kingsblood states with certainty in her voice even if in the depths of her mind, she's beginning to doubt herself and the return of the river king growing more slim. She wants to hold onto the belief that her father, her sire, and leader will return from those greedy, foxhearted rogues and all will be well again. Her paws shuffle slightly and her gaze turns down to them as she adds in a more quiet voice "I hope..."

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed

Her shoulders tense at the mention of Cicadastar, eyes falling briefly to her paws. They still had not seen any trace of their leader and while her hope was faint she had enough faith that he was out there somewhere. He had to have been. Perhaps he was formulating the best way to take down the rogues. Maybe he was picking them off one by one. She could only hope. The shadowclan apprentice aptly tosses the name Sableberry forward and she blinks, abruptly knocked from her inner thoughts. "I suppose it does, but I don't think it would be very fitting." Sablepaw mused with a small smile. Her pelt was hardly colorful enough to carry such a name. Blue eyes drift skyward in thought as she tumbled to possibilities of her own name within her mind.

"Sableshade, Sablefang, Sable...ripple?" It would've been an honor to be named after her mentor, Cindershade. But she doubted Cicadastar wished to name her after her parents, especially the latter of the two. The betrayal and anger radiating within the river king's eyes after learning of Boneripple's departure was something Sablepaw hoped to never see again. Dipperpaw whispers a question just in time for Beepaw to hear. The senior apprentice flicks her tail in a friendly manner against Beepaw's side before nodding. "It will be Cicadastar. I'm sure he's waiting for all of us." Though she smiles her tone lacked the optimism intended.

≖≖ riverclan apprentice / twelve moons old / she/her ≖≖