camp BEJEWELED // “first prey ceremony”


Jan 27, 2023

Wails pierce the air, a child was born. Rooktail lets out an adoring shrill and franticallly her newborns fur backwards to help regulate it’s breathing. Though half naked, it was abudantly clear that her child had unsurprisingly taken after Sleetwhisker and herself. The whole entire family wore solid black fur, matted and knotted with small ears and flat faces. A trait that was unwanted by many, but the similarities the parents shared with the child was a celebrated sight.

It’s a she-kit!” Hoots Sleekwhisker, the Tom had not left his mate’s side since she had gone into labor in the sun-rise. It was now well past moon-high. “Blood of our blood for sure… she looks just like us.” He continues in a celebratory shrill, thunderous purrs vibrating in his throat.

Rooktail grins ear to ear and lets off on the grooming, her newborn daughter was itching to move. Blindly with tiny pink feet the kit searches for her mothers belly to latch. The only desire in her little mind was to get milk drunk and sleep…

”Ohhh… I’ve always wanted a daughter, Henry.” She calls her mate by his kittypet name without thinking in this intimate moment, she cannot bother to be sorry for it either. Sleetwhisker will always be Henry to her, just like how she’d always be Bessie to him. They had met a long, long time ago, Bessie had been the pet of an elderly woman and Henry had hailed from a suburban twoleg family. As partial outdoor cats their fates had been interwoven since the night Bessie had gone out for a brisk walk and encountered the Tom cat with some twoleg trash stuck on his head! An encounter clearly neither one of them had forgotten.

We get to name her! Oh, what shall we name her?” Rooktail doesn’t hesitate, “I’ve always wanted a little girl named Cindy, and oh she looks exactly like a Cindy should, don’tcha think? I would like to call her… Cinderkit.

Cinderkit.” Sleetwhisker tastes the name and nods supportively, “What a beautiful name... Cinderkit, our daughter!.” A honeyed coo pours from his maw, so sweet, tender, and caring the new parents are. With the prevalence of a healthy baby, Cinderkit latches and feasts on milk to the sound of praise and adoration of the two cats surrounding her. With a content tummy she grows sleepy, the voices fade and so do the tiny thoughts in her brain.

Cinderkit grimaces as she succumbs to sharp licks along her cheeks. Rooktail was brushing her fur with her tongue, despite all the love she was pouring into this grooming session the pulling of knotted fur was causing tears to sting in the she-kits eyes. “Oh… What a mess your fur has become from playing. Almost done now… the tangle is almost out.” Mother says in her ear. The girl only sighs in response, hating that she was cursed with such long fur. She wishes she could pull it out from her skin, she envies all who wear fur that stops growing.

Tangling, knotting, matting were inevitable for cats like Cinderkit’s family. Her mother and father’s fur was a complete mess, knots and matting was found all over them. No matter how much you groomed and groomed, their knots would not come out, Cinderkit has tried many times! It’s exactly why her mother was so keen on keeping her fur in sorts for as long as possible, there would come an inevitable time where the maintenance of her pelt went downstream. It didn’t cause the family too much pain, but it made it difficult to remove burrs and pesky ticks in the warm moons.

Today mother not only groomed her fur to keep it from getting out of sorts, but because it was a big day! Today she would have her first ever solid piece of food, she would eat prey! Da was fittingly calling it her “first prey ceremony”, and soon after she would have her “first fur ceremony” where she would eat prey without the skin stripped. Or maybe it’d be her “first feather ceremony”…? Perhaps even “first scale ceremony”, you could not be picky in ShadowClan. No one spoke it to Cinderkit, but it was almost unfortunate she would be getting weaned off her mothers milk. She had not had to face the miseries of a hungry tummy yet, and her not on prey has allowed more food to be fed to others.

”I wonder what da will bring back.” Cinderkit thinks out loud to her mother, maybe a snipe? They were funny looking birds in comparison to the crow, Cinderkit has always wondered what they taste like. Peering at Rooktail she seems to have a disheartened expression on her face, she was worried Sleekwhisker wouldn’t accomplish bringing anything back at all. Hunting was difficult in ShadowClan, most of the clan went days without eating much at all. Rooktail’s own stomach groaned.

Da does however, bring something back to his mate’s amazement. “Dinner is served! Blood still warm and all.” He barks and jests as he dramatically places a rat down at Cinderkit’s tiny paws. Her eyes, still a light blue due to age, grow wide in awe at the rat. Most ShadowClan cats would consider it scrawny, barely containing any meat, but this rat was essentially just as big as the child. Rooktail doesn’t look all that pleased, a scowl on her face, “A …rat?” The black she-cat would’ve been happy with anything else, a snipe, a toad, a crow, a mouse, but rats were vile vermin… She associates them only with the carrion place. “Oh, Bessie, beggars cannot be choosers. Besides, look at her, she couldn’t be happier!

It was true, Cinderkit wasn’t listening to a word her parents were saying. The smell of rat meat was enough for her to begin licking her lips. Her daughter’s happiness subdues her mothers distaste for the rat, she reluctantly agrees to allow the prey to be used for the ceremony. With her approval da hastily begins to strip the rat the best he can from his pelt- of course it‘s not perfect, but once he’s done there is easy access to the meat. To an adult’s gaze the rat looked even more pathetically tiny now, but Cinderkit’s excitement doesn’t stifle.

This is it! My first ever piece of prey! She wonders what it’ll taste like… the only thing her taste buds have experienced thus far in her life has been milk, dirt, and mud. She does not have the faintest idea of what it could taste like, but she just knew it had to be delicious! She looks at her parents, the most purest of grins on her face, ”Can I eat it now?” Rooktail and Sleetwhisker nod, adoring smiles taking place on their faces.

Inching closer to her meal, Cinderkit‘s nose twitches as she takes in its delicious scent once more. Opening her maw she leans in and sinks her teeth into flesh, the taste of rat blood pouring into her mouth as she rips the meat away. Cinderkit chews the meat into a pulp and takes in its taste, her eyes dancing as she experiences the new sensation in her mouth. Her parents lean in, anticipating her report on how she enjoyed it.

//i will be doing some jumping around with fluid time, Cinderkit is maybe A month and a half or 2 months old in this thread


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 3moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ shadowclan kit . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ carries 100% kittypet & Persian blood

· PERSIAN, smells like murky water and mildew , status — 100%
╰ ‣ black-furred . flat-faced, knotted fur . orange eyes

[size=2╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

╰ ‣ lesbian.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . reluctant to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​
Kittypets in the marsh...the family has always seemed out of place here to Forestshade. She doesn't really comment on it (not a lot, anyway). No reason to, but if she's given a reason she'll be sure to shout it out. From what she hears, they're awfully weird-looking, too; why or how they were allowed in is beyond her. But they're her clanmates now, so she has no reason to argue. A ShadowClanner's a ShadowClanner.

She's padding by the nursery, a fresh bundle of moss for her nest when she overhears the party coming from within. Her steps falter as she listens in, ears angling towards the den's entrance. It appears the proud parents of the kittypet girl are giving her her first taste of fresh-kill. Oh, this oughtta be good. She expects to hear the sound of gagging, of complaints and wishes for crunchy pieces of mouse-dung or whatever two-legs serve. She leans in closer to the outside of then, waiting for Cinderkit's reaction.

Even in the days prior to the famine, this cesspit of a camp was utterly nerve-wracking sometimes. But it has been an entire season since his shoulders felt free of tension. He wears this on his expression and in his gait.

Paws plant themselves into the frozen ground with a vexed wariness. His step is quickened too, marked by an underlying scepticism towards his clanmates, whom the tom shoots fleeting glances at while he cuts across the camp. Ice breaks at the slightest bit of pressure, and because of the fragile state of things here in ShadowClan, Smogmaw naturally expects such pressure to emerge from within.

His half-lidded eyes descend on the fresh-kill pile, which sits just as empty as it did this time yesterday, as well as the day before that. He mutters a breathless complaint. If his whispers could carry on the wind and make their way to listening ears in the heavens, it would be just sublime. Yet StarClan has abandoned them, this much is clear, so he doesn't cross his toe-beans about it.

Affectionate cooing and cawing from off yonder is what tears his focus away from the pile. The tabby cranes his head over his shoulder and looks in the direction it emerged from, glimpsing Forestshade and the nursery behind her.

He can spot movement through the brambles, brief flickers of motion belonging to whichever parents were fawning over their obnoxious offspring. How insolent of them to bring a child into this world, at this time, during this wretched season. The last thing this clan needs is another drain on its already-scant resources. Absolutely appalling behaviour.

"Hmmph," he huffs, shuffling over beside the blind huntress and peeking in the den. A flick of the brows denotes the moment he identifies the family within. "Probably better for her than pellets, at least," murmurs Smogmaw, who exhales sharply through the sniffer afterwards.

It should be worth noting that in spite of the prejudicial remarks he has made time and time again, he harbours no true ill will towards kittypets. He simply does so to fit in, and it has worked out pretty well for him thus far.

Though their origins disgust her even moons after their integration into ShadowClan, Lichentail cannot help but bear scars of deep envy regarding Rooktail and Sleekwhisker's loving relationship. They are physically affectionate with one another in camp, even, something the longhaired black warrior hasn't seen since her parents were both alive. Their love for each other, their excitement over the birth of Cinderkit, had touched her heart in an unexpected way.

She cocks her head at Forestshade and Smogmaw, peering into the nursery at them now. On silent paws, she joins her Clanmates. "What are you two gawking at?" Her voice is cool as riverwater. "Your time is better spent trying to put something edible in that fresh-kill pile." She peeks her head into the entrance of the nursery, eyes falling on the flat-faced, dark-pelted family in question. "Poor thing looks just like a kittypet," she murmurs, "but at least they're starting her out right, eating prey." She waves the length of her tail. "Let us know how it tastes, little one," she encourages with a tired smile.


Chew chew chew, oblivious to the subtle attention she was receiving from clan-mates. The young she-kit knows what a kittypet is, how could one grow up in a clan and not? Her parents had told her that once they were kittypets, Sleetwhisker often spoke little of it and when he did he often degraded his previous life style. Rooktail however, would tell Cinderkit that life as a kittypet had been good and fulfilling. She finds herself neutral on the matter.

Rooktail has tried to explain potential prejudice Cinderkit may receive due to her kittypet blood, but the black she-kit hardly understands. The girl felt no connection to that life, a ShadowClan cat she was through and through though! Like many children her age she dreams of becoming the greatest warrior to ever grace the swampland.

With a big swallow, her eyes light up. ”It’s great!” She squeals to her parents and Lichentail. With now traveling eyes she also spots Forestshade and Smogmaw lurking, she hardly picks up that they held any malicious or judge mental thoughts towards her. Rooktail and Sleetwhisker, however? Most certainly did. Her father seemed to shrink a bit and Rooktail forces all her attention onto her kit, knowing if she did not she would surely get herself in trouble.

A sloppy eater, some blood trickles down her chin. ”All prey… it… taste differently, yea? It don’ all taste the same, does it?” That would be boring…


( secondary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 3 moons . ages on the first
╰ ‣ shadowclan kit . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ carries 100% kittypet & Persian blood

· PERSIAN, smells like murky water and mildew , status — 100%
╰ ‣ black-furred . flat-faced, knotted fur . orange eyes

[size=2╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

╰ ‣ lesbian.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . reluctant to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.​
Smogpaw's approach earns a twitch of a tufted ear, a shh being thrown at him as he makes his comment. It's funny, but she doesn't want her stalking to be given away! Closer, she leans so she can hear better, before the voice of Lichentail reveals their place. Forestshade's ears now pin to her head in annoyance, lips pursing as she leans back. "I don't see you out hunting, just butting in," She mutters immaturely, fluffy tail lashing.

The young warrior waits for an answer to Lichentail's question, head angling back towards the nursery entrance. To her surprise, the kit confirms she likes it, and proceeds to ask about other types of prey. This brings a wolfish grin to the torbie's face and she scoffs out a laugh. "Oh, you've got plenty to learn, kid! When newleaf comes, we'll bring ya a frog! Those are the best, way better than rats." She misses the slimy, delectable morsels. The thought of them has her drooling as she becomes all too aware of the emptiness of her stomach.